KFUO Radio

“I feel so much safer now!” KFUO & Facebook Live Radio Interview

“I feel so much safer now.” This is an empowered response from a young lady who eagerly learned the wrist escape during a Facebook Live radio interview at KFUO Radio and KFUO Facebook Live. (You can learn the technique too. Just scroll to the bottom and click on my online instructional self-defense video.)

Sarah, the co-host of The Coffee Hour, learned the simple and effective technique in an effort to showcase self-defense skills perfect for back-to-school and college bound students. The wrist escape is one of many online self-defense instructional videos from The Great Flip. Girls can train any time, any where subscribing to these videos. College students can subscribe to The Great Flip videos and watch from their dorms and with their friends! Click on 2 Ways to Join to get started and share with your favorite girl friends!

We’re learning self defense in studio! Sarah learns from Jody Token of The Great Flip. Positive Online Self Defense & Life Skills for Girls.

Posted by KFUO Radio on Friday, August 24, 2018

And I had a unique opportunity to share my faith and motivation behind The Great Flip.

My daughter created the name “The Great Flip.” She said learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) will turn a girl’s self defense game upside down! BJJ empowers girls with techniques so that a smaller, weaker person can overcome a larger opponent. TGF allows girls to feel empowered, confident and brave learning a new life skill like self-defense.

The Grace Place.

Martial arts is not typically associated with Christianity. There are a lot of eastern spirituality infused into the martial art culture. So it’s refreshing to learn a martial art and have a Christian world-view as its foundation.

I feel safer now

But here’s my soap box … There is so much pressure on girls today. And heading off to college and back-to-school can be extremely stressful. Anxiety is at an all-time high, especially girls. They feel pressure to get good grades, participate in extracurricular activities. And quite honestly, I think there’s even more unintended pressure on Christian kids; Read your Bible, go to Youth Group, go on a mission trip, etc. The list goes on and on. I feel like we, as parents and the church, have dangerously exchanged one form of “law” for another set of expectations falling again upon a “work” based life. And its crippling for our children.

In a small way, I want to restore the value of a Grace-based life. Knowing Grace is remembering God’s unconditional, unmerited love for everyone. You don’t have to earn it. You don’t have to work for it. You don’t have to ask for it. It’s a free gift. When Grace is restored to its proper place, we love because HE first loved us. When children (and parents and the church) remember that “We are saved by GRACE, through Faith…” we experience freedom to live life to the full. (See Ephesians 2:8)

i feel safer now

Flipped by Grace.

Therefore, The Great Flip is about The Gospel! Martin Luther, the great reformer, summarized the Christian faith using the Bible verse from the New Testament in 2 Corinthians 5:21:

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

He called it The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.

I want girls to not only learn an effective martial art, but I want girls to have a safe place to find encouragement and motivation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about grace; the free and unmerited favor of God.

Here at The Great Flip, girls will receive unconditional love and acceptance, no matter her past, present and future. I want girls to grow in grace with herself, with others and discover the unconditional message of God’s grace for every person, every where.

If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to meet me on the mat and continue your self-defense journey. Everyone is welcome. Consider the spiritual content something to meditate and reflect upon while you learn a new life skill. Check out my blog Why the Great Flip for more insight.

Grace is everywhere to be discovered … for you!

A big shout-out and thank you to KFUO Radio.

KFUO Radio is the longest continually operating Christian radio station in the United States. Owned and operated by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS). I attend an LCMS church in St. Louis. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity they gave me to share The Great Flip.

It is my hope that young ladies every where, Christian Directors of Education, Youth Ministers and Pastors will be blessed by The Great Flip. You have an opportunity to share a life skill like self-defense (and team building activities) with a Christian worldview. Christ crucified … for you and me!

Want to see the official wrist escape video? Here’s the instructional video on YouTube

You can subscribe to this one and many more. Click on the 2 Ways to Join to learn more about the online self-defense instructional videos.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

Grace for you

Grace for you

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Marvelous Grace Chris Pratt

Marvel-ous Grace

What do Marvel movies, Jurassic Park movies and the TV show Parks and Recreation have in common with the biblical expression of Grace? Probably not much, except for a powerful speech given by the actor who plays the top role in all of them.  This summer, actor Chris Pratt won the MTV Generational Award. I’m not much of an MTV watcher, ok, I don’t watch it at all, but Pratt’s speech went viral and caught my attention. I think you’ll appreciate his courage to speak about his faith in front of a counter-culture audience. And you’ll get a beautiful glimpse at his understanding of God’s love expressed through grace.

Pratt presented his unique “Nine Rules by Chris Pratt.” He began with common-sense advice with number one; “Breathe, if you don’t, you’ll suffocate.” Then rule number two, “You have a soul. Be careful with it.” Then in perfect Chris Pratt style, rule number three, “Don’t be a turd.”

Now, if you are unfamiliar with Pratt, this line of communication may seem crude, but this is exactly the style that makes him a straight-shooter and down-right charming. If you know Pratt, you immediately appreciate his candor and comedic edge. By the way, his PG-13 Marvel movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” embodies this larger than life personality.

Then Pratt presented his faith in biblical proportion! Rule number six “God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that. I do,” Pratt proclaimed. He followed up with “Learn to pray. It’s easy and its good for your soul.”

But his final rule, rule nine, was by far, my favorite rule. He began with this statement, “Nobody’s perfect.” He continued, “People are gonna tell you, you’re perfect just the way that you are … you’re not! You’re imperfect. You always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way, and if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace. And grace is a gift. Like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else’s blood. Do not forget it. Don’t take it for granted.”

To see the entire speech, here’s the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EihqXHqxri0

Okay, this is me talking now, I truly believe if we teach, model and express biblical “grace” to our children, we will see healing unfold before our very eyes in the next generation. Give people the same free gift of grace that you once received (by faith). The Bible has an awesome verse that says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” I bet Chris Pratt knows this one!

Want to learn more about Biblical grace? Read my blog called “Why The Great Flip?”

Why The Great Flip?

Why The Great Flip  (TGF)? My daughter created the name “The Great Flip.” She said learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) will turn a girl’s self-defense game upside down! BJJ empowers girls with techniques so that a smaller, weaker person can overcome a larger opponent. TGF allows girls to feel empowered, confident and brave learning a new life skill like self-defense. But there is so much more …

The Great Exchange

I feel safer now

But most important, when a girl reads the words “The Great Flip,” she will learn that Jesus turned the world upside down for her. The Great Flip is about The Gospel!

Martin Luther, the great reformer, summarized the Christian faith using the Bible verse from the New Testament in 2 Corinthians 5:21:

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

He called it The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.

Flipped by Grace

I want girls to not only learn an effective martial art, but I want girls to have a safe place to find encouragement and motivation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about grace; the free and unmerited favor of God.

Here at The Great Flip, girls will receive unconditional love and acceptance, no matter her past, present and future. I want girls to grow in grace with herself, with others and discover the unconditional message of God’s grace for every person, every where.

If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to meet me on the mat and continue your self-defense journey. Everyone is welcome. Consider the spiritual content something to meditate and reflect upon while you learn a new life skill.

Stay with me and I’ll peel back the worldview and give you a glimpse of God’s view through the lens of grace. As part of your subscription to The Great Flip, you’ll have unlimited access to all the self defense videos, and in addition, you’ll gain access to subscriber-only content and resources which digs deep into grace. I have many amazing Christian friends who will be sharing their expertise in grace-filled living, prayer, mission and so much more.

Grace is everywhere to be discovered!

Marvelous Grace Chris Pratt


Did you read my post about MTV Generational Award Winner, Chris Pratt? He’s the movie star in Marvel Movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” and movie thriller Jurassic Park. He shares his take on grace in the least likely place. Check it out https://thegreatflip.com/marvel-ous-grace/

Are you familiar with Christian Singer Lauren Daigle? Her journey to stardom is a living testimony, but some Christians have been critical about her success. I wrote a response “gracefully” to her critics. Check it out at this link.

Listen. A response to critics of Lauren Daigle

I’d like to share your stories and life lessons as you’ve been touched by grace.  Send me a note through the Contact form or follow me on social media on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thegreatflip/

and use the hashtag #thegreatflip @thegreatflip

Click on 2 Ways to Join! See you on the mat!


Coach Jody

American Heritage Girls Program Alliance

The Great Flip Begins with American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls Program Alliance

There was no better place to launch The Great Flip than with American Heritage Girls! AHG is the premier national character development organization for girls ages 5 to 18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. Their mission is “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” They do this through life skills enhancement, social development, leadership, spiritual growth, team building and character development. If you’re not familiar with AHG check it out at www.americanheritagegirls.org

The Great Flip is an AHG National Program Alliance teaching girls life skills

AHG values alliances with like-minded organizations and works to establish relationships in order to offer additional resources and benefits to its members. The Great Flip is featured on the AHG National website as a national program partner with a mission to teach girls life skills.

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls, their Troops and families who join The Great Flip will learn positive self-defense within the safety of their Troop and family environments. Girls will have access to Biblical-based motivation and wholesome nutritional resources. And of course, they’ll earn a cool, awesome patch!

American Heritage Girls

A Page Just for AHG

Head on over to www.thegreatflip.com/AHG for more information to use The Great Flip in your Troop!

Listen to my Podcast with AHG National Director of Girl Impact

Most of my blog posts are also in Podcast format. So if you don’t feel like reading, you can simply listen to my resources by clicking on the podcast within each blog.  Kristi Tatro, AHG National Director of Girl Impact tells an amazing story about God’s redemptive work in her life as she dealt with anorexia as a teenager. And now, she shares her love for nutrition.

Where to start? Begin your self-defense journey with a free video. Click here to learn Three Life Skills for Every Girl then learn the Wrist Escape Technique.

Make The Great Flip part of your AHG Troop programming. Go to www.thegreatflip.com/AHG to learn more about implementing The Great Flip into your Troop activities.

Click here to Join Now

I’ll see you at the 2020 National Conference! See you on the mat!

Coach Jody served in AHG for nearly 10 years. She started several Troops and served on the national AHG staff. Her daughters were both AHG members.

See you on the mat!

Coach Jody