online self defense for girls

Online Self-Defense for Girls

It’s a tough world out there. Girls face the threat of violence, assault, kidnapping and sex trafficking. They face encounters every day with bullying, cliques, cyber-bullying and more. No wonder self-confidence is low and anxiety is at an all-time high. And we haven’t even hit on mental health and the negative effects of the internet and social media. It’s time for online self-defense from The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

online self defense for girls

I believe martial arts can play a positive role in a girl’s life. It is a  valuable life skill available to our daughters. And I believe Brazilian jiu-jitsu can play a role to improve the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of girls. But sometimes going to a gym is unavailable or the teaching style is not geared toward girls.

And when I say “girl” I mean girls as young as six years old and up. Most parents wait until high school or college to expose their daughter to self-defense skills. But the time to begin teaching self-defense is when they are young.

I wish I had exposed my two daughters to martial arts and self-defense training at a younger age. When we finally went to a martial arts gym, we were overwhelmed by the physical location, the physical touch, physical fitness challenge. We pushed through these fear factors, but my daughters did not enjoy the experience. They were teenagers and did not appreciate the physical touch.  Imagine the anxiety a girl might feel who has already experienced physical abuse or worse. I decided there had to be a better way to introduce girls to self-defense. So I did.

The Solution. The Great Flip.

The Great Flip offers girls a safe place, safe touch and a safe training approach to self-defense training. The Great Flip is an introduction to self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. My training features real-life safety tips and faith-filled empowerment.

Hi friends, I’m Coach Jody and am here to equip you to empower your daughter to overcome her fear and anxiety with my online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment resources. You can accomplish my online program at home, at school practically anywhere. (Click here to head to my homepage and request a free self-defense video and lesson plans.)

What keeps your daughter awake at night (and you too)? bullying-fear-germs

  • Bullies and bad guys.
  • Germs
  • Fear and anxiety.

Parents say the videos are fun, playful and empowering. They see confidence and courage increase, while they maintain a safe and controlled environment.

Girls should train Jiu-jitsu for self-defense. Here’s why:

Many traditional martial arts such as karate and taekwondo have nice qualities but fall short in real-life self-defense situations. Katas are taught in these martial arts which are prescribed movements and coordination but do not address dynamic situations such as when a girl is pushed to the ground. More than 80 percent of all altercations are situations when a girl is forced to the ground.

online self defense for girls

Jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport which means its training focuses on gripping the opponent to seize control (vs. striking and kicking methods). Grappling focuses on taking the person to the ground for control and submissions. Jiu-jitsu looks a lot like wrestling. Jiu-jitsu relies on leveraging and techniques vs. strength and force.

BJJ empowers the weaker, smaller person to dominate larger opponents. This is why jiu-jitsu is good for girls who might find themselves up against someone bigger and stronger. If a girl can’t be stronger is a self-defense situation, then jiu-jitsu will make her smarter!

In comparison, a popular women’s self-defense method is Krav-Maga, where women are trained to strike and kick for the groin-kick or eye-gouge. Granted, there are times and places for exerting force on an opponent. But this martial art is for older women who are already strong and physically fit. But even the fittest female may not be able to go up against someone twice her size and strength. Training jiu-jitsu is a better, smarter approach to self-defense for girls and women.

I recommend beginning with jiu-jitsu training then add other martial arts depending on your comfort level and abilities. And highly recommend training at a reputable jiu-jitsu academy.  When shopping for a jiu-jitsu academy pay close attention to hygiene habits, teaching style and their attitude toward teaching girls.

Jiu-jitsu for Girls 

online self defense for girls

A girl will love her body for what it can do

Jiu-jitsu erases insecurities by showing girls the amazing things her body can do. When she steps onto the mat, she can leave behind the “image wars” she is battling. She will discover her body for its ingenuity and beauty. Every ounce of her body is beautifully designed to move. Simple jiu-jitsu techniques will allow her to use her body in powerful and amazing ways. She will begin to see herself for who she is … “wonderfully made.” (See Psalm 139:13-14)

Jiu-jitsu gets you in shape

Instead of running on a treadmill and pumping weights, girls can get fit in a small amount of time and space. I didn’t learn self-defense to lose weight, but while training, I lost twenty pounds and gained amazing muscle mass. My health is better than ever. I got in shape and learned new life skills.

online self defense for girls

The Great Flip instructional videos are a great way to begin your fitness journey and supplement your current routine. If you are wondering what you will need to create a training space at home, read my blog and watch my video called “Let’s get Equipped.” 

Jiu-jitsu forms friendship

There’s nothing like wrestling, rolling and sparring with friends and family. Physical touch is healing to the body, mind and spirit in the context of healthy relationships. And Jiu-jitsu requires trust. Girls will need to hug, touch and roll around on the ground to learn. They will need to know that when they practice a technique they have a safe place to train, then trust no one will hurt them. Jiu-jitsu re-establishes trust and healthy relationships.

The combination of physical touch, trusting relationships and playful interaction create an environment for lasting friendships. Girls who train together become lasting friends who can rely on each other, encourage one another, and have each other’s back for far more than self-defense skills.

Jiu-jitsu is a positive role model

online self defense for girls

Okay, I’ll just say it … My daughters think I’m cool… sometimes. I’m humbled to say this and slightly amazed. I hope they think I’m awesome because I’m their mom, but they have been my best cheerleaders and encouragers throughout my jiu-jitsu journey. They tell their friends about me. Crazy, right?! Girls who learn jiu-jitsu and value self-defense become role models for other girls. Try my instructional videos at The Great Flip and see if you and your girls walk a little taller and radiate confidence that other girls desire.

Faith-filled Empowerment

Coach Jody equips girls and their parents with unique faith-filled empowerment resources to connect physical activities to social, emotional and spiritual growth. Girls will discover their true source of power comes

Life Skills for Girls

from God’s power (not girl power).

Download a free excerpt of My Anti-Bully Ebook.

Request a free lesson plan.

Read blogs to enrich your experience.

Listen to podcasts to connect you to like-minded Christian leaders.


See you on the mat!

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girl program partner!

online self-defense for girls

no-contact safety tip your body

online self-defense for girls


I feel safer now

Back-to-School Self Defense You Learned in Kindergarten

The internet is full of advice with back-to-school self-defense tips. But I’m sticking with “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” I’m taking a page out of Robert Fulghum classic book. But I’ve added a twist. Be sure to enjoy the podcast featuring a radio interview I did for The Coffee Hour at KFUO Radio. I share my four tips for back-to-school self defense, all of which, you learned in kindergarten. Be sure to find a link to the free videos at the bottom of this blog then find an online self-defense curriculum for the girls in your life.

“When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.”


LISTEN TO THE PODCAST/Coach Jody Featured on KFUO Radio!

My four tips for a safe back-to-school

Be Confident.

Yes, I know you might be scared. Maybe nervous. But I also know you are excited. Excited to make new friends and learn new things. If you don’t think you are ready … You are. You were born for this. You will do great things! Walk into school with your head held high. Imagine a crown on your head. (There really is an imaginary crown on your head.) Smile at people. When you smile, people will smile back. You will make other people feel confident. Look you just made a new friend!

Be Cautious.

Be cautious in traffic. Of course, look both ways before you cross the street, but I’m talking about creepy internet traffic. Sweet Mr. Fulghum’s advice still applies (but he had no idea how far this was going to go).

First, let me speak to parents of kindergarteners (because I’m sure your kindergartner is not posting on Snapchat and if they are, for the love of all things sane, stop!) Parents, teach healthy internet habits. Kindergartner should not be on Snapchat nor should they be on the internet for that matter. As children get older continue to monitor screen time. Teach your children about the dangers of the internet at the appropriate age. Monitor all internet activity. Yes, you have the right to do this. It’s your phone and it’s your child. You are the parent. No excuses. And when your child finally goes to college, they will understand the dangers of the internet and make wise choices.  Girls, did you know Snapchat is now on the creepy stalker app list? Stop sharing your location. And do not talk to strangers! Ever.

Only share your location with a trusted friend and parents. And do it the old fashioned way .. with a note, a phone call, email or text.

Which leads me to #3 (To learn more about the 15 Creepy Apps click here for this news story) Seriously, heed this advice.

Be a Buddy.

back to school

Everyone needs a travel buddy. From your first field trip to your first big trip over seas always travel with a buddy or a group of buddies. And if you are out late (studying at the library, of course) You can always call for someone to come get you. You can always call campus patrol to walk with you. Be confident to pick up the phone and call for help. Make sure you know the safety policies of your school.

Be a Good Friend.

Seek out trusted, loyal friends. Get to know people before you reveal too much information. Meet friends in public areas. Do not bring friends into your dorm room. Always play in public spaces with supervision. Do not go home with someone you don’t know well or get into someone’s car you don’t know well.

Subscribe to The Great Flip and give your daughter self-defense skills. Click here to learn more.


If a situation becomes a bit more scary. Remember the triple A’s

Assert Yourself.

Your voice is your first line of self defense. Use it. Use your voice to communicate your boundaries. Use your voice to get help. Use your voice to de-escalate a person and the situation. Use strong body language to communicate confidence and boundaries. Remember, you have a crown on your head. Stand up tall and speak loud and clear.

Assess Your Situation.

Get your head out of your phone and look around. Your eyes should always be scanning your surroundings. How many people are around you? Where are your exits? Can you get help? Can you go some where else? Begin to determine your next steps by evaluating your surroundings.

Act Appropriately.

Based on your ability to assert yourself and assess of your surroundings, you will be able to act appropriately. Every situation is different. Most of the time you can seek a peaceful resolution. Some times you will need some self-defense skills.

Whether you are in kindergarten or college, The Great Flip is an introduction to self defense inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Check out my online self-defense instructional videos and subscribe to the program that meets your needs.

The Great Flip.

self defense from the ground up

The Great Flip is an introduction to self defense inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Girls can watch online instructional videos and learn empowering self-defense techniques in a safe place with safe people. They can advance at their own pace. Each video is less than three minutes and easy to watch, repeat, train and master.

Review the collection of FREE Videos at

Get a group of girl friends together this school year and learn self-defense at home or in your dorm room. Use The Great Flip curriculum in your homeschool, private school and youth team-building activities. The Great Flip is an approved program partner for American Heritage Girls.

You can find more videos on YouTube by searching “The Great Flip Online Self Defense”

To learn more about pricing and programs click here!

online self defense for girls


I just had to! Here’s a list of lessons from Robert Fulghum’s book “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”

  1. Share everything.
    2. Play fair.
    3. Don’t hit people.
    4. Put things back where you found them.
    6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
    7. Say you’re SORRY when you HURT somebody.
    8. Wash your hands before you eat.
    9. Flush.
    10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
    11. Live a balanced life – learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.
    12. Take a nap every afternoon.
    13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
    14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
    15. Goldfish and hamster and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup – they all die. So do we.
    16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned – the biggest word of all – LOOK.”
    ― Robert Fulghum

Feel free to contact me to learn more about The Great Flip! Be safe out there! See you on the mat

-Coach Jody

see you on the mat

Animal-inspired Exercise

These animal-inspired exercises are not only fun and empowering, but each drill is designed to improve your jiu-jitsu training. Even though these are solo drills, exercise is more fun with a friend!

If you are seeking physical education curriculum ideas for your home-school or private school, read to the end of this blog! I’ve got great lesson plans in the works for you!

Benefits of these drills

  • These animal-inspired drills actually mimmic the movement of real animals, so go ahead and add the animal sounds when you train;
  • When you don’t have your training buddy, these exercises are great solo drills;
  • No equipment required, so go ahead and do them inside, outside, in the kitchen, up and down the hallway, at summer camp, on a rainy day, in the rain, etc.;
  • Each exercise provides a full-body, strength and cardio workout in a short amount of time;
  • Of course these exercises are physically challenging, but they are also mentally stimulating; &
  • Each movement improves your future jiu-jitsu training experience.

Let’s get started! With each drill, set a timer and try to do each technique for :30 seconds. Build endurance and strength by adding time. These drills are not meant to be a race. They are meant to be done with the correct form and conditioning.

Bear Crawl

The correct way to do the Bear Crawl is to coordinate the movement of your arms and legs. Begin on your hands and feet. Your knees should be a few inches off the ground. As you move your left arm forward, move your right leg forward. Then with each proceeding step begins with the opposite arm and leg. As you can see from the video, I’m pretty good at the forward motion. But the backward motion is challenging for me. I can physically do the movement, but my body and my brain got a little behind. Be sure to keep your head up and eyes forward.

How does the Bear Crawl improve your jiu-jitsu game? I use the Bear Crawl when I’m about to be submitted by the Triangle submission. I “bear crawl” forward over my opponent which causes them to release the submission. Let me hear you roar!

Leap Frog

A strong leap frog will increase your explosive movement and balance in jiu-jitsu. The goal is not to take fast little jumps. Instead leap as high and as far as you can while at the same time, landing soft and controlled. Begin in a low squat position. Jump up as high and as far as possible and come back down all the way into the low squat. Make sure you control the landing. If you don’t you may hurt your knees or fall forward. After just a few, you will feel the burn.

Alligator Crawl

This is the most challenging movement for me. Much like the Bear Crawl, begin on your hands and feet and also move your opposite arm and leg forward. But in the alligator crawl, you will do a modified push up. As you execute your modified push up, your hip will drop to one side and your bent knee will extend out. You should feel this bent knee extension in your hip flexure. The deeper you can do the push up, the more challenging the exercise.

Coming Fall 2019

Physical Education Lesson Plans

Great Time to join The Great Flip

The animal-inspired drills will be part of a brand new self-defense curriculum from The Great Flip. Each lesson plan will include

  • Warm-up exercises
  • Conditioning drills
  • Stretching
  • Self-defense techniques inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu

Welcome to The Great Flip


Are you ready to learn simple self defense inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu? Welcome to The Great Flip, online self defense and life skills for girls ages six and up.

If you have ever wanted to try a self-defense class, but feel a little intimated by the big gym experience, try training with me, Coach Jody. Each video is approximately three to four minutes in length. I break-down one simple technique per video and walk you through each step. You will watch girls just like your daughters, age range from six to 13 trying the technique. We had so much fun making these videos together. And you will have a ton of fun learning the techniques with your favorite girl friends.  Learning self defense is a great way to get in shape while also learning valuable life skills!

Click on the 2 Ways to Join to learn more about The Great Flip online self-defense videos. See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a national program partner for American Heritage Girls

Want to learn a simple self-defense technique right now? Why not!

Let’s learn the Wrist Escape!

Click 2 Ways to join to gain access to more than 20 online self-defense videos! See you on the mat!


It’s A Great Time to Join The Great Flip

It’s a great time to join The Great Flip! I am coming up on my one-year anniversary which means there is a solid selection of online self-defense instructional videos to choose from. If you have hesitated to join in the past, the wait is over. Now is the time to learn self defense!

The Great Flip is an introduction to self defense for girls, ages 6 and up, inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu, nutrition and faith-based motivation.Great Time to join The Great Flip

If you have ever wanted to try a self-defense class, but feel a little intimated by the big gym experience, try training with me, Coach Jody. Each video is approximately three to four minutes in length. I break-down one simple technique per video and walk you through each step. You will watch girls just like your daughters, age range from six to 13 trying the technique. We had so much fun making these videos together. And you will have a ton of fun learning the techniques with your favorite girl friends.  Learning self defense is a great way to get in shape while also learning valuable life skills!

self defense from the ground up

The majority of the techniques featured in my online instructional videos are centered on escaping dicey situations, such as wrist escapes, choke escapes, bear hugs, etc. and of course becoming comfortable with movements on the ground inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  But I also introduce  a few submission techniques including The Arm Lock (Kimura), The Triangle and now, I am releasing The Arm Bar.

Learning these techniques in a safe environment will allow you to practice at your own pace with people you trust.

Right now, there are more than 20 videos available to subscribers with many more coming throughout the summer including the “Core 12 Self-Defense Techniques”, the “See you on my mat” video series and many more. Click 2 Ways to Join to learn more and get started.

If you’d prefer to begin with the “Core 12 Self-Defense Techniques” I do offer a non-subscriber program. Check that out too. 

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

PS. And yes, you can order a Patch just like you see in this blog post. Patches are $3. Send me an email and I’ll process an order for you.

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls

Now is a great time to join The Great Flip

Coach Jody



At the Intersection of Jesus and Jiu-jitsu

At the Intersection of Jesus and Jiu-jitsu

Have you been hurt or confused by the church? Listen. Are you seeking truth from multiple religions, theologies and philosophies? Listen. Are you grappling with a decision to step into mixed martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu or self defense for you and your daughter? Listen to this podcast and you will find my Podcast guest, Donavon Riley at the intersection of Jesus and jiu-jitsu.

My guest, Donavon Riley shares his journey from drugs to faith, lies to truth, lost to found and so much more. He shares his 12 year-old daughter’s journey away from taekwondo to  jiu-jitsu, and her discovery of perseverance and strength. This podcast is for anyone who is seeking to strengthen their faith and courage to walk onto the Bjj mats. Donavon Riley can be found at the intersection of Jesus and jiu-jitsu and at and his Banned Books Podcast. See you on the mat at

Click on the play button below to listen to this Podcast. Subscribe to The Great Flip Podcast in Spotify, Google Podcasts, Anchor and more to stay up-to-date with The Great Flip.

If this is your first visit to The Great Flip?

Welcome to The Great Flip!

I’m Coach Jody and I teach online self defense and life skills to girls inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu, nutrition and faith-based motivation. The Great Flip instructional videos are designed for girls ages 6 and up (yes, and mom too). I’m a mother of two daughters and a purple belt certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor.

Coach Jody

Here at The Great Flip, you and your daughter can learn simple self-defense techniques in the comfort of your own home. Simply subscribe to my online instructional videos. Each video is less than three minutes and teach one simple self-defense technique. Let’s give one a try right now. Let’s learn the Wrist Escape.

Ready to learn more? Feel free to explore my website and get to know more about The Great Flip. Search for my videos on YouTube or Vimeo at The Great Flip Online Self Defense.

Click 2 Ways to Join to get started.

If you are not familiar with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, that’s okay. It was a new concept to me too. But after a lot of research, my husband and I discovered jiu-jitsu and learned it was the best martial art for our daughters because it addresses the ground game situation like no other martial art. Don’t get me wrong, karate and taekwondo are fun, but are not real to life when it comes to self-defense. And Krav Maga looks good in theory, but you better be bigger and stronger and probably faster if you want to be successful at it.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu equips a smaller person to overcome a larger person by learning techniques. I’d like to introduce you to this martial art within the safety of your home and or group of friends.

I have more than 20 videos to expand your online self-defense training and many more resources as a subscriber. Click here to see this option

Why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu?

Techniques taught in the online self-defense instructional videos

  • Break Fall and Technical Lift
  • Push Kick
  • Punch Protection from Standing and on the Ground
  • Hip Escapes
  • Bridges
  • Ground Protection Drills
  • Wrist Escape
  • Choke Escape
  • Hip Bump and Arm Lock Drill
  • Mount Escape
  • Arm Bar
  • Triangle
  • And more coming every month!

Click Join Us to learn more and get started.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

Be sure to share this podcast and my website with the favorite girls in your life on social media @thegreatflip #thegreatflip

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls!

self defense from the ground up

Self Defense from the Ground Up

“Stay on your feet!” This is the advice I heard a self-defense instructor give a group of middle school students. Great advice. But 80 percent of self-defense situations end on the ground, especially for girls. Then what?

The ground becomes a position of power and strength when you train Brazilian jiu-jitsu!

The Great Flip is an introduction to self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Bjj). Bjj is designed for smaller opponents to dominate larger ones using technique rather than strength. And Bjj is a grappling sport which means it spend a majority of its training addressing self-defense situation from the ground.

Many traditional martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo have nice qualities but fall short in real-life application. Katas teach nice patterns of movements but do not address techniques required when a girl hits the ground and must defend herself from the floor. If a girl can’t be stronger is a self-defense situation, then jiu-jitsu will make her smarter!

The online videos from The Great Flip are designed for everyone, ages six and up. The program is designed to be fun, playful and empowering. Gain confidence and courage in a controlled environment training online. 

Get started in three easy steps:

The Great Flip overcomes these Fear-Factors!

If learning self defense feels overwhelming or scary, The Great Flip is a great place to start. Here are three fear-factors my daughters experienced and overcame by using my online self-defense program at The Great Flip:

Physical Location

  • Yep, a lot of Bjj gyms smell
  • The gym is too far away
  • The gym is full of fighters and not family-friendly
  • The gym requires a one-year costly contract, uniform fees, etc.

Physical Touch

  • You have to train and roll around with strangers
  • Yep, some strangers smell and are sweaty
  • You might be the only girl at the gym

Physical Fitness

  • You aren’t in shape yet
  • You can’t afford to join a Bjj gym and a fitness center

I developed The Great Flip to give everyone a positive experience.

A Better Experience at The Great Flip

  • Set up a simple training space (home gym). Read this blog to see my simple home gym set up (trust me, it’s very simple)
  • Train with familiar, trusted family and friends
  • Get in shape while you learn empowering life skills

From the Ground Up Skills you will learn as a subscriber

  • Ground Escape Drills
  • Bridges
  • Hip Escapes
  • Hip Bumps
  • Arm Locks
  • Arm Bars
  • Triangles
  • Punch Protection from the Ground

Here’s a glimpse into one on the ground drills you can learn. Find this and other promotional videos on my YouTube Channel at The Great Flip Self Defense. Be sure to subscribe!

Begin your self-defense journey with The Great Flip! Click here to get started!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

the great flip break fall

A Self-Defense Technique Every Girl (and Her Mom) Should Learn

Self defense is protection from potential injury. Sometimes this means defending yourself against a bully or aggressor. But today, I want to share one technique every girl (and her mom) should learn. I believe self defense is a life skill. And this technique is definitely a life skill! Check this out.

The Fall

We all do it. The most common reaction to falling to the ground is throwing our arms back to break the fall. And of course, the most common injuries from falls include strained or broken hands, wrists, elbows, arms and/or shoulders. And sometimes serious injury can occur to the head and spine.

the great flip break fall
The Break Fall

Try this test. From a safe seated position, roll backward and try NOT to use your arms or elbows to cushion you fall. We instinctively react by throwing our hands or elbows back to cushion the fall. Statistically, we are more likely to fall than to be involved in a serious self-defense situation. Inevitably, we will accidentally trip then fall or get pushed then fall.

It’s time to learn a new muscle memory and protect yourself from serious injury. Every girl and, yes you too, mom, should learn The Break Fall.

The Great Flip Break Fall

I teach simple self-defense techniques! Nothing difficult or crazy. But definitely life-changing and empowering for you and your daughters. The Great Flip is online self defense and life skills for girls ages six and up. I introduce girls (and her family) to self-defense techniques inspired by the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu. These techniques do not require super strength or coordination. As a matter of fact, the techniques will strengthen your body and promote coordination skills. Learning self defense is a great way to get physically fit while learning new life skills. You control the environment and the training partners. The Great Flip addresses three fear factors that girls typically face when they consider learning self defense. 

The Great Flip break fall

Most self defense programs rely on force-driven techniques and movements. But Brazilian jiu-jitsu relies on techniques and leveraging your body to move with intelligence. Girls are more likely to be the smaller person in a self-defense situation. She may not be able to muscle her way out of a situation. Jiu-jitsu will train your body to be stronger, and most importantly, to be smarter. Be sure to read my other blogs or listen to my podcasts in the self defense section to learn more about the benefits of jiu-jitsu for girls.

The Break Fall

There are two ways to subscribe to my online self-defense program. Both programs feature The Break Fall technique. The first program features 12 techniques (six from standing and six from the ground). Each video is approximately three minutes or less so you can watch, try, repeat, and master the technique. You can purchase all 12 videos for a one-time payment. No additional subscription content or videos are included in this option. Click 2 Ways to Join

The best program is a subscription program . For a small monthly fee, you gain access to all 12 techniques … and that is just the beginning. In addition, you gain unlimited access to my private “See You on My Mat” video series. In this series, I take you to my home studio and we break down each technique. I add variations, tips and challenges to the techniques. I also offer nutrition and faith-based motivation resources exclusively to my subscribers. Yes, you can learn these techniques at home. You’ll need a few simple supplies. Read this blog or listen to this podcast.

Click 2 Ways to Join to learn more

A Break Fall Video Promo

Now back to the Break Fall. Here is a video promotion to give you a sneak peak at the Break Fall technique. In this video I have designed a drill to simulate a fall and the proper way to get up off the ground to maintain a safe distance from your partner. This technique is called the Technical Lift. As I progress through the simple moves, I teach the girls about distance management.



Here is a break down of the first 12 Techniques you will learn from me here at The Great Flip:

The Standing Series includes:

  • The Break Fall
  • The Technical Lift
  • The Break Fall & Technical Lift Drill
  • The Wrist Escape
  • Choke Escape
  • Punch Protection (from Standing)

The Ground Series includes:

  • The Hip Escape
  • The Bridge
  • Ground Protection Drill
  • Hip Bump + Arm Lock Drill
  • Mount Escape
  • Punch Protection (from Ground)

Join me now! When you become a subscriber, gain access to more than 20 videos. More are being added all the time! I’d love to teach you and your favorite girls these simple yet powerful techniques. Subscribe now by clicking 2 Ways to Join!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls

online self-defense for girls reduces fear

Online Self-Defense for Girls Reduces Fear and Builds Confidence

Yes, online self-defense for girls does reduce fear and it builds confidence! The Great Flip was featured in the news with this headline!

I spoke to a Dad the other day who is using The Great Flip videos for his seven year-old daughter. She was very anxious about the big gym experience. Now they are learning self defense at home and her confidence is blooming!

Want to learn more about the three most common fear-factors girls experience and how online self-defense is removing these obstacles? Listen to my podcast

If you are looking to share news and information about my online self-defense program for girls, feel free to use this content. You can also contact me directly through my contact form on the website or my email address at


Online Self-Defense for Girls Reduces Fear and Builds Confidence

Contact: Jody Token,

ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — Online instructional videos from The Great Flip give girls a unique way to learn self-defense skills to reduce fear and increase confidence.American Heritage Girls, the national faith-based character development organization for girls named The Great Flip its newest Further Learning Program Alliance partner.

“Self-defense training can be scary for girls. The mere mention of attackers and bullies create anxiety,” says founder and coach, Jody Token. She developed the website to give girls, ages six to 18, a positive experience learning self-defense.

“Now girls can train in their own comfortable environments. When fear-factors are removed, girls can focus on mastering techniques and gain confidence,” says Token. “And no more stinky gyms,” she added.

online self-defense for girls
The Great Flip introduces girls to a martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can defend them self against a bigger, stronger assailant using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground.”Statistics show that most self-defense situations end on the ground, especially for girls,” Token explains. “No other marital art addresses the ground game like BJJ,” adds Token.Token leads the girls through a series of simple jiu-jitsu techniques addressing movement and safety from the ground and standing. She teaches effective escapes and attacks. The videos are less than three minutes and are meant to be watched, repeated and practiced until mastery. Many can be found on YouTube and Vimeo by searching “The Great Flip Self Defense for girls.”The Great Flip is a subscription-based website. Families with daughters, home-schoolers, American Heritage Girls, athletic directors, physical fitness educators, Directors of Christian Education, youth ministers and camp directors utilize The Great Flip to meet their fitness, faith and team-building goals.The Great Flip website also provides nutrition resources and faith-based motivation. Token is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu certified instructor and purple belt. She has spent twenty years inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders in the nonprofit industry. She and her husband have two daughters who encouraged her to create The Great Flip.”No one has combined a martial art and a Christian worldview like The Great Flip,” says Token. Visit the website at

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jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Why Girls Should Learn Jiu-jitsu for Self-Defense

Why should girls learn jiu-jitsu for self-defense? I’m pretty sure (or at least I hope) we are in a place in our culture to already know girls are equally capable to participate in martial arts and learn basic self-defense skills. And like it or not, the necessity is real. Statistics reveal that girls are just as likely to be bullied by peers and more likely to be victimized into womanhood. Because we live in a broken world, girls must learn to defend themselves, therefore learning a martial art is a viable option. But why should a girl learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) for self-defense? And what additional benefits does self-defense training offer a girl?

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Jiu-jitsu for self-defense

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

BJJ is designed for weaker, smaller opponents to dominate larger ones using technique rather than strength. My husband and I have two daughters. We discovered jiu-jitsu was the best option for me and our girls. Many traditional martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo have nice qualities but fall short in real-life application. Katas teach nice patterns of movements but do not address any kind of movement required when a girl hits the ground and must defend herself from the floor. In jiu-jitsu, the game is won on the ground. Jiu-jitsu includes techniques like closed guard, punch protection, arm bars, kimuras, triangles and chokes to name a few. It incorporates Judo which teaches simple take-downs and leveraging. If a girl can’t be stronger is a self-defense situation, then jiu-jitsu will make her smarter!

I like the mindfulness of jiu-jitsu. It teaches girls to assess the situation and act accordingly. In comparison, a popular women’s self defense is the force-driven tactics taught in Krav-Maga, where girls are trained to immediately go for the groin-kick or eye-gouge. Granted, there is a time and a place for exerting force on an opponent, but a knee-jerk reaction may make the situation worse, not better. And quite honestly, I don’t think I could successfully kick or strike someone hard and fast enough (even in their personal space) to deter a mad-man. Jiu-jitsu has taught me to assert myself with my voice and my strong body language, assess each situation and take appropriate action. I’d like to equip girls with the same skills using jiu-jitsu as the foundation. You can read my blog about three life skills for every girl to learn more.

If you struggle with personal “excuses” to begin training jiu-jitsu, read my blog post about the three obstacles I overcame in order to excel at training. Using “The Great Flip” online instructional videos will equip you to overcome three excuses including physical location, physical touch and physical fitness. At any time, click on “2 Ways to Join” and we can overcome these excuses together!

The value of learning self-defense is most likely more than enough to motivate you to step onto the mats right now and begin training, but I’ve discovered BJJ has so much more to offer than self-defense training. And if you gather your friends and train with me at The Great Flip you too will discover these benefits and probably more.

A girl will love her body for what it can do

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Jiu-jitsu erases insecurities by showing girls the amazing things her body can do. When she steps onto the mat, she can leave behind the “image wars” she is battling. She will discover her body for its ingenuity and beauty. Every ounce of her body is beautifully designed to move. Simple jiu-jitsu techniques will allow her to use her body in powerful and amazing ways. Jiu-jitsu utilizes the strength of girls’ legs to control a stronger person and optimize her flexibility to escape a dicey situation. When she steps off the mat, she will begin to see herself for who she really is … “wonderfully made.” (See Psalm 139:13-14)

Jiu-jitsu gets you in shape

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Instead of running on a treadmill and pumping weights, you can get fit in a small amount of time and space. I didn’t learn self-defense to lose weight, but while training, I lost twenty pounds and gained amazing muscle mass. My health is better than ever. And not only did I get in shape, but I learned a new life skill at the same time. Girls can be physically and mentally challenged every time she trains. And no, she doesn’t need to be in shape to start training. (That goes for you too, mom and dad) But with time and consistency, like any other sport, jiu-jitsu will produce core strength, flexibility and endurance. The Great Flip instructional videos are a great way to begin your fitness journey or supplement your current routine. If you are wondering what you will need to create a training space at home, read my blog and watch my video called “Let’s get Equipped.” 

Jiu-jitsu forms friendship

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

There’s nothing like wrestling, rolling and sparring with friends and family. Physical touch is healing to the body, mind and spirit in the context of healthy relationships. And Jiu-jitsu requires trust. Girls will need to hug, touch and roll around on the ground to learn. They will need to know that when they practice a technique they have a safe place to train, then trust no one will hurt them.

The combination of physical touch, trusting relationships and playful interaction create an environment for lasting friendships. Girls who train together becomes lasting friends who can rely on each other, encourage one another and have each other’s back for far more than self-defense skills.

Jiu-jitsu is a positive role model

Okay, I’ll just say it … My daughters think I’m cool… sometimes. I’m humbled to say this and slightly amazed. I hope they think I’m awesome because I’m their mom, but they have been my best cheerleaders and encouragers throughout my jiu-jitsu journey. They tell their friends about me. Crazy, right?! Girls who learn jiu-jitsu and value self-defense become role models for other girls. Try my instructional videos at The Great Flip and see if you and your girls walk a little taller and radiate a confidence that other girls desire. Click “2 Ways to Join.”

Jiu-jitsu is healthy living

self defense for girls

And one more thing, Jiu-jitsu is more than self-defense. It includes resources for living a healthy lifestyle. This aspect was a pleasant surprise. I could immediately experience the fitness and friend benefits, but as I got to know the people and the sport, I realized I was surrounded by people who cared about nutrition habits. Soon I was consuming less sugars and eating more protein and veggies. And drinking more water! Of course, the focus on nutrition caused me to be healthier and better at jiu-jitsu.

At The Great Flip, I have three pillars of content in my blog; Self Defense, Nutrition and Motivation. I believe these three pillars are intertwined in jiu-jitsu. It is my hope to share my journey and the journey of others who are experts in these areas. It is my hope these resources will bless you and make your self-defense training much more than self-defense training. Click on Blogs to discover free resources. And when you become a subscriber, I have additional content just for you!

Jiu-jitsu is sharing

Do you have a self-defense technique you’d like me to demonstrate in my next video? I have videos being produced right now ready to upload. I can’t wait to make more!

You can watch free videos on my YouTube channel at The Great Flip Self Defense or here’s a link to a video on my channel

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

I’d love to hear about your jiu-jitsu journey. Feel free to snap a picture or video of yourself doing the techniques. Then post it on Instagram with a shout-out hashtag #thegreatflip. Or send the media to me and I’ll post it on my page @thegreatflip.

I’d love for you to train with me and enjoy all the benefits of jiu-jitsu. It’s time to click on the “2 Ways to Join” button to get started. Feel free to send me a comment or ask a question through my Contact Form.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody