
The Great Flip Online Self-Defense Curriculum

Thank you!  My online self-defense, safety and faith-filled resources have become a big hit for families.

Shout out to American Heritage Girls and True Girls everywhere for becoming faith-filled empowered girls! 💪🏼

It’s time to spread the word to more families so they can incorporate my online resources into their homeschool, in school (for P.E. class) and after-school enrichment activities!

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no-contact safety tip your body

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Why teach self-defense to children age six and older?

Confidence. Courage. Control.  

Learning self-defense will increase your students’ confidence and inspire courage. And bonus … Online self-defense puts you in control of a safe experience.

The curriculum and videos will introduce students to fundamental self-defense movements and techniques inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. You will introduce elements of a martial arts experience to your students including bowing, teamwork, discipline and respect.

Who is using Self-defense Curriculum?

The online self-defense curriculum is now available for 1st – 12th grades. The curriculum is being used by educators to meet physical education and extra-curricular goals in the public, private, parochial and home school environments:

  • Mom & Dad
  • Physical education (PE) teachers
  • Athletic directors
  • After-school program directors
  • Homeschool educators
  • Youth leaders
  • Directors of Christian education
  • Camp directors
  • Team-building directors
  • Self-defense instructors

online self defense for girls

The Great Flip Online Self-defense Curriculum includes:

  • A total of 32 videos 
  • Online curriculum PDF
  • Eight lesson plans PDF
  • Eight Talking Points PDF
  • Class Structure Video 
  • Warm-up Exercises Video 
  • Stretches Video 
  • Animal-inspired Conditioning Drills Video
  • Jiu-jitsu-inspired Games Video 
  • 20 Self-Defense Technique Videos
  • Seven Bonus Self-Defense Technique Videos
  • A total of 27 Self-Defense Technique Videos

The curriculum is complete with downloadable lesson plans, talking points, and online videos for every segment of your class experience including warm-up exercises, stretches, conditioning drills, jiu-jitsu-inspired games and of course, empowering self-defense techniques and movements. 

mats for online self-defense

There’s a plan for every budget. Click here to pick a plan.

What you need to provide:

  • Mats
  • Training space
  • Strong WiFi
  • No experience is required
  • A teachable spirit

Click here to read my “Welcome” blog for more information.

Click here to request a free video and lesson plan


The Great Flip Approach

The Great Flip Curriculum is a non-combative approach to self-defense. The student will not be taught to strike, kick or use aggression or force. They will explore movements in a safe and positive environment. They will learn life skills such as falling safely to the ground. They will learn discipline, teamwork and trust. They will learn about distance management, situational awareness, punch protection, and techniques to de-escalate and escape situations. They will be challenged mentally and physically while learning foundational Bjj movements without fear.

The primary objective of The Great Flip online self-defense curriculum is the exploration of physical movement for self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. They will grow mentally, physically and emotionally with this curriculum. 

Educational Outcomes

online self defense for girls

  • Introduction to, and basic understanding of the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ).
  • Introduction to, and basic understanding of a typical martial art class experience.
  • Introduction to self-defense techniques and physical movements inspired by Bjj.
  • Improved physical fitness by learning and executing movements and techniques. 
  • Improved confidence and courage in executing self-defense techniques.
  • Increased control of physical, emotional and mental self.
  • Increased confidence in gaining positive body language skills.
  • Improved situational awareness learning how to assert, assess and take action.
  • Improved character development skills understanding self-defense as a holistic approach to life.

Click here to request a free video and lesson plan


Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is best for children’s first exposure to self-defense, because:

  • BJJ allows students to live drill techniques with success. 
  • BJJ empowers smaller-framed people to use techniques and leveraging versus force to overcome a larger opponent.  
  • BJJ introduces children to physical contact in a safe environment.
  • BJJ is a “grappling sport” introducing children to movements on the ground which is realistic to real self-defense situations. Most self-defense altercations (more than 80 percent) end up on the ground. No other martial art addresses ground situations like BJJ. 
  • BJJ empowers, builds confidence, and increases mental and physical strength. 
  • BJJ is referred to as the “gentle martial art” giving children a positive martial arts experience.

Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Self Confidence Bully Prevention
Positive Body Image Teamwork
Trust & Respect Strength & Flexibility
Fitness & Conditioning Life Skill & Character Development

What is Brazilian jiu-jitsu?

self defense from the ground up

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art where the main objective is to control a resisting opponent. Since gaining control over an opponent has been proven to be easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the techniques of BJJ is centered around the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions. 

BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique. And students of the sport gain a deep understanding of the workings and limits of the human body.

The Great Flip online curriculum will introduce students to foundational Bjj movements and techniques. Students who participate in the curriculum (and continue to revisit the movements year after year) will gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.

The Gentle Art.

“Jiu-jitsu” translates from the Japanese as “the gentle art.” The idea here is that practitioners can execute moves realistically and at full speed without having to worry they will injure their partner. If caught in a submission, practitioners are taught to “tap” their partner to signify discomfort, and the submitter will release the submission. Jiu-jitsu does not believe in strength, it believes in technique. It uses leverage to overcome muscle and weight. 

A brief history.

In the last days of the 19th century, some jiu-jitsu masters emigrated from Japan to other continents. Mitsuyo Maeda was one such master. Maeda arrived in Brazil in 1915, and settled in Belem do Para, where he met a man named Gastao Gracie. The father of eight children, among them five boys and three girls, Gastao became a jiu-jitsu enthusiast and brought his oldest son, Carlos, to learn from the Japanese master.

For a naturally frail fifteen-year-old Carlos Gracie, jiu-jitsu became a method not simply for fighting, but for personal improvement. At nineteen, he moved to Rio de Janeiro with his family and began teaching and fighting. In his travels, Carlos would teach classes, and also proved the efficiency of the art by beating opponents who were physically stronger. In 1925, he returned to Rio and opened the first school, known as the “Academia Gracie de Jiu-Jitsu.” 


Coach Jody offers video-only plans called the Empowered and Strong Plans

Curriculum plans are called Confident and Courageous Plans.

Click here to shop all plans



Try a self-defense skill inspired by Brazilian jiu-Jitsu.


Now watch this curriculum-inspired video.



About Coach Jody

Coach Jody is a certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor and mother of two daughters. Her daughters inspired her to develop an online self-defense experience to gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.

The Great Flip is a nationally-recognized program alliance for American Heritage Girls, a national Christ-centered character and leadership development organization for girls 5 to 18 years of age. Coach Jody has spent twenty years inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Coach Jody


Now it’s your turn

Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

There’s a plan for every budget. Click here to pick a plan.



the great flip break fall

A Life Skill Every Girl (and Her Mom) Should Learn

A dear friend of mine tripped and fell off a curb the other day. She broke both her hands. Another friend recently moved from the west coast to the midwest and experienced his first ice storm. He slipped and fell walking to his car. These accidents do not need to happen to you or your family. I want to teach you a life skill every girl (and her mom and dad) should learn … the break fall technique!

The Break Fall technique is the first self-defense technique I teach in all of my online self-defense series. It is an excellent self-defense skill, but most importantly, it is a life skill.  

Don’t do this when you fall. 

the great flip break fall

We all do it. The most common reaction to falling to the ground is throwing our arms and hands back to break the fall. And of course, the most common injuries from falls include strained or broken hands, wrists, elbows, arms and/or shoulders. And sometimes serious injury can occur to the head and spine.

Try this test. From a safe seated position, roll backward and try NOT to use your arms or elbows to cushion you fall. We instinctively react by throwing our hands or elbows back to cushion the fall. I can teach you NOT to do this. I will teach you in a simple three minute video a better and safer way to fall. 

Statistically, we are more likely to fall than to be involved in a serious self-defense situation. Learning the break fall technique is not only a self-defense skill, it is a life skill. 

Watch this video for an overview of the technique. 

Ready to learn this important life skill and more! In three easy steps, you’ll be on your way!

  1. Choose your self-defense videos.
  2. Enroll.
  3. Train.


Thinking about teaching self-defense and life skills at your school? Review this video and request a sample curriculum in the contact form:

Enroll here! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls

Feeling worried? Five tips to transform worry into peace.

There is a lot of research now about mental health, especially as it affects our daughters. The dawn of social media opened a pandora’s box on our daughters. Research reveals that girls are more negatively impacted by social media. I was just telling my daughter (now in college) that she represents the first generation “guinea pigs” experimented on by the big media giants. The results are devastating. But there is hope.

Understanding the mental health of your daughter is important to evaluate. But offering real remedies to worry, anxiety and fear are key to empowering her to manage her own mental health.

God’s word gives us tangle tips to battle worry and anxiety. I wrote this devotion for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh and it offers five tips to transform worry into peace. Share this devotion and these five tips with your daughter.

What is the “Therefore” there for?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” 

{Philippians 4:6-8}

Easy for you to say! “Don’t worry.” Sometimes it’s so hard to pray and be thankful when I’m filled with so much worry. Help!

This Bible verse can serve as either a word of despair or a word of comfort. How do you receive these words when you first read them?

Interestingly enough, before Paul wrote these words, he began chapter four with this weird word; “Therefore.” When I see “Therefore,” I want to know what’s it “there for?”

If you go back to chapter three, you’ll find the answer. Paul reminds himself, his church and you to focus on knowing Jesus. He says that “everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.” Philippians 3:8.

Knowing Jesus will give you the power to battle worry. 

Paul does not sugar-coat life. He reminds us that no matter how hard life gets (and it will be hard), you have a peace that exceeds your understanding. When you focus on Jesus, he will guard your heart and mind. 

When worry knocks at your door, God gives you a battle plan! Therefore:

  1. Pray;
  2. Tell God what you need;
  3. Thank Him;
  4. Experience God’s peace; and
  5. Know that His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

ACTION POINT: Next time you feel worried or anxious, grab your Bible, read a favorite Bible verse to remember God’s unconditional love for you. My favorite is Psalm 121. Read it together.

How can you incorporate these five tips to transform worry into peace into your habits this week?

And next time you see a “Therefore” try and figure out what it’s there for.

Anxiety Remedy Tip – Limit Social Media.

And speaking of social media, if your daughter is experiencing anxiety or depression, help her to identify the cause of her worry. Is she stressed about school? Her grades? Peer pressure? Sports performance? Girls are negatively impacted by “comparison” than boys, especially on social media.

Limit her time on social media. This can be difficult because the big tech companies have designed social media to be addictive just like drugs. I encourage parents to watch “The Social Dilemma” a PG-13 Netflix documentary on how social media’s design nurtures an addiction, manipulates people’s views, emotions, and behavior, and spreads conspiracy theories and disinformation, to maximize profit. Set limits! You can find apps and tools to limit the time your daughter is on social media.


Welcome to The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment resources for your daughter age six and up. Request a free self-defense video and lesson plan here.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance!


homeschool martial arts

five tips to transform worry into peace

five tips to transform worry into peace

The Giggle Meter in Online Self-Defense Training

I just finished an in-person training session with my daughter at her college. What a joy to train with her before she graduates this winter. Whether your daughter is 23 years old or six years old, There is a common experience that happens when girls train online self-defense together in a safe space. They GIGGLE! 

I know it sounds strange, but the physical nature of self-defense training requires vulnerability. They are required to trust each other physically and emotionally. When they experience success, their laughter is an outpouring of their confidence. 

Thank you to everyone who is training with me at The Great Flip! What is the GIGGLE meter for your girls?

If you are still thinking about adding The Great Flip to your curriculum, let me know how I can serve and encourage you to add online self-defense and martial arts training to your daughter’s character development.

I designed The Great Flip to empower you to teach a safe and empowering experience … GIGGLES included!

I look forward to serving you.


Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.


The Great Flip online self-defense

Overcome three fear factors with online self-defense

(Featured photo: This is my training partner. His name … wait for it … is Angel. 😍  He and I teach the self-defense skills in many of the videos, then the girls, age six and up will demonstrate the technique with you. Request a free video.)


Self-defense training can be scary. The mere mention of bullies, bad guys and back-to-school may cause anxiety in children. But self-defense training doesn’t need to be scary. As a matter of fact, when children learn simple self-defense skills and techniques, they gain confidence and courage.

Now you can bring self-defense training to your homeschool, school and/or after-school enrichment experience.

Maintain control of a positive, safe and affordable experience. Together we can give girls confidence, courage and faith-filled encouragement to be truly empowered!

Hi friends, my name is Coach Jody and I’m the creator and coach of The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

I developed this online self-defense program to help my daughters overcome three fear factors. Now you can too. No martial arts experience required! My program features step-by-step videos and lesson plans to match your budget. I look forward to serving you! Let’s get started.


Request a free video.


Physical location. Physical touch. Physical fitness.

I’ll never forget the first time my daughters and I stepped into a martial arts academy. We were completely overwhelmed. My girls said the physical location, physical touch and physical fitness were obstacles to their learning experience.

These three fear factors were not what I expected. As a mother, I have my own fears that keep me awake at night. I fear my daughters will be bullied at school. I fear creepy bad guys that lurk around every dark corner (and on the internet). I fear the sex traffickers stalking and stealing children. And now, the germ factor is important to me.  How do these gyms sanitize their facility. Some places were a little sketchy.

Bullies. Bad guys. Back to school.

I suspect my daughters fear these things too, which is why we decided to take self-defense lessons. Instead of relieving fears, they were compounded. One particular martial arts academy was geared for boys and the issues boys face. Girls have a different set of needs. I was seeking a place to build confidence in my daughters. They were geared to build respect and order. Don’t get me wrong. Those qualities are great. But my main goal is to create an opportunity for girls to gain confidence and courage. When you train with me using The Great Flip videos, you will be extremely encouraged by your daughter’s success. My teaching style is fun, playful and empowering. Plus, you can teach your daughter the way you know best.

Online self-defense training is a stop-gap solution to overcome fear.

At that moment in the gym, my daughters inspired me to develop an online self-defense experience. My goal was to design a program to help them gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.

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Let’s talk about those three fear factors. Because we crushed it using The Great Flip!

Rather listen? Listen to “Overcome three fear factors with online self-defense” on my podcast:

Physical Location

At home & homeschool

I bought inexpensive interlocking mats for my home. If you have access to gymnastic mats from your school or church, ask to borrow those. You will need mats because you will be learning skills on the ground. You will be introduced to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. See my notes below called “Brazilian jiu-jitsu is best for children’s first exposure to self-defense.” Check out my blog called “You can learn self-defense at home” to see my home exercise space. Even yoga mats will work.

At school, a church and/or (after-school)

If everyone chips in, your school and church can afford to purchase additional mats. Schools may qualify for grants and scholarships because The Great Flip teaches children safety and fitness life skills which may qualify for assistance from local or federal grants. Do some research and seek financial assistance and invest in mats.

Physical Touch 

Self-defense training requires physical touch. Sparring with a partner allows children to feel resistance to techniques and simulate real self-defense situations. When physical touch is applied in a safe and trusted environment, children can concentrate on the techniques and not physical contact. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport, where moves and techniques must be done in a live drilling situation. Other martial arts like karate and taekwondo tend to simulate movements but not in a real self-defense situation.

Be aware that some children have more sensitivity toward touch than others depending on their story, culture, or sexual history. When you control the experience, you can create open communication. Research has shown that safe physical touch is healing and healthy. Children who train Brazilian jiu-jitsu say the physical nature of the sport brings healing to their relationships, bodies and overall health and wellness.

If you are concerned about physical touch, The Great Flip curriculum offers solo, no-contact skills and drills. Contact Coach Jody for customized curriculum and courses. 

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Physical Fitness

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the excuse “I need to get in shape before I train.” No, No, No, you do not need to get in shape before self-defense training. The techniques are designed to make you stronger, flexible and fit. No experience required. The videos are for beginners of any age. When I started training jiu-jitsu, I was overweight and in my mid-forties. I lost twenty pounds, gained muscle and increased flexibility. My daughters are inspired by the entire process and seek to live healthy lifestyles too. As a matter of fact, I never went back to a fitness club. All my fitness goals are met on the mat training Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The best time to start is now.

A quick glance at the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

I introduce children age six and up to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves or another against a bigger assailant by using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground. To learn more about BJJ click here. 

My teaching method is fun, playful and empowering.

There is no striking or punching in my curriculum. I focus on protection, escapes and submissions.  Read “Will my students be karate-chopping each other?” blog here.

Self Defense from the Ground UpSelf Defense from the Ground UpSelf Defense from the Ground Up

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is best for children’s first exposure to self-defense

  • BJJ allows students to live drill techniques with success. 
  • BJJ empowers smaller-framed people to use techniques and leveraging versus force to overcome a larger opponent.  
  • BJJ introduces children to physical contact in a safe environment.
  • BJJ is a “grappling sport” introducing children to movements on the ground which is realistic to real self-defense situations. Most self-defense altercations (more than 80 percent) end up on the ground. 
  • BJJ empowers, builds confidence, and increases mental and physical strength. 
  • BJJ is referred to as the “gentle martial art” giving children a positive martial arts experience.

Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Self Confidence Bully Prevention
Positive Body Image Teamwork
Trust & Respect Strength & Flexibility
Fitness & Conditioning Life Skill & Character Development

Request a free video 

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I look forward to serving you and equipping you to overcome three fear factors with online self-defense from The Great Flip. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a national program partner for the American Heritage Girls

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip offers faith-based talking points in the lesson plans, podcasts and blogs. The Great Flip seeks to counter the culture with the good news of Jesus Christ. Be sure to browse the blog and media portion of my website! Thank you.

Follow The Great Flip on social media @thegreatflip #thegreatflip.




Two things only a father can do to empower his daughter

Countless books and studies have been published on the father-daughter relationship. And as a daughter, wife and mother myself, I have witnessed the powerful force between a father and his daughters. I’m blessed to have a husband and two daughters who seek to build a strong father-daughter relationship. I’d like to share two things only a father can do to empower his daughter(s) to make their relationship strong. 

Stick around to the end, you can watch my YouTube video featuring my husband teaching our daughter a fun self-defense skill!

Here’s the podcast I produced last year, but it’s still valuable today.  Enjoy. Be sure to scroll down to subscribe and see the offer for free stuff!

Studies show that a good father-daughter relationship leads to increased confidence, better body image, higher intelligence and overall wellness in a girl’s life. Don’t get me wrong, a girl needs her momma, but for totally different reasons. And yes, I know, a mother and daughter can engage in these two activities (highly recommend it).

However, when a father embarks on an intentional journey to do these two simple things, something magical happens. There is a unique and mysterious bond every girl desires to have with her father. And if this bond is missing or broken, the girl will have brokenness in her heart. 

Girls seek approval and attention first and foremost from their dad. Studies show that a girl’s sense of self-worth and confidence is tied directly to her relationship with her father. What he thinks about her and how he expresses his affection for her is a central source of her perceived value. It also affects her femininity and teaches her how to relate to boys and men. Every girl needs a father and/or father figure for future healthy relationships with boys and men in her life. 

Of course we live in a broken world. And fathers and daughters mess up. Sometimes there are little flaws, but many times big, ugly flaws leave scars in relationships. However, it’s never too late to rebuild and restore the father-daughter relationship. These two things are the foundation of the father-daughter relationship. (Be sure to read to the end of this blog to read “What does a good, good father look like?”)

Those two things.

There are two things only a father can do to empower his daughter. These two things will work at any age. Be sure to enter into these activities with an open heart and with the intention to truly connect. I think the father and the daughter will truly be empowered.


Talk to your daughter. Often. Girls tend to connect emotionally through spoken words. I know my daughters love “words of affirmation” from their dad. They love to hear him compliment them, praise them and encourage them. Don’t make this complicated. Talk at home, in the car, on the phone. Send silly texts and emails. Write simple notes and place cards in her backpack or on her pillow. Be intentional about your conversations. As girls get older and schedules get busy, schedule time together to talk. Go to breakfast, lunch and “date nights” together. Talking includes listening. At first, it might be simple or one-ended. But over time, the dialogue will grow as trust deepens. Be willing to be vulnerable. Put down the cell phones. Listen and talk. Look her in eyes and talk to her. 


When your daughter is little, physical contact is easy. Hugging and kissing that sweet baby girl usually comes naturally. But as daughters mature, dads tend to draw back mostly because their daughters are going through those awkward puberty years. But don’t drawback. Daughters still need to be hugged. Daughters need to see and feel how a gentleman treats a young lady. Studies show that girls directly link a father’s physical attention to emotional connection. When a father stops hugging his daughter, she feels abandoned and may perceive she’s done something wrong. Physical connection should not be lost as a girl matures. It might change, but she still needs her father’s loving physical touch. 


Online self-defense to empower your daughter!

Teach her the Brazilian jiu-jitsu style “arm bar.” I have simple step-by-step videos for you.

Try my online self-defense videos to make physical touch intentional and empowering with your daughter. It takes three easy steps to begin online self-defense training.

  1. Choose an online program perfect for you and your daughter.
  2. Enroll and
  3. Begin training.

It’s that easy. Welcome to The Great Flip, online self-defense inspired by the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu, safety and faith-filled empowerment.

Choose your video training. Enroll now.

Don’t get me wrong, the father-daughter dance is sweet.  But from my experience, when the precious father-daughter dance moment comes to an end, the dads head for the nearest corner while the girls head for the dance floor. 

A  father-daughter self-defense event might be a fun way to physically connect with your daughter and give her life skills to last a lifetime! Simply watch the videos and practice empowering techniques together. 

The Great Flip is a great activity a father can do to empower his daughter.

Life Skills for Girls

Try the wrist escape with your daughter.

Want to try a technique now? Click on the picture to the right and try the wrist escape! Every video at The Great Flip is less than three minutes. Short. simple. empowering for girls ages six and up.

Let’s get started. 

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody




Great Time to join The Great Flip


What does a good, good father look like?

You will not find perfection in your earthly father or any earthly father figure. And if you no longer have your earthly father or a strong male role model, there is a Heavenly Father who wants to extend these same two activities to you. He offers his spoken word through the Bible. He offers his physical touch through baptism and communion. The Heavenly Father reveals himself through his perfect son, Jesus. He offers his unending love, compassion and forgiveness which leads to healing, hope and love. He loves you.  This is a free gift … for you. 

  • “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
  • “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

To learn more, find a Christian church in your community that teaches “faith alone. grace alone. the word alone.”

The most important gift you can give your daughter is the gift of Jesus Christ.


Someone is going into the lake. Guess who? Watch this video of my hubby teaching my daughter a few self-defense skills: Click here.


About Coach Jody

Coach Jody is a certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor and mother of two daughters. Her daughters inspired her to develop an online self-defense experience to gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls. These girls value fun father-daughter activities! This is a great activity a father can do to empower his daughter. Coach Jody has spent twenty years inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Enroll now.


(I recommend “Bringing Up Girls,” by James Dobson, whose insight helped me write this blog)

Three tips to overcome fear of germs, bullies and germy bullies

Long before COVID-19 and “social distancing” was a thing, bullies roamed the hallways at home, at school and after-school. They still do. 

By now, our children are familiar with navigating “social distancing” protocols, but do they have the skills to deal with bullies who intend to break physical barriers? Does your child exhibit any new fears of physical contact? This might be due to a bully situation or a new germ phobia. 

Because the “germ” landscape is constantly changing, be sure to communicate with your child to determine the source of their fear and anxiety. Even as “social distancing” norms change, you can teach your children three “no-contact” self-defense skills and empower them to overcome the fear of germs, bullies, and germy bullies. 

Your Voice. 

no contact self defense

Your voice is the first line of self-defense. Ask your child to list all the ways his/her voice can be helpful if a bully is approaching. 

A voice can:

  • Communicate boundaries.
  • Escalate or deescalate a situation.
  • Yell for help.
  • Build up or tear down.
  • Express emotions.

Roleplay with your child and encourage the development of their voice as a form of self-defense. Help your child choose the right words and correct tone of voice when communicating their feelings based on different situations. Teach them to be direct but not bossy, assertive but not aggressive. Begin with a calm voice, but as a situation changes, teach them it’s okay to be loud if necessary. 

(As a self-defense instructor, I encourage children to be loud when counting repetitions in a warm-up exercise. For example, when doing jumping jacks, I will count 1-5, then encourage them to count aloud 6-10. Some children need to control their voice (tone it down, be loud without screaming). Some children need to be encouraged to be loud. There’s something empowering about letting out a good loud shout! Create space to develop your child’s voice.

Inner voice.

A child’s inner voice might dictate the way they express themself outwardly. Talk to your child about the voice inside their head. If they believe things that are not true, give them affirming words to replace the negative voice. Share God’s voice (God’s Word found in the Bible) with your child. Read God’s promises to your child and encourage them to memorize and internalize and recognize God’s voice.  (One of my favorites is Romans 8:37-39.)

End your time by using your voice to speak kind words to each other.

Your Body.  

Taking care of your body is a powerful form of self-defense. Defend your body with posture, hygiene and healthy habits.

Body language matters. no-contact safety tip your body

Poor posture can make your child appear weak. Bullies seek victims who look weak. But strong body language can make them appear strong. Even if they don’t feel confident, they can still look confident by standing tall with proper posture. 

The ole “place a hardcover book on your head” trick works to improve posture every time. Place a book on your child’s head and walk around the room keeping the book balanced. Make sure their head and eyes are up looking forward. Make a game out of this experiment.

Hygiene matters. 

I know you’ve heard it a million times, but it’s worth repeating and practicing. 

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Then go wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

Healthy habits matter.

Good nutrition and exercise defend your body against obesity and strengthens your immune system to fight off germs. Personal trainers and nutritionists agree that a healthy body is 80 percent good nutrition and 20 percent exercise. 

Here are four healthy habits to defend your body: 

  • Drink more water and less sugary drinks. 
  • Get enough sleep. 
  • Eat healthy whole foods and less processed foods.
  • Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes and decrease screen time.

Your distance. 

More than ever, children understand the concept of “distance management.” Prior to COVID, I spent a lot of time explaining “distance management.” Now, I say those two magic words “social distance” and they understand spatial orientation when it comes to the space between people. 

Personal space.  

Now that children understand the idea of “social distancing,” they can apply self-defense strategies to their personal space and safety. 

Your personal space is typically the space inside your arm span. Extend your arms out in front of you. This is your personal space. When confronted with a bully or someone walking towards you, protecting your personal space will keep you safe (from germs and a physical confrontation). 

When your child’s voice is not respected, then your child will need to be prepared to defend his/her personal space.

Roleplay by stepping toward your child. Teach them to keep their arms up while at the same time stepping back or around to maintain their personal space. Use that voice to assert boundaries!

The Push Kick


If a person gets too close, your child can use their hands to push a person away. Or they don’t want to use their hands, they can learn the push-kick self-defense technique.  Request a free video to learn this skill at 

Practice with a training buddy or solo-style.

Keep this activity fun, playful and empowering. Carefully balance on one foot and place the other foot just above your training partner’s knee. Now, push your partner away. If you don’t have a training buddy, carefully use your foot to push open a door. This is the push kick. 

Download the Anti-bully Ebook

Would you like to talk to your daughter about germs, bullies and germy bullies? Do you want to facilitate a grace place for girls to share their fears and anxiety? Download Coach Jody’s “My Anti-bully Ebook.” It includes two self-defense videos (the push kick is one of those videos) girls ages six and up can learn together. This is a fun, playful and empowering learning experience girls can do together or virtually. Click here to download My Anti-bully Ebook.







About Coach Jody

To learn more about self-defense training or create a simple martial arts experience at home, contact Jody Token, the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for ages six and up.

Click here to shop online for self-defense plans.

Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

Click here to visit my homepage.

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homeschool martial arts

No-contact safety tip #3. Manage your “social” distance.

One year ago, two new words entered into our vocabulary: “Social Distance.”

What’s your favorite “Social Distance” sign? I live in the country so it seems to resonate with everyone out here. LOL.

social distance

Prior to the expression “social distance”, I spent a lot of time teaching girls about “distance management” and “situational awareness.” I guess if I were to offer a positive result of “social distancing” is the awareness we have regarding our surroundings. I’m still not a big fan, but let’s look at the bright side and put those social distancing skills to good use for self-defense training.

Share this activity with your daughter.

List the five senses:






Answer: touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing. The senses send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive the world around us.

Discussion: Talk to your daughter about each sense and how it can help her be more aware of her surroundings.

Let’s talk about “distance management” and how it relates to self-defense.

What is “distance management?”


  • Distance management is the awareness of your personal space. Your personal space is anything inside your arm’s length. 
  • Distance management is the awareness of your surroundings such as people, places and situations happening around you. 
  • Good distance management is making sure people are outside of your arm’s length (personal space). Now, it’s six feet apart remembering health and safety for COVID-19 and other viruses. 
  • Good distance management is being aware of your surroundings (all around you).


In self-defense, I teach and drill a “distance management” game referring to two zones:

Safety Zone – Your personal space is safe. No one is inside your arm’s length which means no one can kick or strike you.

Danger Zone – Your personal space is in danger. Someone is inside your arm’s length and they have the ability to kick or strike you. Take immediate action to recover your safety zone. 

List ways to escape the danger zone and re-establish your personal space aka safety zone?

  • Take one or two steps back to re-establish your personal space.
  • Remember to use your voice to communicate boundaries.


Work with a partner (your training buddy). Face each other and extend your arms straight out and begin to step forward into each other’s personal space. Try and maintain your personal space by stepping backward and/or in a circular area depending on your training space. 

A little “push kick” dance.

Learn the push kick and dance with your training partner

Click here for a glimpse of the training.


This skill and many others have been modified for “no-contact” training too!


If you have a membership to The Great Flip, login and look for the “no-contact” PDF and videos.

Not a member, yet? Shop the online plans here. 

Request a free video.


Talk about ways to greet each other without physical contact.

What are acceptable ways to greet each other without a handshake?

  • Bump elbows
  • Place your hand on your heart and slightly bow while verbally greeting your friend
  • Use your Voice and say “hi” with no physical contact or gestures.
  • Other ideas?

How can we show kindness to one another without physical contact? 

Acts of service, Speak kind words, Compliment someone, Smile. Share ideas …


I’ll see you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram @thegreatflip. Post your training experience and use the hashtag #thegreatflip






no contact self defense

No-contact safety tip #1. Your first line of self-defense starts here.

You have one self-defense tool immediately available to you. You have it with you everywhere you go. You use it all the time (maybe more or less than you should, ha!) What is it?

This tool requires zero physical contact. As a matter of fact, this one simple, yet powerful resource just might deter any physical interaction. It can change the entire outcome of a situation based on how you use this resource. What is it?

Share this self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment activity with your daughter!

In my previous blog post, I introduced a “no-contact” self-defense plan from The Great Flip. To get up-to-speed, take a look at this blog. Click here.

no contact self defense

Your Voice!

Yes, your voice is a powerful self-defense tool. No physical contact required. How can your voice be a form of self-defense? How can the tone/volume of your voice make a situation better or worse?


  • To communicate boundaries. 
  • To communicate intentions. 
  • To yell for help. 
  • To escalate or de-escalate a situation. 
  • Your voice is a powerful weapon. Use it first to try to calm people versus anger people. Choose your words carefully. 

Roleplaying activity:

Try different scenarios using your voice. How would you use your voice in these situations:

  • You see a bully who looks like she may not “social distance.”
  • You see a stranger coming too close to you.
  • You are lost in a crowded place.

Use your voice and communicate your boundaries. Stay calm but assertive. Don’t be bossy. How might a bossy voice help or hurt the situation? When is it okay to be loud and more aggressive with your voice?

No-contact Exercise Activity:

Practice projecting your voice during warm-up exercises by counting 1-10 from The Great Flip online self-defense video series. Do not scream, but use a strong commanding voice. Your voice matters. 

Not a member? Click here to shop plans.

Faith-filled Empowerment

How can your voice be used for good? 

Answer and Assignment:

Speak kindness. Practice speaking kind words to people this week. Use your voice to lift people up, not to tear down. 

Going Deeper 

How would you describe your inner voice (that voice inside your head)? 

What can you do to change and improve your self-talk?

What does God’s voice say about you according to these Bible verses:

John 3:16 and Romans 8:37-39

God’s voice is referred to as “the word” in John 1:1-5; 1:14. Who is the Word?

Assignment: Review, write and/or memorize one of these uplifting Bible verses to improve your inner voice.

Bible Verses

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Romans 8:37-39 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

John 1:1-5 “In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.In him was life, and the life was the light of men.The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Find an online self-defense plan for your daughter.

Click here to shop.

Request a free video.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. Learn simple self-defense skills that are fun, playful and empowering at home, at school, anywhere!

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.


God’s power revealed in his Word (and snow) ❄️

The first significant snow is falling in my hometown. It’s light, airy and blankets the earth. Inside, I drape myself in a blanket and thank God for my comfortable home, warm coffee and fuzzy socks. 

I watch each snowflake intentionally land in its place with a promise. A glorious, hope-filled promise to melt where it lands. To water the soil, then produce new life in the Spring. 

This glorious hope never disappoints. It happens year after year. Season after season.

The same is true of God’s word. 

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,  so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11

This is such a beautiful picture of God’s promise given in his word. When God speaks, God acts. His word is a guarantee to that which he speaks. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3.

From those simple words, a glimpse of God’s greatest Word is not only heard but revealed. 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made..”  John 1:1-3

The apostle John, reveals that Jesus is the word. Look back in the Old Testament, read the stories again. Now you will hear Jesus from the very beginning. 


  • Adam and Eve heard “Jesus” in the garden.
  • Moses heard “Jesus” at the burning bush and Jesus gave the 10 commandments.
  • Ezekiel and Isaiah heard “Jesus” speak prophecy.
  • Noah, Jacob, Job, David, Samuel, Solomon, Hosea, and Zepheriah heard “Jesus” speak and act on his word. On himself.

And of course, in the New Testament, the disciples heard Jesus speak then watched the fulfillment of all his words.

Now you can hear Jesus speak to you through his written word. Read it out loud. He has a promise for you when you listen to him.

“So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

Just as the snow falls, just as creation was made, so you will receive faith when you hear his word. 


The Great Flip discussion question:

What Bible story can you recall where God is speaking and you now realize Jesus is doing the talking?


May God’s power strengthen you today through Jesus, the Word! – Coach Jody


Want more empowerment from God’s word? Listen to Coach Jody’ podcasts here.

Want to support Coach Jody so she may develop more God-powered podcasts and resources for girls?

Click here to support Coach Jody on Patreon.


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