
online self-defense curriculum

No contact self-defense?

I know, what in the world is “no-contact” self-defense? It doesn’t make sense. But if you think about it, it can. As your girls warm up to the idea of physical interaction or if COVID-19 protocols linger, a no-contact approach can be extremely beneficial. And there are several “must-learn” skills to be learned in a no-contact training experience.

My online self-defense program is meant to be fun, playful and empowering. So what better way to introduce self-defense and martial arts than with a no-contact approach.

Six new no-contact self-defense lesson plans are now available in every online self-defense plan!

I have six new lesson plans with a no-contact approach to introduce first through 12th graders to a martial arts experience.

And bonus … No germs. No fear.The Great Flip break fall

The Breakfall

In the first lesson, you will learn my favorite self-defense technique called the Breakfall.  When you learn the Breakfall, you learn how to fall and prevent serious injury. I hope you never get pushed down in a self-defense situation, but I can almost guarantee you will accidentally slip and fall in your lifetime. Everyone should learn this life skill.

The lesson plans also include safety tips empowering girls to use three critical no-contact self-defense assets:

You voice
You body language
Your distance

the great flip break fallAnd my favorite, I connect faith to the physical activity, giving you the opportunity to share the love of Jesus! 

If you have a subscription to The Great Flip, your no-contact modifications can be found in the video notes and lesson plans.

Shop Plans

Would you like to review a lesson plan and video? Please contact me at my personal email or reach out through my website at

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girl national program alliance! 🇺🇸

online self-defense curriculum

God’s power revealed in his Word (and snow) ❄️

The first significant snow is falling in my hometown. It’s light, airy and blankets the earth. Inside, I drape myself in a blanket and thank God for my comfortable home, warm coffee and fuzzy socks. 

I watch each snowflake intentionally land in its place with a promise. A glorious, hope-filled promise to melt where it lands. To water the soil, then produce new life in the Spring. 

This glorious hope never disappoints. It happens year after year. Season after season.

The same is true of God’s word. 

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,  so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11

This is such a beautiful picture of God’s promise given in his word. When God speaks, God acts. His word is a guarantee to that which he speaks. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3.

From those simple words, a glimpse of God’s greatest Word is not only heard but revealed. 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made..”  John 1:1-3

The apostle John, reveals that Jesus is the word. Look back in the Old Testament, read the stories again. Now you will hear Jesus from the very beginning. 


  • Adam and Eve heard “Jesus” in the garden.
  • Moses heard “Jesus” at the burning bush and Jesus gave the 10 commandments.
  • Ezekiel and Isaiah heard “Jesus” speak prophecy.
  • Noah, Jacob, Job, David, Samuel, Solomon, Hosea, and Zepheriah heard “Jesus” speak and act on his word. On himself.

And of course, in the New Testament, the disciples heard Jesus speak then watched the fulfillment of all his words.

Now you can hear Jesus speak to you through his written word. Read it out loud. He has a promise for you when you listen to him.

“So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

Just as the snow falls, just as creation was made, so you will receive faith when you hear his word. 


The Great Flip discussion question:

What Bible story can you recall where God is speaking and you now realize Jesus is doing the talking?


May God’s power strengthen you today through Jesus, the Word! – Coach Jody


Want more empowerment from God’s word? Listen to Coach Jody’ podcasts here.

Want to support Coach Jody so she may develop more God-powered podcasts and resources for girls?

Click here to support Coach Jody on Patreon.


Shop online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls!

Request a free online self-defense video!


American heritage girls train like a military hero

American Heritage Girls train like a U.S. military hero

Now you can train like a U.S. military hero with The Great Flip and American Heritage Girls (AHG).

For AHG’s U.S. Military Heroes Event, I gave their members a glimpse of the hard, physical work it takes to train like a U.S. military hero. I interviewed my pastor who is a former marine. I featured a recent West Pointe graduate who took us through an Army-style workout! This video is a family-friendly activity great for all ages … just like The Great Flip!

Ready to train? Let’s do it:

The Great Flip is an AHG national program alliance. AHG families and troops subscribe to online self-defense training videos at The Great Flip and receive these benefits:

  • Earn the AHG Martial Arts Sports Pin
  • Earn the self-defense requirements of the Pi/Pa Emergency Preparedness Badge
  • Earn The Great Flip Patch

To learn more about this relationship and enroll in The Great Flip program, click here.

American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a faith-based character development program for all girls 5 – 18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. With an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement, girls participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences.

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is online self-defense, safety and faith-based empowerment for girls age six and up.

The videos are fun, playful and empowering.

Families and educators use the online videos and curriculum at home, school and after school.

Request a free online self-defense video

In three easy steps, you can train with Coach Jody:

Choose an online self-defense plan.



See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip


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my anti-bully ebook

My Anti-Bully Ebook

Bullies don’t social distance. You need My Anti-Bully Ebook!

Long before COVID-19 and social distancing was a thing, bullies roamed the school hallways. They still do!

The Great Flip Anti-bully ebook has been revised to empower you and your daughter for social distancing and bullies. Your daughter will learn how to use her voice, her body, and her distance to overcome bullies and guard against germs (and bullies with germs 😂).

The Great Flip offers faith over fear empowerment from the outside, in!


The Anti-Bully ebook will help tween and teen girls identify forms of bullying and give her the tools she needs to change the bully culture engaging her whole self; body, mind, and spirit.

The Great Flip Anti-Bully Ebook features:

  • A Bully Inventory
  • Self-Awareness Q&A
  • Biblical Empowerment
  • Role-Playing
  • Self-Defense Physical Activities
  • Social Distancing Health and Safety Tips
  • Two Online Self-defense Video Techniques
    • The Wrist Escape Video
    • The Push Kick Video

Only $9.99 for a downloadable PDF interactive ebook

Click here to download My Anti-Bully Ebook

“The Great Flip online self-defense videos and curriculum are fun, playful, and empowering.” – mother of daughters

Want a free “sneak peek” download?

Sample My Anti-bully Ebook from The Great Flip

Download a free sneak peek of  "My Anti-bully Ebook" from The Great Flip. See you on the mat! - Coach Jody

Send download link to:


New to The Great Flip? Welcome!

The Great Flip is an online self-defense, safety and empowerment website featuring self-defense videos and curriculum for ages six and up. Families and educators use online self-defense resources at home, at school and after school.  To learn more about The Great Flip and it’s founder and coach, Jody Token, click here! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.


Situational Awareness 101

Three tips to improve your situational awareness skills:

  1. Be present when you are out and about, keep your phone within reach, but not in your face.
  2. Scan your surroundings by keeping your head on a swivel (look around) and take note of who and what you see.
  3. Always locate your exists and take a moment to think through how you can safely leave should you need to.

Want to modify situational awareness training for your children? Think about these tips:

Be a good example of situational awareness by giving your children your undivided attention (that means no texting or social media while your child is trying to speak with you).

Teach your children to identify and use their senses when you go places. How can touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste improve your situational awareness skills?

Next steps:

Learn more about Coach Jody and her online self-defense program at The Great Flip.




online self-defense curriculum

Five ways to fund online curriculum

This blog is intended for Christian educators seeking to fund online curriculum in their school, homeschool co-op, P.E. class, and after-school program. Feel free to share with those seeking an online curriculum like mine at The Great Flip. In this blog, you will learn five ways to fund online curriculum. 

Shop all online self-defense courses here.

I know COVID-19 is first and foremost on your priority list. The health and safety of your school community are of utmost importance. At the same time, you are tasked with providing an excellent academic experience to address the whole child; body, mind, and spirit.

Online learning must play an important role in your curriculum planning and it must be flexible enough to use at school and at home, if necessary. The Great Flip online self-defense curriculum is designed to meet these needs.

After speaking with principals, parents, and teachers, I have gathered five ways to fund an online curriculum like mine, and other back-to-school needs.

These educators understand the value-added benefits The Great Flip online self-defense program offers. Here are a few of the ideas schools are developing to make the most of my online curriculum:

  • My program gets students moving and active which improves physical and mental health.
  • The self-defense skills give students, parents, and teachers the opportunity to talk about the fears children are experiencing and apply faith in tangible ways. Bullies and bad guys don’t social distance. Students will learn how to apply confidence and courage to every situation.

    6th grader at St. John Lutheran in Ellisville, MO

  • Adding a self-defense unit to your Physical Education (P.E.) class allows all children to enjoy P.E. class, not just the athletic kids. (Read my blog called “Top three reasons kids don’t like P.E. class”)
  • Adding my program gives you another opportunity to talk about health and safety concerning social distancing, germs, and physical safety.
  • The Great Flip program can be used across ministries including youth events, family nights and PTO functions.
  • Use The Great Flip as an after-school program/club.
  • Use The Great Flip as a community event and a public outreach teaching kids about bully prevention and self-defense skills.
  • If schools must go through yet another quarantine and stay-in-place procedures, my online curriculum can be shared with school families.
  • Bonus: I will offer free virtual meetings to those who enroll in my online curriculum plans.

Review Three Curriculum Plans

I imagine more innovative ways will emerge from The Great Flip. Keep the ideas coming and I’ll be sure to share with everyone!

Five ways to fund an online curriculum from The Great Flip

  1. Seek a private donor to “gift” curriculum and school supplies. A mom in Nebraska will be “gifting” her school with my online curriculum. Great idea, mom! Do you know a parent, grandparent, or alumni who would be willing to financially support the school? The price range of my online curriculum is the perfect price point for an individual to “gift.”
  2. Ask your PTO, sports association, and nonprofits to fund The Great Flip online curriculum. 
  3. Seek Federal Grants that specify health and safety for children and the community. My friends at the Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) recommend researching opportunities available to your school through Title IV. The Great Flip online curriculum can be used in school and after-school to meet your students’ needs, including anti-bullying activities, health, safety, and nutritional resources.
  4. Seek Thrivent Action Teams Grants. Is anyone on your staff or in your school a member of Thrivent Financial? As a Benefit member, you may qualify for $250 to lead a fundraiser, service activity, or educational event in your school and community. The Great Flip can be utilized as an educational event and community event. Here’s a link to the Thrivent Action Teams  information 
  5. Good ole fashion fundraisers to raise money for school supplies and my online curriculum. Get innovative and set up a GoFundMe page for your school or specific cause. 

How are you finding funds? I’m sure other like-minded folks will want to know. Have these ideas been helpful? Let me know how I can support your educational goals. Contact Coach Jody

Choose an online self-defense curriculum

Here are a few pictures for students watching my videos and utilizing The Great Flip at a local YMCA, at an LCMS school, at an after-school program, and at home!

testimonialonline self defense for girls


Choose an online self-defense curriculum

Contact Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls


The Great Flip is a national program partner for American Heritage Girls




“I will make a helper” and girl power

It is my desire to counter the culture with God’s truth and design for girl power. When God created Eve he said, ” I will make a helper…”

I believe being a helper is a position of strength, not weakness.  What do you think? 

Want to listen instead? Click here to listen to my podcast!

But make sure you read to the bottom to participate in my summer challenge!


The word “helper” has gotten a bad wrap, especially among girls and women. If I’m honest, my first reaction to the title of “helper” is to become suspicious, puffed up and offended. 

But the Bible tells a different story about the attributes and strength of the “helper.”

The first mention of the word “helper” is found in the Old Testament in the creation account in Genesis. “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Then several more times, Eve is referred to as Adam’s helper. 

Why do I assume the “helper” status is lower than the one being helped? Doesn’t the helper allow the one being helped to be greater? 

God, himself is referred to as “helper.” Moses referred to God as his helper who saved him. “My father’s God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh.” Exodus 18:3-5

The Psalms ofter refer to God as a helper. God is the helper of the fatherless. Battles are won because God is our helper.

“The Lord is with me; he is my helper.  I look in triumph on my enemies.” Psalm 118:7

The New Testament writers remind us about the strong attribute of Jesus as our helper.

“God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the “helper” to his disciples. This helper lives inside us. “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:25-27

I’m not a theologian, but I have an opinion about that moment back in Genesis. That moment in the Garden of Eden. That moment when Satan targeted Eve. He knew the power of the helper. He knew she was the first of the helpers. The one who would bring forth our ultimate helper.

But his plan did not work. Our helper came forth to conquer sin, death and the devil. Our help is in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Now we have been called to help others in that same might and strength.

If God can be a helper … so can you! Stand strong in your attribute as a helper! 

Who do you consider to be “helpers” in your family, community? Do these people seem weak to you? Or do they build you up? Step into your God-given strength as a helper. What does a helper look like to you? 

God calls us to love him and love our neighbor. He helps us, help others. This is a position of strength, not weakness.

This is the kind of girl power God is creating in you. 

This is #thegreatflip

–  Coach Jody

what keeps you awake at nightonline self-defense

Find an online self-defense course for home, school, almost anywhere! 


You can participate in the 2020 Summer Challenge! 

The Great Flip summer challenge


annoying headlock

A solution to the annoying headlock

My daughter and I are practicing the headlock escape for my online self-defense videos. I think she’s enjoying it a little too much. It’s okay to smile, giggle and laugh when you learn.

annoying headlock

There’s no reason to create anxiety and fear when teaching self-defense skills to children, especially if they have been victimized and bullied.

If you are a subscriber, I just added two self-defense videos to your membership featuring headlock escapes from standing and on the ground.

Member Login


Not a member? Join now!

If you are not a subscriber but want to teach your children, age six and up, self-defense skills that are fun, playful and empowering, it’s easy to sign up at my website. My online self-defense videos and curriculum are ideal for home, school, after school, and church youth programming.

Enroll in the subscription plan

It’s that easy.

Have a question or comment before you sign up? Contact me.

Want a free video to review? Request your free video. 

It’s not too late to add self-defense training to your summer camp. Live or virtual.

I have everything you need to teach self-defense at home, school, after-school clubs and church youth programming, including lesson plans and talking points. Check out the curriculum options.

summer camp

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls! 

see you on the mat

Learn self-defense at home

COVID19 Stay-At-Home ready! Who knew online self-defense would become more important than ever. Families and teachers are seeking wholesome, instructional and educational online curriculum. The Great Flip online self-defense is for everyone, ages six and up, inspired by the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu, safety and empowerment.

In this blog, you will learn how to set up a training space at home. The Great Flip is designed to be fun, playful and empowering. Each video inspires confidence and courage while you maintain a safe and controlled environment. Let’s get started!

Reasons to learn self-defense at home:

  • Increase your child’s confidence and courage in a controlled environment.
  • Avoid the germy gym.
  • Prep for a martial arts academy experience.
  • Introduce your children to the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu in a safe, positive and affordable environment.

Shop the Plan

Create an exercise area at home. Watch this short video and watch Coach Jody set up her training space.

Oh, and yes, distractions happen. Meet my dog, Brandy.

Now, let’s make your equipment list:


Duh. I cannot wait to see you on the mat! You will be so happy you are learning a new life skill in the privacy of your home.

A training buddy

Grab a family member and/or group of friends. There are a several solo-drills and techniques, but most of the videos require a training partner. Plus, training with family and friends is fun! Go get your training buddy!

see you on the mat

Soft training space

Before you start training, I recommend setting up a designated training space that’s soft. Yoga mats, beach towels and even the carpet is better than the hard floor. The best option would be mats.  As you saw in the video, I bought the interlocking mats . These are reasonably priced and have multi-functions. The folding gymnastic mats are nice too. You can get fancy and buy jiu-jitsu/MMA mats, but that is not necessary. Bottom line, set-up a training space big enough for two people to train. I started with a 4×6 space and I just doubled it to have a little more room. I use the interlocking mats. I recommend the 8×12 space so two people can comfortably perform all the techniques.

I bought my mats on Amazon. The mats come in a 4×6 package for $20. So I spent$40. Share the price with your training buddies! Or, ask your school, church or fitness center if you can borrow mats! Be sure to keep them clean with disinfect wipes or spray before and after use.

see you on the mat

Comfortable Clothes

You don’t have to buy fancy work-out clothes, but wear clothes you can comfortably move around in while standing and while moving on the ground.

No shoes

I prefer to train without shoes. Typically, I’m on an exercise or yoga mat which needs to stay clean. I don’t wear shoes or socks. Plus, wearing socks can be slippery. Training in bare feet will keep your training space clean, strengthen your feet and encourage better balance.

Hair bands

Yes girls, please pull your hair back into a pony tail or whatever you prefer. When your hair is up and out of your face, you can see better and train better. And when you work with a partner, you are less likely to accidentally pull each other’s hair.

A teachable spirit

I’ll be honest, when I started learning jiu-jitsu, I walked off the mat several times completely frustrated.

see you on the mat

The techniques look so simple and easy, yet I was unable to do them right away. The techniques take practice. Be patient with yourself. The online instructional videos are designed to be watched repeatedly. And you can watch and practice from the comfort of your own home and training space until you master the technique.

I remember going to a one-day self-defense workshop and learning a million cool techniques. But when I got home to share my new knowledge, everything was mixed up or had vanished from my brain. I had not practiced enough to create the muscle memory. BJJ techniques are simple but requires practice.  This is just like any other sport. You can’t expect to hit a three-pointer in basketball or pitch the perfect strike in softball without practice. Come to the mat with a good attitude, willingness to learn, discipline to practice … and you will succeed!

That’s it! Gather yourself, your positive attitude, friends and a soft place to train. See you on the mat!

Remember to tell me about your training space! Send me an email to or follow me on Instagram @thegreatflip and use hashtag #thegreatflip in your posts!

Three easy steps to begin your online self-defense training experience.

  1. Choose a training experience.👈
  2. Enroll.
  3. Train.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a national program partner for American Heritage Girls!

online self defense

Fun, playful and empowering online self-defense

“Fun, playful and empowering; Great for the whole family!”

This is how a parent described The Great Flip online self-defense videos. 

And this is exactly my hope for you and your family. I want the training experience to be empowering, of course, but also playful and fun. Self-defense training doesn’t need to be any scarier than the topic usually is for kids. Learning skills in a playful way can make the topic of self-defense easier to talk about with your family.

This is achieved in my step-by-step streaming self-defense videos suitable for ages six and up. 

Each video is three minutes or less and you will learn one empowering technique. I also have solo conditioning drills and “social-distancing” approved videos too. These videos will introduce you to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu and complement your fitness goals. Oh, don’t have any fitness goals?  … well, now you do! 😍

Request a free video

And while we are all at home quarantined due to COVID19, learning self-defense skills is a fun and meaningful family activity.

Give your kids confidence and courage while you maintain a controlled environment. You will discover meaningful time together learning these skills and talking about the value of these skills as you deem appropriate for your family.

And when you subscribe, I’ll teach you how to set up a safe place to train in your home (so you don’t knock over the lamp or hurt yourself). See you on the mat! – Coach Jody


Choose a plan and let’s get started!