“Will my students be karate-chopping each other?” and five Q&A about the self-defense curriculum
In a recent radio interview, I was asked five questions about The Great Flip self-defense curriculum (the second question is definitely my favorite):
- Can children really defend themselves?
- After learning the techniques, will students be karate-chopping each other all the time?
- How can a school implement the curriculum?
- Does the teacher need to have martial arts experience to offer The Great Flip curriculum?
- What age is the program intended for?
#1. Can children really defend themselves?
When we think of self-defense we tend to think of hitting back. However, I believe learning self-defense is more than a physical action or reaction. Self-defense training begins long before something physical happens. It begins with learning to be aware of your surroundings. It means understanding your personal space. Self-defense is learning how to use your voice to establish boundaries and communicate intentions. And self-defense training means learning physical movements and techniques that prepare children to defend themselves. Children can definitely learn to defend themselves.
#2. After learning the techniques, will my students be karate-chopping each other all the time?
This is my favorite question, because it addresses the personality of a child’s and teacher’s perception of a self-defense class. The last thing teachers want in their PE class is a bunch of wild ninja’s running around. But in all honesty, when students come to class be prepared for the inner ninjas to emerge! However, you will have the opportunity to share The Great Flip approach! Students will be introduced to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Bjj) … where there is no striking or hitting allowed. Bjj addresses situations and strategies on the ground, which is where 80 percent of fights land. And Bjj empowers smaller framed people to defend themselves using leveraging and technique not force and aggression.
The Great Flip Approach. The Great Flip self-defense curriculum is a non-combative approach to self defense. The student will not be taught to strike, kick or use aggression or force. They will learn distance management, situational awareness, punch protection and techniques to de-escalate and escape situations. They will learn discipline, teamwork and trust. Jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport which means many movements are happening on the ground. Students will be challenged mentally and physically while learning foundational Bjj movements to build confidence and courage while the teacher maintains control of a safe experience.
Request a sample curriculum to learn more about Brazilian jiu-jitsu
#3. How can a school implement The Great Flip self-defense curriculum?
The primary use of the self-defense curriculum is in PE class. The techniques are progressive in nature. The curriculum is designed to grow with your students from first-grader through 12th grade. The self-defense curriculum includes everything you need:
- A total of 32 videos
- Online Curriculum PDF
- Eight Lesson Plans PDF
- Eight Talking Points PDF
- Class Structure Video
- Warm-up Exercises Video
- Stretches Video
- Animal-inspired Conditioning Drills Video
- Jiu-jitsu-inspired Games Video
- 20 Self-Defense Technique Videos
- Seven Bonus Self-Defense Technique Videos
- A total of 27 Self-Defense Technique Videos
And something fun is happening! Now after-school programmers and youth directors are taking advantage of the self-defense curriculum. Anyone who wants to build confidence and courage in children is using the curriculum, including:
- Students, parents, administrators, educators and programmers
- Private and parochial school athletic directors and physical education instructors
- After-school programmers
- Self-defense and martial arts program directors, coaches & instructors
- Homeschool educators
- Youth & children’s program directors and instructors
- Retreat and team-building programmers
- Director of Christian Educators (DCE) and church youth leaders
- Older students may use curriculum (with adult supervision) for leadership development
#4. Does the teacher need to have martial arts experience to offer The Great Flip curriculum?
No experience necessary! Every segment of the self-defense curriculum is broken down into easy to understand parts including videos, lesson plans, and talking points. Anyone can teach this curriculum. And I, Coach Jody, offer professional support along the way! Simply call, Skype or Zoom and/or I’ll come to visit your location to help, based on location and availability.
Request your sample curriculum, lesson plan, and free video.
#5. What age is the program intended for?
The Great Flip self-defense curriculum is for 1st – 12th grade … and mom and dad too! I love challenging the students to go home and teach their parents these valuable life skills (and no karate-chopping!) 😍
Let’s get started. Learn more and enroll.
Testimonial from St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville:

St. John School in Ellisville 6th graders warming up for self-defense PE class.
My sixth graders look forward to P.E. class during the self-defense unit. The videos are easy to follow and the students quickly picked up on the techniques. They definitely grew in confidence learning these skills.”
– Bob Duebberke, Athletic Director/P.E. Teacher, St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville, Missouri
Testimonial from Immanuel Lutheran St. Charles:
What is The Great Flip?
Martin Luther, the great reformer, referred to the gospel as The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.
“For our sake he made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
Through my instructional videos and online resources, you will experience great flips engaging your body, mind, and spirit!
See you on the mat! – Coach Jody
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