
rescued from anorexia and the joy of food

Rescued from Anorexia and the Joy of Food

When Kristi Tatro was 16 years old, she was rescued from anorexia. Her story is a powerful testimony of Jesus as her Rescuer and Redeemer! Now with two daughters of her own, she is passionate about sharing the joy of food and the power of positive nutrition. And as the American Heritage Girl (AHG) National Director of Girl Impact, she can share her message of hope with girls everywhere.

And I’m honored, here at The Great Flip, to be in relationship with AHG. The Great Flip is a national program partner to AHG. I am blessed to share self-defense and life skills with AHG  girls, leaders, Troops and their families!  And I’m thrilled to pass along  AHG’s resources. To learn more about my relationship with AHG, Check out this previous blog post.

Podcast with Kristi Tatro, American Heritage Girls 

If you are an AHG fan, you’ll love the imagery of Kristi and I sitting down at the infamous AHG kitchen table. We had a “virtual” kitchen-table conversation so Kristi could share her testimony and expertise in nutrition.  Feel free to pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea) and join me and Kristi in this podcast. And if you are about to jump in the car, grab your smart phone, pull up your Spotify, Google Podcast or Anchor Apps and search for The Great Flip in the Podcast settings) Oh, and funny story, we tried to make a video, but our technology skills couldn’t quite pull it off, so lucky for you, I now have a fantastic podcast to share ! Click the play button below.

The  journey that led Kristi to AHG as the National Director of Girl Impact is inspiring.

Kristi has a B.S. in Health Appraisal and Enhancement/Sport Studies with minors in Nutrition and Gerontology.   Kristi is passionate about the next generation. She spent over 10 years working as the Family Ministry Pastor for LifePoint Church, and Four Corners Church, and volunteered her expertise on the leadership team at Anthem House Church; all three in West Chester, Ohio area. She then joined the team at American Heritage Girls, Inc. almost four years  ago and now serves as the National Director of Girl Impact. She oversees the development of the AHG program, builds strategic alliances/partnerships with like-minded organizations and ministries, secures sponsorship’s for AHG events, and manages the Annual Stewardship Campaign as well as major gifts.

Kristi says;

rescued from anorexia and the joy of food

I recently asked my oldest daughter, Kelsie, what her favorite holiday was and she joyfully exclaimed that it was Thanksgiving! When I asked her why it was her favorite, she told me “all the food and all the people!”

I was thrilled and quite surprised that my 15-year-old was so enthusiast about food and community. It is a goal of mine to raise daughters that appreciate the beauty of food and the power of gathering around it.

Holiday gatherings, in the American culture, are mostly associated with an abundance of food. It can easily be a season of over consumption for this reason.  I have tried to be an example to my daughters by doing my best to follow a few guidelines, especially around the holidays:

  • Everything in moderation.
  • Food is to be enjoyed-slow down, be present, and enjoy each bite.
  • Ask myself “what do you really want to eat?”
  • Ask myself “what is my body needing?”

My hope is that we break the cycle of passing down to our daughters any of our negative attitudes towards food and encourage them to see it as a wonderful gift that God has provided for us. May this holiday season be one that brings about new conversations around our relationship with God and the gift of coming together to enjoy the gift of food that He has provided. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that food is one of God’s love languages!

“God created [food] to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. … [He] richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 4:36:17).

Thank you, Kristi for being vulnerable and transparent in this podcast. You are a shining light of servant leadership for our girls!

Want to learn a simple self-defense and life skill right now?  Watch this video!

The Great Flip is online self-defense and life skills for girls ages 6-18. You can subscribe to The Great Flip by clicking on 2 Ways to Join. Become a subscriber and gain unlimited access to simple self-defense instructional videos and learn in the comfort of your own home and/or American Heritage Girls Troop meeting. The videos are less than three minutes, easy to watch and learn.

If you are an American Heritage Girl leader, check out this page designed specifically for you at

American Heritage Girls

  • Yes, The Great Flip has a Patch
  • Yes, The Great Flip serves as an awesome girl leadership opportunity
  • Yes, The Great Flip accomplishes badge work such as the Martial Arts Sports Pin, and the Self-Defense requirement for Pi/Pa Emergency Preparedness

Yes, you need to subscribe to The Great Flip and teach your girls self-defense and life skills

See you on the mat!

Coach Jody

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via

You can find The Great Flip Podcast in these free apps (be sure to give me a “like” or click the little heart button within the podcast):



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American Heritage Girls Program Alliance

The Great Flip Begins with American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls Program Alliance

There was no better place to launch The Great Flip than with American Heritage Girls! AHG is the premier national character development organization for girls ages 5 to 18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. Their mission is “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” They do this through life skills enhancement, social development, leadership, spiritual growth, team building and character development. If you’re not familiar with AHG check it out at

The Great Flip is an AHG National Program Alliance teaching girls life skills

AHG values alliances with like-minded organizations and works to establish relationships in order to offer additional resources and benefits to its members. The Great Flip is featured on the AHG National website as a national program partner with a mission to teach girls life skills.

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls, their Troops and families who join The Great Flip will learn positive self-defense within the safety of their Troop and family environments. Girls will have access to Biblical-based motivation and wholesome nutritional resources. And of course, they’ll earn a cool, awesome patch!

American Heritage Girls

A Page Just for AHG

Head on over to for more information to use The Great Flip in your Troop!

Listen to my Podcast with AHG National Director of Girl Impact

Most of my blog posts are also in Podcast format. So if you don’t feel like reading, you can simply listen to my resources by clicking on the podcast within each blog.  Kristi Tatro, AHG National Director of Girl Impact tells an amazing story about God’s redemptive work in her life as she dealt with anorexia as a teenager. And now, she shares her love for nutrition.

Where to start? Begin your self-defense journey with a free video. Click here to learn Three Life Skills for Every Girl then learn the Wrist Escape Technique.

Make The Great Flip part of your AHG Troop programming. Go to to learn more about implementing The Great Flip into your Troop activities.

Click here to Join Now

I’ll see you at the 2020 National Conference! See you on the mat!

Coach Jody served in AHG for nearly 10 years. She started several Troops and served on the national AHG staff. Her daughters were both AHG members.

See you on the mat!

Coach Jody