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You Can Teach
Martial Arts

Welcome to The Great Flip

You know your child best. Screen time, mental health and overall safety, top your list of concerns. Give your child, age six and up, an activity to counter these obstacles. You can teach martial arts with The Great Flip!  Your child will be physically fit, emotionally healthy, and empowered with self-defense skills. Let’s get started! – Coach Jody

Request a Free Video. Empowered Parents Empower Children.


Learn self-defense skills in the comfort of your own home with trusted family and friends. Homeschool, physical education, after-school enrichment.


Add online martial arts to your school. The Great Flip offers everything you need to teach the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu for physical education, homeschool co-op and after-school enrichment.


Add online martial arts to an after-school enrichment program, youth group camps and retreats, a fitness center, a martial arts club, almost anywhere! No experience is required. I’ll equip you with everything you need. Let’s get started.


“Our group of young ladies, who are getting ready to go to college, are far more aware, prepared and ready thanks to all they learned!”

– Ann, mother of daughters.

“The girls really enjoyed the program. My daughter used it as her Community Outreach project to receive the Harriet Tubman award. She practiced with the videos every day for over a month, then led the girls along with the videos and helped them learn and practice the techniques. Thanks so much for such an awesome program. Everyone enjoyed it!”

– Jennifer, American Heritage Girls Troop Leader

the great flip in your American Heritage Girls Troop Meeting

“My sixth graders look forward to P.E. class during the self-defense unit. The videos are easy to follow and the students quickly picked up on the techniques. They definitely grew in confidence learning these skills.”

– Bob Duebberke, Athletic Director/P.E. Teacher, St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville, Missouri


A Biblical Worldview is an Empowered empowerment

Coach Jody adds valuable and inspiring faith-filled content to her lesson plans. She is a frequent contributor to American Heritage Girls, True Girl and various homeschool publications. Her devotions are meant to be shared with your children and will always point you to the good news that you are deeply loved, forgiven and set free on account of Jesus. Click here to enjoy her blog. 

Your Coach

Jody Token is the coach and creator of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts for ages six and up. She trained, coached and was a certified instructor in the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Coach Jody intends to counter the culture by bringing a faith-filled martial arts experience to families and educators. She believes everyone can learn a martial art using her online resources. 

Coach Jody has spent twenty years working in the nonprofit industry inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders. The Great Flip is a preferred homeschool martial arts program. The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls (AHG). Coach Jody writes content for AHG, True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh and various Christian ministries.  Jody’s daughters inspired her to develop an online self-defense experience to gain a basic understanding of the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu and improve overall health and wellness. 

Jody Token, Media Sheet

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Jody Token The Great Flip online self-defense for girls