The Great Flip Online Self-Defense Curriculum
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Why teach self-defense to children age six and older?
Confidence. Courage. Control.
Learning self-defense will increase your students’ confidence and inspire courage. And bonus … Online self-defense puts you in control of a safe experience.
The curriculum and videos will introduce students to fundamental self-defense movements and techniques inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. You will introduce elements of a martial arts experience to your students including bowing, teamwork, discipline and respect.
Who is using Self-defense Curriculum?
The online self-defense curriculum is now available for 1st – 12th grades. The curriculum is being used by educators to meet physical education and extra-curricular goals in the public, private, parochial and home school environments:
- Mom & Dad
- Physical education (PE) teachers
- Athletic directors
- After-school program directors
- Homeschool educators
- Youth leaders
- Directors of Christian education
- Camp directors
- Team-building directors
- Self-defense instructors
The Great Flip Online Self-defense Curriculum includes:
- A total of 32 videos
- Online curriculum PDF
- Eight lesson plans PDF
- Eight Talking Points PDF
- Class Structure Video
- Warm-up Exercises Video
- Stretches Video
- Animal-inspired Conditioning Drills Video
- Jiu-jitsu-inspired Games Video
- 20 Self-Defense Technique Videos
- Seven Bonus Self-Defense Technique Videos
- A total of 27 Self-Defense Technique Videos
The curriculum is complete with downloadable lesson plans, talking points, and online videos for every segment of your class experience including warm-up exercises, stretches, conditioning drills, jiu-jitsu-inspired games and of course, empowering self-defense techniques and movements.
There’s a plan for every budget. Click here to pick a plan.
What you need to provide:
- Mats
- Training space
- Strong WiFi
- No experience is required
- A teachable spirit
Click here to read my “Welcome” blog for more information.
Click here to request a free video and lesson plan
The Great Flip Approach
The Great Flip Curriculum is a non-combative approach to self-defense. The student will not be taught to strike, kick or use aggression or force. They will explore movements in a safe and positive environment. They will learn life skills such as falling safely to the ground. They will learn discipline, teamwork and trust. They will learn about distance management, situational awareness, punch protection, and techniques to de-escalate and escape situations. They will be challenged mentally and physically while learning foundational Bjj movements without fear.
The primary objective of The Great Flip online self-defense curriculum is the exploration of physical movement for self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. They will grow mentally, physically and emotionally with this curriculum.
Educational Outcomes
- Introduction to, and basic understanding of the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ).
- Introduction to, and basic understanding of a typical martial art class experience.
- Introduction to self-defense techniques and physical movements inspired by Bjj.
- Improved physical fitness by learning and executing movements and techniques.
- Improved confidence and courage in executing self-defense techniques.
- Increased control of physical, emotional and mental self.
- Increased confidence in gaining positive body language skills.
- Improved situational awareness learning how to assert, assess and take action.
- Improved character development skills understanding self-defense as a holistic approach to life.
Click here to request a free video and lesson plan
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is best for children’s first exposure to self-defense, because:
- BJJ allows students to live drill techniques with success.
- BJJ empowers smaller-framed people to use techniques and leveraging versus force to overcome a larger opponent.
- BJJ introduces children to physical contact in a safe environment.
- BJJ is a “grappling sport” introducing children to movements on the ground which is realistic to real self-defense situations. Most self-defense altercations (more than 80 percent) end up on the ground. No other martial art addresses ground situations like BJJ.
- BJJ empowers, builds confidence, and increases mental and physical strength.
- BJJ is referred to as the “gentle martial art” giving children a positive martial arts experience.
Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Self Confidence | Bully Prevention |
Positive Body Image | Teamwork |
Trust & Respect | Strength & Flexibility |
Fitness & Conditioning | Life Skill & Character Development |
What is Brazilian jiu-jitsu?
Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art where the main objective is to control a resisting opponent. Since gaining control over an opponent has been proven to be easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the techniques of BJJ is centered around the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions.
BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique. And students of the sport gain a deep understanding of the workings and limits of the human body.
The Great Flip online curriculum will introduce students to foundational Bjj movements and techniques. Students who participate in the curriculum (and continue to revisit the movements year after year) will gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.
The Gentle Art. 
“Jiu-jitsu” translates from the Japanese as “the gentle art.” The idea here is that practitioners can execute moves realistically and at full speed without having to worry they will injure their partner. If caught in a submission, practitioners are taught to “tap” their partner to signify discomfort, and the submitter will release the submission. Jiu-jitsu does not believe in strength, it believes in technique. It uses leverage to overcome muscle and weight.
A brief history.
In the last days of the 19th century, some jiu-jitsu masters emigrated from Japan to other continents. Mitsuyo Maeda was one such master. Maeda arrived in Brazil in 1915, and settled in Belem do Para, where he met a man named Gastao Gracie. The father of eight children, among them five boys and three girls, Gastao became a jiu-jitsu enthusiast and brought his oldest son, Carlos, to learn from the Japanese master.
For a naturally frail fifteen-year-old Carlos Gracie, jiu-jitsu became a method not simply for fighting, but for personal improvement. At nineteen, he moved to Rio de Janeiro with his family and began teaching and fighting. In his travels, Carlos would teach classes, and also proved the efficiency of the art by beating opponents who were physically stronger. In 1925, he returned to Rio and opened the first school, known as the “Academia Gracie de Jiu-Jitsu.”
Coach Jody offers video-only plans called the Empowered and Strong Plans
Curriculum plans are called Confident and Courageous Plans.
Try a self-defense skill inspired by Brazilian jiu-Jitsu.
Now watch this curriculum-inspired video.
About Coach Jody
Coach Jody is a certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor and mother of two daughters. Her daughters inspired her to develop an online self-defense experience to gain a basic understanding of self-defense skills, prepare for the martial arts environment and improve overall health and wellness.
The Great Flip is a nationally-recognized program alliance for American Heritage Girls, a national Christ-centered character and leadership development organization for girls 5 to 18 years of age. Coach Jody has spent twenty years inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders.
Now it’s your turn
Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.
There’s a plan for every budget. Click here to pick a plan.