
Christmas Devotions from Coach Jody

Joy to the World!

Jump for Joy!

“When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy.” Luke 1:44

I still remember your first movements inside my belly. I played music for you. I sang to you. I read stories to you. Sometimes when I spoke, or when the dog barked, or when your daddy spoke, you would jump for joy. I couldn’t wait to meet you. jump for joy

Now here you are, sitting beside me. You are my joy! We still sing silly songs and read stories. What makes you jump for joy today? 

Children are a blessing. Mary and Elizabeth spent three months together preparing for the birth of their sons. Imagine the joy they must have felt as they prepared for childbirth. The Bible is full of verses connecting children to joy!

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Psalm 127:3-5

And God, your heavenly father, is filled with joy when he thinks about you. He likes to sing joyful songs to you!

“For the Lord, your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

I wonder what song he is singing for you? Jump for joy!


Hey mom, tell your daughter something about your pregnancy. Share the joy you felt when she first moved inside of you. Or if your daughter is your adopted daughter, share that joyful moment when you first held your daughter in your arms. Sing a joyful song together and jump for joy!


The Thrill of Hope

Worth the wait!

“At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.” Luke 2:25 

There’s a story in the Bible about a man named Simeon who had hoped to see the promised Messiah (Jesus). He waited his whole life to meet Jesus. But he was getting old. Not just days, weeks or months, but years and years he waited. But God had promised Simeon he would get to meet Jesus, so Simeon believed. light bulb stop fear with faithfulness

Then one day a young couple with a newborn baby boy came into the temple. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Simeon went to the temple and took baby Jesus in his arm. This is Simeon’s “thrill of hope” response: 

“Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!”

ACTION POINT: Have you ever waited a long time for something? Are you waiting for one of God’s promises? What is the greatest promise given to you through Jesus? Write your own “thrill of hope” response. 


JODY TOKEN is the coach and creator of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts for ages six and up. Request a free video and lesson plan at

These devotions were written for the True Girl subscription boxes! Check out the amazing ministry at True Girl.


Christmas in July

Christmas in July and Servant Leadership Devotions

Enjoy two summer devotions with your daughters! I wrote these for True Girl’s subscription box resource. The first devotion is about celebrating Christmas in July and the other one is about servant leadership.

When I read this Bible verse it reminds me that peace is more than a feeling to pursue. Peace is a gift to be received.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:6

Christmas in July Christmas in July

Have you ever considered hosting a “Christmas in July” party? When I read this Bible verse it reminds me that peace is more than a feeling to pursue. Peace is a gift to be received. “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given.”

So why not celebrate the Prince of Peace this summer?

Decorate an outdoor tree, sing Christmas carols, read the Christmas story in Luke two, and make homemade ornaments, popcorn garlands and glitter pinecones. Make Jesus, the Prince of Peace the center of your celebration! 

ACTION POINT: Tell us about your Christmas in July party. What is your favorite Christmas carol? Mine is “Go, tell it to the mountains!”


To Lead is to Serve

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14

Have you ever washed someone’s feet? It’s kinda gross; especially if the feet are dirty, smelly or sweaty. 

You’d think the disciples would have washed Jesus’ feet. After all, Jesus was the leader. But Jesus modeled a new way of leadership. Instead of commanding his disciples, he served his disciples by washing their stinky feet. 

Next time you are put in charge as the leader, how can you be a servant leader? Instead of commanding everyone, serve with them to accomplish your goals.

ACTION POINT: How can you be a servant leader? How about washing your parents’ feet? Or plan a service project? 

JODY TOKEN is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls ages six and up. Request a free video at

Online Self-Defense Training Begins Here

Are you training with me this summer using my online self-defense videos at The Great Flip? How’s it going? Do you know how to escape when someone grabs your wrist? Do you remember what to do when someone grabs you from behind?

My streaming videos are simple, safe and empowering! Request a free video. Click here to begin your self-defense training experience. See you on the mat!

Coach Jody


no-contact safety tip your body homeschool martial arts





jump for joy

Jump for Joy

I am pro-life. Not because of the legal arguments, although personhood, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may finally be returned to our most vulnerable population aka the unborn. And of course, I’m praying that Roe vs. Wade will be struck down as it is being argued by the Supreme Court as I write this blog, December 2021.

I am pro-life. Not because of science, although science clearly reveals that life does begin at conception.

I am pro-life because my Christian faith compels me to be pro-life. As a Christian, I seek God’s word for wisdom in such matters. The Bible is clear about the life of all people. I won’t go through every Bible verse, but from Genesis through Revelation, life is clearly a gift of God. God formed you. God loves you. God sent Jesus to rescue you, redeem you and give you life, forgiveness, faith, purpose and passion.

Being pro-life is good news! Being pro-life frees you from lies and confusion. Being pro-life points you to joy in God’s true word! Being pro-life is joy! Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to steal your joy.

Compelled by God’s great love for me, I seek to love and serve others. I’m not always good at my calling, but it is my greatest joy.

Join me to pray for our daughters. Our girls are surrounded by mixed messages directly contradicting God’s word. Pray that our girls hear God’s word more than the world’s words. How are you doing at that mom and dad? How much screen time versus Bible time does your girl get? Pray for the pro-life message to be a message of joy and hope.

God’s word works. His word creates faith, forgiveness and salvation to all who hear and receive the free gift of Jesus.

May your Christmas season be filled with joy! Read my Advent devotion with your family. It is filled with joy, a pro-life message and a gift for you.

Jump for Joy!

“When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy” Luke 1:44

When I tell my daughters about being pregnant with them, I say; “I still remember your first movements inside my belly. I played music for you. I read stories to you. Sometimes when I spoke or the dog barked, you jumped for joy. I couldn’t wait to meet you. “

I wonder if Mary and Elizabeth told stories too. Imagine the joy they felt as they prepared together for the births of John the Baptist and Jesus.

Children are a blessing. And the Bible is full of verses connecting children to joy! “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Psalm 127:3-5

And here is God’s amazing gift for you! God is filled with joy when he thinks about you. He sings joyful songs to you! “For the LORD, you God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

Imagine that! I wonder what He’s singing? Go ahead and jump for joy!

Action Point: Ask your mom to tell you something about her pregnancy with you. Or, if you’re adopted, ask about that joyful moment when she first held you in her arms. Sing a song together and jump for joy!

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls ages six and up. Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh, and for various homeschool blogs and Christian ministries.

The Great Flip offers online martial arts for children.

Click here for online plans

homeschool martial arts

online self-defense for girls

if it's not good news, it's not the gospel

If it’s not good news, it’s not the gospel.

It’s time for the great flip

I finally understand why people attend church twice a year; once for Christmas and once for Easter. There is a common message preached on those two church holidays. The theme is what makes church palatable twice a year. I believe If the church proclaimed this theme every Sunday, churches might be a little fuller. If this message was the foundation of every Christian lifestyle, more people might be attracted to the Christian faith.


The message is simple:  Jesus loves you. He loves you no matter what. No amount of darkness, shame or brokenness can stop Jesus from loving you. And you don’t have to love him back. He still loves you. And more than 2,000 years ago, He rescued you, restored you and gave you new life now and into eternity. This good news is worth repeating more than twice a year. And this good news is a free gift for you.

The narrative of the Bible is the same good news over and over again. In short, God created the world and gave it to his people as a gift. And it was good. But his people turned away from God. But God, because of his loving kindness, rescued his people. He restored his people and gave them a way of life that brings balance and blessing. He protected his people. But again, his people turn away from Him. Shockingly living life apart from God led to darkness, shame and brokenness. But God, because of his loving kindness, rescued his people again. This happened over and over in the Bible narrative.

if it's not good news, it's not the gospel

Then something amazing happened, God sent his son, Jesus (Merry Christmas) to put an end to our cycle of rebellion. Jesus ushered into the world a divine rescue, redemption and restoration plan. He demonstrated a perfectly balanced and blessed life. He demonstrated a life full of love and mercy. And this divine plan was a gift to us.


Then, (here comes Holy Week and Good Friday) Jesus took our darkness, shame and brokenness. He took all our sin. He didn’t ask permission. Like a holy thief, Jesus stole our sin to bury it once and for all.


After he took our sin, he became our sin. His body became the sin of the world. His blood was poured out for the forgiveness of all our sin. This happened when he was crucified on a cross. Then, along with his body and blood, our sins were buried in the tomb. The entire narrative of the Bible leads to this epic moment on the cross.  We are no longer separated from God because of our sin.


Then, (Happy Easter) Jesus rose from the dead. He arose out of the tomb and left the sin of the world buried once and for all. He arose with a new life. Now he gives us that same new life. Jesus conquered death, darkness, shame and brokenness. We have fullness of life through Christ’s atoning work on the cross.


Yet, the story is not quite over. Jesus promises to come back to complete the rescue mission. Make no mistake, he has conquered death. We live in a new kingdom always moving closer to full restoration. He gave us his spirit so we can continue to receive his gifts and live a balanced and blessed life. Even in the midst of death, darkness, shame and brokenness, we can proclaim his good news and share the good gifts with everyone around us.

It’s an epic story. It’s a true story. I love hearing it over and over again. I love it because it doesn’t require any thing from me. I get to sit back and be lavished with God’s love. The good news reminds me I’m rescued, redeemed and restored with new life now and into eternity in heaven with him.

The word “gospel” means good news. It’s good news for so many reasons, but for me, it’s good news because the love of the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ and the power of his Holy Spirit is all a free gift for me. I didn’t deserve it. Now, I want to share this gift with everyone I know!

If it’s not good news, it’s not the gospel.

But something happens on the other 51 Sundays. Side note, the year 2020 had 53 Sundays. So give or take a Sunday or two, something goes terribly wrong.

The narrative of God’s epic rescue shifts to man’s epic effort to earn God’s love. Suddenly a “pay-to-stay” salvation plan is handed to us. Now, we strive and serve God to please him. The gifts meant to bring blessing become a burden. And this is when a lot of people stop attending church. People are smart. They hear the contradiction. See you next year.

Ironically, this is not a new story. Jesus spent a majority of his ministry restoring the good news. The religious leaders of the day turned the ten commandments into hundreds of commandments. Originally, the commandments were given as gifts to create balance and blessing, but church leaders turned them into unachievable laws. Habits like prayer, fasting, tithing and Sabbath were gifts as means to worship God with all our senses. Now they’ve become rituals. Even repentance is a gift. God, in his mercy, turns us away from unhealthy things (He does the work). Repentance is a time given by God to reflect and remember his loving kindness (remember Holy Week and Good Friday). But we have turned it into an act of labor done to earn forgiveness. Remember that holy thief called Jesus? He took your sin. He was crucified for it and gave you new life. We don’t earn forgiveness, we receive it as a free gift.


Reformations have occurred in church history to restore the good news.  Martin Luther attempted to restore the central theme of good news. He referred to the gospel as the Divine Exchange. Jesus became all my sin, and I become all of Jesus’ righteousness. And this work is Christ’s alone. And this is a gift so no one can boast or earn it.

Maybe it’s time for another reformation. Like Martin Luthers’ Divine Exchange, I like to call it The Great Flip. Jesus is the gift giver and I’m the gift receiver.  It’s time to get ourselves out of the equation and restore Jesus as the sole gift-giver.

The equation is not: Jesus + something = Everything. 

The equation is: Jesus + nothing = Everything.

The gospel cost Jesus everything. It didn’t cost you anything.

A popular illustration that needs a good comeback is the “Do vs. Done” principle. If you think you must “do” something to earn God’s love, then it’s not gospel. The gospel is this: “Jesus has “done” everything for you.

When “Christian living” becomes something you do to earn God’s love, it is no longer a gift. This is why we give presents at Christmas and Easter as symbols of God’s extravagant love for us.  Christian living will proceed from our freedom in Christ.

And the gifts just keep coming! If you think you must muster up enough faith to believe everything I just said … good news! “Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of Christ.” Even faith is a gift. So when you read the Bible, read it as one receiving gifts rather than a list of rules. Read it to receive his loving kindness, to receive his forgiveness and receive his way of life that brings balance and blessing. And read it to share the good news with others.

Happy Easter (and Christmas too, if I don’t hear from you until next year)! May the good news of Jesus Christ “gift” you all year long. He loves you.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave … “ John 3:16

-Coach Jody