
annoying headlock

A solution to the annoying headlock

My daughter and I are practicing the headlock escape for my online self-defense videos. I think she’s enjoying it a little too much. It’s okay to smile, giggle and laugh when you learn.

annoying headlock

There’s no reason to create anxiety and fear when teaching self-defense skills to children, especially if they have been victimized and bullied.

If you are a subscriber, I just added two self-defense videos to your membership featuring headlock escapes from standing and on the ground.

Member Login


Not a member? Join now!

If you are not a subscriber but want to teach your children, age six and up, self-defense skills that are fun, playful and empowering, it’s easy to sign up at my website. My online self-defense videos and curriculum are ideal for home, school, after school, and church youth programming.

Enroll in the subscription plan

It’s that easy.

Have a question or comment before you sign up? Contact me.

Want a free video to review? Request your free video. 

It’s not too late to add self-defense training to your summer camp. Live or virtual.

I have everything you need to teach self-defense at home, school, after-school clubs and church youth programming, including lesson plans and talking points. Check out the curriculum options.

summer camp

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls! 

online self defense

Fun, playful and empowering online self-defense

“Fun, playful and empowering; Great for the whole family!”

This is how a parent described The Great Flip online self-defense videos. 

And this is exactly my hope for you and your family. I want the training experience to be empowering, of course, but also playful and fun. Self-defense training doesn’t need to be any scarier than the topic usually is for kids. Learning skills in a playful way can make the topic of self-defense easier to talk about with your family.

This is achieved in my step-by-step streaming self-defense videos suitable for ages six and up. 

Each video is three minutes or less and you will learn one empowering technique. I also have solo conditioning drills and “social-distancing” approved videos too. These videos will introduce you to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu and complement your fitness goals. Oh, don’t have any fitness goals?  … well, now you do! 😍

Request a free video

And while we are all at home quarantined due to COVID19, learning self-defense skills is a fun and meaningful family activity.

Give your kids confidence and courage while you maintain a controlled environment. You will discover meaningful time together learning these skills and talking about the value of these skills as you deem appropriate for your family.

And when you subscribe, I’ll teach you how to set up a safe place to train in your home (so you don’t knock over the lamp or hurt yourself). See you on the mat! – Coach Jody


Choose a plan and let’s get started!



online self-defense for girls

“Will my students be karate-chopping each other?” and five Q&A about the self-defense curriculum

In a recent radio interview, I was asked five questions about The Great Flip self-defense curriculum (the second question is definitely my favorite):

  • Can children really defend themselves?
  • After learning the techniques, will students be karate-chopping each other all the time?
  • How can a school implement the curriculum?
  • Does the teacher need to have martial arts experience to offer The Great Flip curriculum?
  • What age is the program intended for?

#1. Can children really defend themselves?

When we think of self-defense we tend to think of hitting back. However, I believe learning self-defense is more than a physical action or reaction. Self-defense training begins long before something physical happens. It begins with learning to be aware of your surroundings. It means understanding your personal space. Self-defense is learning how to use your voice to establish boundaries and communicate intentions. And self-defense training means learning physical movements and techniques that prepare children to defend themselves. Children can definitely learn to defend themselves.

#2. After learning the techniques, will my students be karate-chopping each other all the time?

This is my favorite question, because it addresses the personality of a child’s and teacher’s perception of a self-defense class. The last thing teachers want in their PE class is a bunch of wild ninja’s running around. But in all honesty, when students come to class be prepared for the inner ninjas to emerge! However, you will have the opportunity to share The Great Flip approach! Students will be introduced to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Bjj) … where there is no striking or hitting allowed. Bjj addresses situations and strategies on the ground, which is where 80 percent of fights land. And Bjj empowers smaller framed people to defend themselves using leveraging and technique not force and aggression.

The Great Flip Approach. The Great Flip self-defense curriculum is a non-combative approach to self defense. The student will not be taught to strike, kick or use aggression or force. They will learn distance management, situational awareness, punch protection and techniques to de-escalate and escape situations. They will learn discipline, teamwork and trust. Jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport which means many movements are happening on the ground. Students will be challenged mentally and physically while learning foundational Bjj movements to build confidence and courage while the teacher maintains control of a safe experience.

Request a sample curriculum to learn more about Brazilian jiu-jitsu

#3. How can a school implement The Great Flip self-defense curriculum?

The primary use of the self-defense curriculum is in PE class. The techniques are progressive in nature. The curriculum is designed to grow with your students from first-grader through 12th grade. The self-defense curriculum includes everything you need:

  • A total of 32 videos 
  • Online Curriculum PDF 
  • Eight Lesson Plans PDF 
  • Eight Talking Points PDF 
  • Class Structure Video 
  • Warm-up Exercises Video 
  • Stretches Video 
  • Animal-inspired Conditioning Drills Video 
  • Jiu-jitsu-inspired Games Video 
  • 20 Self-Defense Technique Videos 
  • Seven Bonus Self-Defense Technique Videos 
  • A total of 27 Self-Defense Technique Videos 

And something fun is happening! Now after-school programmers and youth directors are taking advantage of the self-defense curriculum. Anyone who wants to build confidence and courage in children is using the curriculum, including:

  • Students, parents, administrators, educators and programmers 
  • Private and parochial school athletic directors and physical education instructors 
  • After-school programmers 
  • Self-defense and martial arts program directors, coaches & instructors 
  • Homeschool educators 
  • Youth & children’s program directors and instructors 
  • Retreat and team-building programmers 
  • Director of Christian Educators (DCE) and church youth leaders 
  • Older students may use curriculum (with adult supervision) for leadership development 

#4. Does the teacher need to have martial arts experience to offer The Great Flip curriculum?

online self defense for girls

No experience necessary! Every segment of the self-defense curriculum is broken down into easy to understand parts including videos, lesson plans, and talking points. Anyone can teach this curriculum. And I, Coach Jody, offer professional support along the way! Simply call, Skype or Zoom and/or I’ll come to visit your location to help, based on location and availability. 

Request your sample curriculum, lesson plan, and free video.

#5. What age is the program intended for?

The Great Flip self-defense curriculum is for 1st – 12th grade … and mom and dad too! I love challenging the students to go home and teach their parents these valuable life skills (and no karate-chopping!) 😍

Let’s get started. Learn more and enroll.


Testimonial from St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville:

St. John School in Ellisville 6th graders warming up for self-defense PE class.

My sixth graders look forward to P.E. class during the self-defense unit. The videos are easy to follow and the students quickly picked up on the techniques. They definitely grew in confidence learning these skills.” 

– Bob Duebberke, Athletic Director/P.E. Teacher, St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville, Missouri


Testimonial from Immanuel Lutheran St. Charles:


What is The Great Flip?

Martin Luther, the great reformer, referred to the gospel as The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.

“For our sake he made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Through my instructional videos and online resources, you will experience great flips engaging your body, mind, and spirit!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

Shop Three Curriculum Plans Here




In less than three minutes you can learn this self-defense technique

Every video from The Great Flip is less than three minutes. And in every video, you will learn a simple and empowering self-defense skill inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Ready to give it a try?  In less than three minutes you can learn this self-defense technique. Find a training partner and get ready to learn the Wrist Escape technique:

Hi friends, I’m Coach Jody! I will be your guide and coach in the online self-defense courses from The Great Flip. My video library has more than 40 empowering self-defense movements and techniques. And I continue to grow the library each month. Each video is designed so you can learn a self-defense technique in less than three minutes. Once you subscribe to an online course, your videos will stream from Vimeo.

It is my hope to introduce you and your child to self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is proven to be one of the best martial arts because of its focus on real-to-life self-defense situations, ability to live drill and focus on ground “grappling” situations.

Self-defense training is like any other sport. It takes practice. You can’t expect to be the best at any sport without repetition and practice. But if your schedule is busy or your martial arts options are limited, expensive or sweaty (okay I’ll say it “smelly”), then my online self-defense training videos might be a great way to begin your journey.

Ready to learn more techniques? Click here to choose a self-defense training plan

Three easy steps to get started:

1. Choose your online self-defense videos.

2. Enroll.

3. Train.


Christian School and Homeschool Martial Arts

Adding a martial art unit to your Christian School and/or Homeschool schedule will fulfill your child’s physical education requirements and it adds a ton of value to your child’s character development. Instead of going out to a big box martial arts academy, bring the martial arts experience home. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It’s a fun and healthy outlet to release energy
  • It will improve focus on schoolwork
  • It will boost your child’s confidence
  • It will develop strength and flexibility
  • It will empower your child to overcome the fear of bullies
  • You control the schedule and expense
  • It offers a real-life application to self-defense
  • It’s a fun activity the whole family can enjoy during or as an after school enrichment
  • It puts you in control of the experience

Let’s begin with the last point, first; “Mom & Dad, you are in control of the experience.”

This was the most important benefit to me. Let me preface this with the fact that I have daughters. I was ultra-sensitive to the messaging at a particular martial arts academy. The environment was male-dominate, built for disciplining boys, and lacked emotional intelligence for motivating different personalities.

I wasn’t looking for a participation trophy for my girls, but I was looking for a place where girls could thrive safely. Depending on your child, he or she may not be ready for a co-ed training experience. As a homeschool parent and coach, you get to control the situation and the talking points. You know how to motivate and discipline your child. When you bring the martial arts experience home, you can teach the skills and motivate your child as you see fit. And of course, you get to control the cleanliness factor too; just saying.

Here are four tips to help you bring martial arts to your Christian School and/or homeschool.

Choose a martial art.

I was seeking a martial arts experience that would have a strong self-defense application for my daughters. I picked the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Bjj). Bjj is a grappling sport which means there is a lot of ground movement, much like wrestling.

The overall strategy of Bjj is to control your opponent. It focuses on skills to take an opponent to the ground, controlling one’s opponent, gaining a dominant position, and using a number of techniques to force them into submission.

Studies show that 95 percent of street fights end on the ground. The techniques learned in Bjj enable participants to escape, attack or get into a more dominant position.

Bjj is also a martial art designed for a smaller, weaker practitioner to subdue much larger and stronger opponents. Participants use techniques and leveraging skills instead of relying on brute force. All martial arts provide confidence and courage, but only Bjj connects the sport to self-defense in a way that everyone, of all ages, can learn.

Create a training space.

You don’t need a large amount of space to train at home, but to protect the lamp and china, you might want to create a training/fitness space. I purchased interlocking mats. You can also find inexpensive three-fold gymnastic mats. If you want to get fancy and go all out, you can purchase professional Bjj mats. I spent $40 on two sets of interlocking mats. I have a basement/lower level in my house for my exercise space. Some people use their garage or a spare bedroom. Many homeschool families get together in their co-op and/or church to purchase mats and find a communal space to train together. Here’s a glimpse of my little training space at home:


Get a training partner.

You can begin with a few “no-contact” movements and warm-ups, but in order to get the most benefit from the experience, you need a training buddy.  Learning a martial art with your child can be a fun and rewarding experience. Inviting your child’s best friend and a group of friends enhances the experience.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is referred to as the gentle martial art. You and your child can simulate real techniques in real-time with a low risk for injury. Of course, there’s always a risk, but Bjj lends itself to learning real self-defense skills with low risks. In my instructional videos, I focus on escaping, controlling and submitting techniques inspired by Bjj movements. Click here to request a free video.


Subscribe to a professional online self-defense/martial arts curriculum.

My husband and daughters inspired me to develop an online martial arts experience inspired by Bjj. After seven years of training Bjj and earning my purple belt, I took a leap of faith to bring martial arts to everyone with an online learning platform. My daughters appreciated the opportunity to train at home, train with trusted family and friends and feel empowered. Before launching The Great Flip, I did peek at YouTube, but all I found were sweaty guys filming from their garage. Most videos were designed for older boys and girls encouraging violent and aggressive self-defense tactics. I’m not opposed to aggressive behavior, but for my daughters, I wanted a level-headed approach to their training. Again, Bjj offered the best approach. Children as young as first grade through high school can benefit from my introductory approach. My teaching style is fun, playful and empowering. See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

Check out my streaming videos on Vimeo. Click here.

Contact me for a free lesson plan and videos. Click here.

Find a plan that works best for you. Click here. 

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls ages six and up. Request a free video at

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh. 

Coach Jody is featured on KFUO Radio “The Coffee Hour”



It’s A Great Time to Join The Great Flip

It’s a great time to join The Great Flip! I am coming up on my one-year anniversary which means there is a solid selection of online self-defense instructional videos to choose from. If you have hesitated to join in the past, the wait is over. Now is the time to learn self defense!

The Great Flip is an introduction to self defense for girls, ages 6 and up, inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu, nutrition and faith-based motivation.Great Time to join The Great Flip

If you have ever wanted to try a self-defense class, but feel a little intimated by the big gym experience, try training with me, Coach Jody. Each video is approximately three to four minutes in length. I break-down one simple technique per video and walk you through each step. You will watch girls just like your daughters, age range from six to 13 trying the technique. We had so much fun making these videos together. And you will have a ton of fun learning the techniques with your favorite girl friends.  Learning self defense is a great way to get in shape while also learning valuable life skills!

self defense from the ground up

The majority of the techniques featured in my online instructional videos are centered on escaping dicey situations, such as wrist escapes, choke escapes, bear hugs, etc. and of course becoming comfortable with movements on the ground inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  But I also introduce  a few submission techniques including The Arm Lock (Kimura), The Triangle and now, I am releasing The Arm Bar.

Learning these techniques in a safe environment will allow you to practice at your own pace with people you trust.

Right now, there are more than 20 videos available to subscribers with many more coming throughout the summer including the “Core 12 Self-Defense Techniques”, the “See you on my mat” video series and many more. Click 2 Ways to Join to learn more and get started.

If you’d prefer to begin with the “Core 12 Self-Defense Techniques” I do offer a non-subscriber program. Check that out too. 

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

PS. And yes, you can order a Patch just like you see in this blog post. Patches are $3. Send me an email and I’ll process an order for you.

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls

Now is a great time to join The Great Flip

Coach Jody



At the Intersection of Jesus and Jiu-jitsu

At the Intersection of Jesus and Jiu-jitsu

Have you been hurt or confused by the church? Listen. Are you seeking truth from multiple religions, theologies and philosophies? Listen. Are you grappling with a decision to step into mixed martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu or self defense for you and your daughter? Listen to this podcast and you will find my Podcast guest, Donavon Riley at the intersection of Jesus and jiu-jitsu.

My guest, Donavon Riley shares his journey from drugs to faith, lies to truth, lost to found and so much more. He shares his 12 year-old daughter’s journey away from taekwondo to  jiu-jitsu, and her discovery of perseverance and strength. This podcast is for anyone who is seeking to strengthen their faith and courage to walk onto the Bjj mats. Donavon Riley can be found at the intersection of Jesus and jiu-jitsu and at and his Banned Books Podcast. See you on the mat at

Click on the play button below to listen to this Podcast. Subscribe to The Great Flip Podcast in Spotify, Google Podcasts, Anchor and more to stay up-to-date with The Great Flip.

If this is your first visit to The Great Flip?

Welcome to The Great Flip!

I’m Coach Jody and I teach online self defense and life skills to girls inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu, nutrition and faith-based motivation. The Great Flip instructional videos are designed for girls ages 6 and up (yes, and mom too). I’m a mother of two daughters and a purple belt certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor.

Coach Jody

Here at The Great Flip, you and your daughter can learn simple self-defense techniques in the comfort of your own home. Simply subscribe to my online instructional videos. Each video is less than three minutes and teach one simple self-defense technique. Let’s give one a try right now. Let’s learn the Wrist Escape.

Ready to learn more? Feel free to explore my website and get to know more about The Great Flip. Search for my videos on YouTube or Vimeo at The Great Flip Online Self Defense.

Click 2 Ways to Join to get started.

If you are not familiar with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, that’s okay. It was a new concept to me too. But after a lot of research, my husband and I discovered jiu-jitsu and learned it was the best martial art for our daughters because it addresses the ground game situation like no other martial art. Don’t get me wrong, karate and taekwondo are fun, but are not real to life when it comes to self-defense. And Krav Maga looks good in theory, but you better be bigger and stronger and probably faster if you want to be successful at it.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu equips a smaller person to overcome a larger person by learning techniques. I’d like to introduce you to this martial art within the safety of your home and or group of friends.

I have more than 20 videos to expand your online self-defense training and many more resources as a subscriber. Click here to see this option

Why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu?

Techniques taught in the online self-defense instructional videos

  • Break Fall and Technical Lift
  • Push Kick
  • Punch Protection from Standing and on the Ground
  • Hip Escapes
  • Bridges
  • Ground Protection Drills
  • Wrist Escape
  • Choke Escape
  • Hip Bump and Arm Lock Drill
  • Mount Escape
  • Arm Bar
  • Triangle
  • And more coming every month!

Click Join Us to learn more and get started.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

Be sure to share this podcast and my website with the favorite girls in your life on social media @thegreatflip #thegreatflip

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls!

self defense from the ground up

Self Defense from the Ground Up

“Stay on your feet!” This is the advice I heard a self-defense instructor give a group of middle school students. Great advice. But 80 percent of self-defense situations end on the ground, especially for girls. Then what?

The ground becomes a position of power and strength when you train Brazilian jiu-jitsu!

The Great Flip is an introduction to self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Bjj). Bjj is designed for smaller opponents to dominate larger ones using technique rather than strength. And Bjj is a grappling sport which means it spend a majority of its training addressing self-defense situation from the ground.

Many traditional martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo have nice qualities but fall short in real-life application. Katas teach nice patterns of movements but do not address techniques required when a girl hits the ground and must defend herself from the floor. If a girl can’t be stronger is a self-defense situation, then jiu-jitsu will make her smarter!

The online videos from The Great Flip are designed for everyone, ages six and up. The program is designed to be fun, playful and empowering. Gain confidence and courage in a controlled environment training online. 

Get started in three easy steps:

The Great Flip overcomes these Fear-Factors!

If learning self defense feels overwhelming or scary, The Great Flip is a great place to start. Here are three fear-factors my daughters experienced and overcame by using my online self-defense program at The Great Flip:

Physical Location

  • Yep, a lot of Bjj gyms smell
  • The gym is too far away
  • The gym is full of fighters and not family-friendly
  • The gym requires a one-year costly contract, uniform fees, etc.

Physical Touch

  • You have to train and roll around with strangers
  • Yep, some strangers smell and are sweaty
  • You might be the only girl at the gym

Physical Fitness

  • You aren’t in shape yet
  • You can’t afford to join a Bjj gym and a fitness center

I developed The Great Flip to give everyone a positive experience.

A Better Experience at The Great Flip

  • Set up a simple training space (home gym). Read this blog to see my simple home gym set up (trust me, it’s very simple)
  • Train with familiar, trusted family and friends
  • Get in shape while you learn empowering life skills

From the Ground Up Skills you will learn as a subscriber

  • Ground Escape Drills
  • Bridges
  • Hip Escapes
  • Hip Bumps
  • Arm Locks
  • Arm Bars
  • Triangles
  • Punch Protection from the Ground

Here’s a glimpse into one on the ground drills you can learn. Find this and other promotional videos on my YouTube Channel at The Great Flip Self Defense. Be sure to subscribe!

Begin your self-defense journey with The Great Flip! Click here to get started!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

the great flip break fall

A Self-Defense Technique Every Girl (and Her Mom) Should Learn

Self defense is protection from potential injury. Sometimes this means defending yourself against a bully or aggressor. But today, I want to share one technique every girl (and her mom) should learn. I believe self defense is a life skill. And this technique is definitely a life skill! Check this out.

The Fall

We all do it. The most common reaction to falling to the ground is throwing our arms back to break the fall. And of course, the most common injuries from falls include strained or broken hands, wrists, elbows, arms and/or shoulders. And sometimes serious injury can occur to the head and spine.

the great flip break fall
The Break Fall

Try this test. From a safe seated position, roll backward and try NOT to use your arms or elbows to cushion you fall. We instinctively react by throwing our hands or elbows back to cushion the fall. Statistically, we are more likely to fall than to be involved in a serious self-defense situation. Inevitably, we will accidentally trip then fall or get pushed then fall.

It’s time to learn a new muscle memory and protect yourself from serious injury. Every girl and, yes you too, mom, should learn The Break Fall.

The Great Flip Break Fall

I teach simple self-defense techniques! Nothing difficult or crazy. But definitely life-changing and empowering for you and your daughters. The Great Flip is online self defense and life skills for girls ages six and up. I introduce girls (and her family) to self-defense techniques inspired by the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu. These techniques do not require super strength or coordination. As a matter of fact, the techniques will strengthen your body and promote coordination skills. Learning self defense is a great way to get physically fit while learning new life skills. You control the environment and the training partners. The Great Flip addresses three fear factors that girls typically face when they consider learning self defense. 

The Great Flip break fall

Most self defense programs rely on force-driven techniques and movements. But Brazilian jiu-jitsu relies on techniques and leveraging your body to move with intelligence. Girls are more likely to be the smaller person in a self-defense situation. She may not be able to muscle her way out of a situation. Jiu-jitsu will train your body to be stronger, and most importantly, to be smarter. Be sure to read my other blogs or listen to my podcasts in the self defense section to learn more about the benefits of jiu-jitsu for girls.

The Break Fall

There are two ways to subscribe to my online self-defense program. Both programs feature The Break Fall technique. The first program features 12 techniques (six from standing and six from the ground). Each video is approximately three minutes or less so you can watch, try, repeat, and master the technique. You can purchase all 12 videos for a one-time payment. No additional subscription content or videos are included in this option. Click 2 Ways to Join

The best program is a subscription program . For a small monthly fee, you gain access to all 12 techniques … and that is just the beginning. In addition, you gain unlimited access to my private “See You on My Mat” video series. In this series, I take you to my home studio and we break down each technique. I add variations, tips and challenges to the techniques. I also offer nutrition and faith-based motivation resources exclusively to my subscribers. Yes, you can learn these techniques at home. You’ll need a few simple supplies. Read this blog or listen to this podcast.

Click 2 Ways to Join to learn more

A Break Fall Video Promo

Now back to the Break Fall. Here is a video promotion to give you a sneak peak at the Break Fall technique. In this video I have designed a drill to simulate a fall and the proper way to get up off the ground to maintain a safe distance from your partner. This technique is called the Technical Lift. As I progress through the simple moves, I teach the girls about distance management.



Here is a break down of the first 12 Techniques you will learn from me here at The Great Flip:

The Standing Series includes:

  • The Break Fall
  • The Technical Lift
  • The Break Fall & Technical Lift Drill
  • The Wrist Escape
  • Choke Escape
  • Punch Protection (from Standing)

The Ground Series includes:

  • The Hip Escape
  • The Bridge
  • Ground Protection Drill
  • Hip Bump + Arm Lock Drill
  • Mount Escape
  • Punch Protection (from Ground)

Join me now! When you become a subscriber, gain access to more than 20 videos. More are being added all the time! I’d love to teach you and your favorite girls these simple yet powerful techniques. Subscribe now by clicking 2 Ways to Join!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls

faith vs martial arts

Can Faith and Martial Arts Co-exist?

Faith and martial arts have co-existed for centuries. Many martial arts carry eastern mysticism origins with it. Symbols on the walls of a dojo or meditations used in the teaching may reflect these origins. Each dojo should be examined and prayerfully considered based on your comfort level. But apart from spirituality, learning a martial art has many benefits such as meeting fitness goals, learning self-defense skills and character development.

I’m thrilled to share a Christian worldview here at The Great Flip. From the beginning of The Great Flip journey, I’ve had three goals:

First, to give girls an online venue to try simple self-defense inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu in her own comfort zone with trusted family and friends.

Second, I want to emphasize nutrition as a form of self-defense against illness and obesity. I share recipes, resources and stories to equip and inspire girls to lead healthy, well-balanced lifestyles.

And finally, third, I want to give girls a Grace Place. A Grace Place is a safe space to learn about Jesus and discover his unconditional love for her. The Great Flip is for all people from all backgrounds and beliefs. I welcome everyone to ponder and mediate on the Christian worldview presented at The Great Flip.

Want to go deeper into Martial Arts and Spirituality. Listen to my friend at the Intersection of Jesus and Jiu-jitsu

Words of Wisdom

The martial art’s experience usually includes a moment of wisdom delivered by the wise instructor.  The sense, professor, or coach imparts wisdom to the student. They might talk about respect, authority and teamwork to name a few.

Here at The Great Flip, I have developed a series of “Words of Wisdom” talking points. Consider this my way of adding a spiritual element to the martial arts community. Each Word of Wisdom is downloadable, just look for the PDF file in the blog.  Each Word of Wisdom has a Bible verse, a short message and follow-up questions or comments for you to discuss with the girls in your life.

Feel free to open or close a “self-defense training” event with these talking points. Encourage the girls to memorize the Bible verses and reflect upon the teaching. Check back from time to time. I’ll continue to add The Great Flip Words of Wisdom!

Here’s a Sample from “Words of Wisdom #3”

Girl Power vs. God Power

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

I believe jiu-jitsu is the best martial art for self-defense because it equips a smaller person to defend against a larger opponent. A girl learns to trust techniques, not her own strength.

Today’s culture attempts to convince girls to reach within herself to find strength. “Girl Power” sounds empowering, but in reality, it’s exhausting. Pressure to perform and expectations to succeed crush a girl’s spirit.  Girls suffer from depression and anxiety now more than any time in history. Girl power falls short. Thank goodness for God’s power! A girl can do anything NOT because of who she is. A girl can do anything because of WHOSE she is! Let His power strengthen you!

How would you describe the difference between Girl Power vs. God Power?

Ask God to fill you with His Power and memorize Philippians 4:13.

Subscribers to The Great Flip gain access to all the Words of Wisdom talking points.

Want to learn more about subscribing to The Great Flip?

Click 2 Ways to Join

To learn more about my online self-defense videos for girls ages 6-18 click here

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls

The Great Exchange

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