Welcome American Heritage Girls!

The Great Flip is honored to be an American Heritage Girls national program alliance! This means AHG troops and families can subscribe to my online martial arts program to:

  • Complete the “self-defense” requirements for the Emergency Preparedness Badge
  • Earn the Martial Arts Sports Pin
  • Create leadership opportunities for girl advancement
  • Reward the girls with The Great Flip Merchandise. Go to my REDBUBBLE page! CLICK HERE.
  • Learn self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment skills!

Request an AHG discount code

What is The Great Flip?

The Great Flip offers online martial arts instructional videos and lesson plans to guide girls through a series of simple self-defense techniques inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Each video is 3-4 minutes in length, easy to watch, learn, drill and master.

No martial arts experience is required. I equip you with everything you need to run a successful program. My coaching style is fun, playful and empowering for everyone!

What badge requirements does The Great Flip meet?

The Great Flip will address the requirements in the Emergency Preparedness Badge.

Emergency Preparedness Badge

Requirement #15 states:

“Learn self-defense from a trained professional and demonstrate what you know. Learn how to avoid dangerous situations and what to do if caught in one. Practice self-defense techniques with your Troop until everyone can easily do these without thinking.” (AHG Girls Handbook)

Martial Arts Sports Pin martial arts sports pin

Everything you need to earn the AHG Martial Arts Sports Pin

Girl Leadership

The Great Flip empowers girls to step into leadership roles and earn leadership advancement awards. Click here to read my blog about Callie’s Harriet Tubman Level Award Project using The Great Flip.

Father-Daughter Fun.

A good father-daughter relationship leads to increased confidence, better body image, higher intelligence and overall wellness in a girl’s life. Give dad the opportunity to lead a Father-Daughter Martial Arts event. Set up a training space, watch The Great Flip videos and train together!

Request Free Videos

Summer Camp Fun.

Rain or shine, a martial arts activity will keep the fun going while achieving valuable life skills! FYI … BYO … Yoga Mat!

Any Time Fun!

Plan a Martial Arts Workshop for the entire troop or use it in each unit to achieve your goals.

Does The Great Flip offer merchandise to celebrate success?


I have a fun account set up at REDBUBBLE. This will allow you to choose from many options with my artwork including stickers, water bottles, and many more merchandise options. (Patches are no longer available.)

Reward the girls for their hard work by going to my REDBUBBLE page and purchasing items there. Click here to get started. 

Bring online martial arts to your AHG troop.

I’m Coach Jody.

I look forward to serving your AHG Troop with my online martial arts resources. I served as an AHG leader and my daughters are now AHG alumni. Enjoy every crazy moment! 

I created The Great Flip to give my daughters a fun, playful and empowering introduction to the martial arts.

  • I know what you want.
  • I know you are on a tight budget.online self-defense for girls
  • I know you have high expectations!

I offer a plan to meet every budget. Yes, you may share the online plan with your troop families. Please do not share your account outside of your troop to protect my hard work and your passwords. (But please feel free to share The Great Flip and encourage others to have their own account.) Homeschool families and Christian schools love this online learning resource. You can support The Great Flip with an investment, click here.

The Great Flip will empower the girls to:

  • Learn self-defense skills inspired by the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

  • Learn health and safety skills to protect and prevent dangerous situations.

  • Recognize the lies of the “girl power” movement in our culture.

  • Plug into the truth of God’s power through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Value health and wellness, learning fun, playful, and empowering life skills.

  • Complete the Pi/Pa Emergency Preparedness “self-defense” requirement.

  • Earn the Martial Arts Sports Pin.

  • Exercise her leadership muscles leading a self-defense class.

  • Earn leadership-level awards.

The Great Flip will equip YOU (leaders) to:

  • Run a martial arts class with NO experience necessary! Simply watch the self-defense videos and follow the step-by-step lesson plans.

  • Lead girls ages six and older to learn self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment skills.

  • Empower girls to recognize and heal from bullying using biblical solutions.

  • Offer leadership opportunities for girls at every level.

  • Create unique activities for your troop including self-defense workshops, unit or whole troop training, father/daughter, mother/daughter, camp activity, etc.

  • At-home training. Yes, you’ll be able to share the account/password with your troop families so girls can train at home to practice skills, earn the martial arts sports pin, prepare for leadership opportunities, etc.

Facilitate a Bully Awareness Activity Anti-bully Handbook

Use My Anti-Bully Handbook to empower girls to overcome the bully culture with Biblical principles. This 24-page booklet features:

  • Activities to guide girls to talk about bullying in a safe “grace” place.
  • Devotions to expose the girl power movement and encourage God’s power to overcome challenges.
  • Situational and safety awareness skills and role-playing.
  • Two self-defense online videos.

Click here to learn more about My Anti-Bully Handbook activities and download a free excerpt.

Ready for Online Martial Arts in three easy steps.

#1. Choose a Plan

Click SHOP to review details about each plan.

I have a discount code for AHG! Click here to request the discount code.

#2. Enroll

Once you choose a plan, CLICK SHOP and complete the purchase process. You will receive a registration email to create your username and password. I will send a personal email to welcome you and begin the training process. Got questions? Contact me. 

#3. Watch Videos and Train.

I designed the videos so anyone (girl leadership too) can watch, learn and train together. I equip you to set up a safe, designated training space. If you need additional help, I’m happy to set up a Zoom call and live training as part of your membership. Request a free video.

Every plan includes the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills. 

Keep track of your training progress with a downloadable Progress Training Chart.

Reward your girls with a downloadable Certificate of Completion for a job well done!

To learn more about the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills, click here. 

homeschool martial arts

AHG Rocks!

Learn how AHG Troops use The Great Flip

Click here to learn how AHG troops use The Great Flip in their meetings.

Click here to read Callie’s Harriet Tubman leadership story.

AHG and Coach Jody together for faith-filled empowerment!

American heritage girls train like a military hero

Click the picture to Train like a U.S. military hero! Coach Jody joined AHG to honor our military heroes.

American Heritage Girls Patti Garibay and Coach Jody The Great Flip

Click the picture and gather around the AHG kitchen table for an exclusive conversation with Patti Garibay and Coach Jody on the Empowered Girl Podcast.

The Great Flip was featured in the Heritage Headlines publication!


Click the picture and learn how Coach Jody empowers girls to make wise decisions with these four tips as featured in the Free To Grow Patch Program


The Great Flip was a featured exhibitor at the AHGequip Virtual Spark conference.

Coach Jody was a 2022 Workshop Presenter at the AHG National Leadership Conference.

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.