family style theology

Fitness, faith and family-style theology at The Great Flip

Can fitness, faith and family-style theology go together? According to Cindy Koch, a home-school mother of four, Master of Arts in exegetical theology, cross-fit instructor and jiu-jitsu practioner, these attributes are a natural part of her family life. 

In this podcast at The Great Flip, Coach Jody and Cindy share fun activities you and your family can do now during the COVID19 home quarantine. These activities include a fitness scavenger hunt and online self-defense/jiu-jitsu training. Listen here:


Talking to your children about faith can be challenging. They can ask the craziest things and you may not have all the answers. And that’s okay. Cindy has great advice about seeking answers to tough questions.

  • She says it’s okay to not know all the answers. Praise your child’s curiosity and determine to research and discover God’s truth together.
  • Surround yourself with wise mentors, pastors and resources to help guide your journey. Facilitating a home that is safe for discussion and even disagreements is better than shutting a child down.

family style theology

Family-Style Theology. Cindy and her husband encourage lively discussions with their children. Nothing is off limits. Her podcast, Family-Style Theology is a glimpse of the interaction with her children, who are featured in the podcast. The podcast explores theological topics through family conversation. Her podcast is one of many resources at which includes a podcast network, daily articles, speakers, a publishing house, annual conferences, and an online academy. Most of which are free resources ground in Biblical truth.


And just in time for Holy Week and Easter, tune into Family-Style Theology to learn more about the passion of Christ and the grand story of God’s great love for you.


A fitness scavenger hunt

  • Gather up the kiddos into one designated place, such as the family room, etc.
  • Call out a specific exercise everyone must do. (Five Burpees, jumping jacks, etc.)
  • Next call out instructions to go find something in the house and return to the designated area as fast as possible. (Bring a hair brush and a book, etc.)
  • The first one back wins! Make up rules best for your family. Have fun and get some exercise!
  • Add chores to the mix to get jobs done (Go make your bed. Go brush your teeth, etc.) 😍

Online self-defense. Cindy has watched her children blossom by learning jiu-jitsu and self-defense skills. Their confidence increased and their relationship with each other improved. And jiu-jitsu is a martial art well-suited for children. The techniques are simple and facilitates success.

Shop The Great Flip’s resources of online self-defense videos and curriculum designed for ages six and up.


More about Faith

If you are seeking to explore the Christian worldview for the first time or are a total Bible nerd, you will find amazing resources at I’m somewhere in-between first-timer and nerd. But their mission is what caught my attention:

To declare and defend the Good News that we are forgiven and free on account of Christ alone.

The inspiration for The Great Flip is a reflection of this “Christ alone” concept.

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 

Christ alone, became all you sin and shame. He gave you all his goodness and you stand right before God, who loves you. And Christ alone did this work … for you. ❤️

Join me at The Great Flip to increase confidence and courage learning fun self-defense and life skills! See you on the mat. – Coach Jody

Shop The Great Flip resources here.