summer self-defense

Summer Self-Defense Starts at The Great Flip

Give your children confidence and courage this summer! By the end of this summer, your children age six and up can learn the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills.

That’s right, you can teach martial arts this summer using my online resources at The Great Flip. Your children will learn self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment skills!


Here’s how it works:

Enroll in any of my martial arts plans at

Every plan includes the Top 12 self-defense skills. 

For those who want a quick “videos-only” training experience, I recommend The Empowered Plan or The Strong Plan. 

If you want easy-to-follow lesson plans, you will want the Confident and Courageous plans. These plans offer step-by-step instructions, valuable safety tips, and faith-filled talking points with every lesson. 

Every plan also includes a progress training guide and a certificate of completion. 

Once you have a martial arts plan, you gain access to martial arts videos and downloads.

  • Each video is approximately three minutes long, easy to watch, rewatch and train 
  • I teach one technique per video, you’ll see me teach the technique, then watch students of various ages try the technique. You’ll observe the progression of mastery as the students progress with age and ability.
  • No martial arts experience is required! Simply watch the videos and train! I have designed the videos so anyone can watch, learn and train together.

Request a free self-defense video and lesson plan here.


Before you jump in the car and head down to your local martial arts academy and spend too much money, you can teach a homeschool martial arts class.


Parents love teaching martial arts at home! The martial arts will accomplish the health-based and skills-based goals of your physical education requirements.  It adds strong character development skills and overall self-confidence. This confidence spills over into all aspects of life. Here is a recent blog post about boosting confidence with martial arts. Click here.

Request a discount code here. 


Want to know more about the Top 12 self-defense skills? Click here.

Train. Gather your family together for the training sessions and/or get a few of your favorite friends to train. To make the event most affordable, share a plan with other families.

Click here to Pick a Martial Arts Plan


One more thing … I couldn’t resist this flashback tune:

“There’s a hundred and four days of summer vacation,

‘Til school comes along just to end it,

So the annual problem for our generation,

Is finding a good way to spend it

Like maybe” – From Phineas & Ferb Theme Song 

Like maybe … teach your children the top 12 self-defense skills!

See you on the mat!

Coach Jody


Shop my new REDBUBBLE page for fun “The Great Flip” merchandise. CLICK HERE.

homeschool martial arts


A faith-filled devotion

Five Surprising Ways To Care For Your Body this Summer.

(okay, maybe six)

Take care of your body this summer. Eat whole food instead of processed food, drink water instead of soda, get enough sleep and exercise instead of prolonged screen time. These are simple ways to decrease obesity and increase our immune system. 

But God’s word says something else brings health and nourishment to your body and bones. Check out this proverb:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

Proverbs 3:5-8

Why trust God? Because he loves you and he is trustworthy!

“For this is how God loved the world (put your name here): He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. 

This is a trustworthy promise for you! Let that sink into your body and bones.

When you trust in the Lord, you have less stress. When you have less stress, your anxiety reduces. When your anxiety reduces, your body becomes healthy and your bones grow strong. When your body and bones are healthy, you desire to trust God and seek after the life Jesus has intended for you through the power of his Holy Spirit. 

I offer this proverb, not to increase your list of things to do (I know you have plenty of that). Instead, I offer the proverb as a promise from God. When he says “trust in the Lord …” Remember He is trustworthy.

What are five ways to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones, according to Proverbs 3:5-8?

  1. Trust in the Lord
  2. Don’t lean on your own understanding
  3. Submit to him
  4. Do not be wise in your own eyes
  5. Fear the Lord and shun evil 

Okay, so technically, there are six points there, but I put five and six together. 

Now, gather your friends and family to review these tips to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Grab a journal and/or calendar. If tackling all five is a bit overwhelming. Pick one healthy habit each week and document your progress. 

Here are a few words about food, water, sleep, exercise, and a cool tip about reading the book of Proverbs.

Eat whole foods. 

If your food doesn’t grow from the ground or eat from the ground, it’s probably not whole food. (Oh, how I wish I could grow Oreos in my garden.) Learn how to cook something healthy. Go to the grocery store together and pick a fruit or vegetable you’ve never tried before. Eighty percent of your health and wellness is determined by what you eat. Only 20 percent is a result of exercise. Here’s a helpful hint when searching for a new health recipe; I always put the word “easy” in my search. 

Drink water.

Reduce your intake of sugar and/or caffeine. Find a water intake calculator and refillable sports bottle to reach your goal. Squeeze fresh lemons in your water. Yum! Put fun stickers on your water bottle as a reward.  

Get enough sleep. 

Tweens and teens need 10 or more hours of sleep each night. What time should you go to bed to get enough sleep? Try to wake up at the same time every morning. Your body functions better when you have a set bedtime and morning time routine. 

Physical exercise. 

Reduce screen time and exercise. Create a fitness experience. Start a fitness challenge with your family or friends. Play a new sport. Run around the house. Do jumping jacks. Do something active for at least 30 minutes every day. What will you do to achieve this goal?

The Top 12 Self-Defense Skills fit right here. Just saying! 

Request a free video and lesson plan at )

Read the book of Proverbs.

There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. There are 31 days in the month. Read one chapter of Proverbs each day! It’s okay if you don’t understand everything you read. Keep reading and receive faith. (Remember Romans 10:17 and here’s a good one from Isaiah 55:1 “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

This devotion was featured in part at True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.


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Schoolhouse Teachers

Martial Art Skills Improve Your Child’s Confidence at The Great Flip

Do your children need a little confidence boost? Teach them self-defense skills! I taught my girls self-defense skills using a martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. My confidence was boosted too!

Teaching martial arts skills has a positive impact on your children’s confidence (and yours!). Here are seven benefits you can give your children. You can teach martial arts skills using The Great Flip online martial arts resources to begin your journey. 

This newfound sense of security can alleviate anxiety and make children feel more comfortable and confident in their daily lives.

#1. Self-defense skills.

Martial arts training equips children with the knowledge and ability to defend themselves. Knowing they can protect themselves in potentially threatening situations boosts their confidence. This newfound sense of security can alleviate anxiety and make children feel more comfortable and confident in their daily lives.

#2. Physical fitness and body awareness. martial arts confidence with The Great Flip

Martial arts involve physical training, which improves overall fitness, strength, and coordination. As children become stronger and more flexible, they gain a greater sense of control over their bodies. This enhanced body awareness contributes to improved self-image and confidence.

#3. Setting and achieving goals.

Martial arts training often follows a structured curriculum. By setting specific goals and working towards them, children experience a sense of accomplishment as they progress. Each achievement boosts their confidence and motivates them to set new goals, fostering a growth mindset.

#4. Discipline and focus.

 Martial arts emphasize discipline, self-control, and concentration. Through consistent practice and adherence to rules and protocols, children develop discipline and learn to focus their attention. These qualities are transferable to other areas of life, helping children excel academically, socially, and emotionally. The ability to concentrate and stay focused also enhances their confidence in various situations.

#5. Overcoming challenges and fear.

Martial arts training presents various challenges, both physical and mental. Children learn to push past their limits, face their fears, and persevere through difficulties. As they overcome these challenges, their confidence grows. They realize that they can tackle obstacles and achieve success with determination and effort, instilling a sense of resilience and self-assurance.

#6. Positive social interactions.

Martial arts classes provide opportunities for children to interact with peers and instructors in a structured and supportive environment. They learn to communicate effectively, cooperate, and develop teamwork skills. These positive social interactions build their self-esteem, as they feel accepted and valued within the martial arts community.

#7. Positive role models and mentorship.

Martial arts instructors often serve as role models and mentors for children. They provide guidance, support, and encouragement, helping children develop a positive self-image and belief in their abilities. The presence of a trusted adult who believes in their potential can significantly boost children’s confidence.

It’s important to note that the impact of martial arts on confidence can vary for each child, depending on factors such as their personality, individual progress, and the quality of instruction. Nonetheless, martial arts training generally promotes self-assurance, resilience, and a positive mindset, leading to improved confidence in children. 

You can teach martial arts. 

Join me at The Great Flip and give your children confidence. Click here to begin your journey.

Teach the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills, Click here. 

Earn a certificate of completion.

Request a free video and lesson plan. Click here. 

homeschool martial arts


The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Coach Jody writes devotions for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh at Pure Freedom.



Back to school burnout keep calm banner

Faith That Overcomes Back-to-School Burnout

It’s go time!! Everyone is back to school. Whether your child is away at school, homeschooled, or a mix of both, their schedule (and yours) just got crazy busy. But even during crazy schedules, your faith can play a pivotal role in keeping everyone calm.

You can give your children faith that overcomes back-to-school burnout! Here’s how:

When pressures are thrust upon your children, whether it’s grades or performance of any kind, take those moments and teach your child to distinguish between the pressures of this earthly kingdom and God’s kingdom. In this world, your child will be expected to earn his or her way to success. In God’s kingdom, their success is a free gift on account of the finished work of Jesus.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10

God’s Math Matters

Don’t let those two worlds collide. When it comes to math homework, they must study, practice, and get good grades to advance. When it comes to their faith, let it be a sacred place in the goodness of God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense = GRACE. 

Since we are on the topic of math, here’s a quick equation to illustrate God’s kingdom:

Jesus + Something = Nothing

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Heroes of Faith History Lesson

When you try to add “something” to Jesus (your performance), you’ll get nothing. But when you rely completely on Jesus and his promises, you receive everything (no performance required)! The heroes of the Bible were heroes of faith, not works. Read Hebrew 11 for a “heroes of the faith” history lesson. 

Need more faith? Even faith is a gift: 

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

And when God speaks, His word works. It is declared to you that you are receiving faith.

An SOS with no distress

This might be difficult to grasp, even for adults. When your children read passages that contain rules like the 10 commandments or language that talks about obedience, teach them the SOS rule. The commandments can serve two functions; First they “Show Our Sins” and most importantly they “Show Our Savior.” We are unable to keep the commandments perfectly, but Jesus did … for us. 

God’s Kingdom

We are dual citizens. We live in this broken earthly kingdom and in God’s kingdom. When we walk by faith in Jesus, we follow the commandments and love our neighbor not to earn God’s love, but because we already have it.

So how then shall we live and teach our children about “doing good works” in God’s kingdom compared to the earthly kingdom?

I really can’t say it any better than this:

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:15-17

Keep calm and keep the faith!


For more devotions from Coach Jody, visit

The Great Flip is online faith-filled martial arts for ages six and up. Learn self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment with steaming videos and lesson plans at The Great Flip. 

Coach Jody homeschool martial arts bullying-fear-germs



online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance







four no fight tips

Four No-Fight Tips to Overcome Bullies

You can empower your child to respond with confidence and courage when faced with a bully. I think every child will experience some form of bullying during their childhood. Whether it’s subtle or extreme, bullying is devasting to a child’s self-esteem. Teach your child these four tips to boost confidence and courage to overcome bullies.

no contact self defense

Speak Up!

Your voice is the first line of self-defense. Ask your child to list all the ways his/her voice can be helpful if a bully is approaching.

A voice can:

  • Communicate boundaries.
  • Escalate or de-escalate a situation.
  • Yell for help.
  • Build up or tear down.
  • Express emotions.

Role-play with your child and encourage the development of their voice as a form of self-defense. Help your child choose the right words and correct tone of voice when communicating their feelings based on different situations. Teach them to be direct but not bossy, assertive but not aggressive. Begin with a calm voice, but as a situation changes, teach them it’s okay to be loud if necessary.

(As a self-defense instructor, I encourage children to be loud when counting repetitions in a warm-up exercise. For example, when doing jumping jacks, I will count 1-5, then encourage them to count aloud 6-10. Some children need to control their voice (tone it down, be loud without screaming.) Some children need to be encouraged to be loud. There’s something empowering about letting out a good loud shout! Create space to develop your child’s voice.

Your Inner Voice

A child’s inner voice might dictate the way they express themself outwardly. Talk to your child about the voice inside their head. If they believe things that are not true, give them affirming words to replace the negative voice. Share God’s voice (God’s Word found in the Bible) with your child. Read God’s promises to your child and encourage them to memorize and internalize and recognize God’s voice. What’s your favorite Bible verse? Read it out loud together.

Practice using your voice to speak kind words to each other.

Stand Up!

Taking care of your body is a powerful form of self-defense. Defend your body with posture and healthy habits.

Body language matters

Poor posture can make your child appear weak. Bullies seek victims who look weak. But strong body language can make them appear strong. Even if they don’t feel confident, they can still look confident by standing tall with proper posture.

The ole “place a hardcover book on your head” trick works to improve posture every time. Place a book on your child’s head and walk around the room keeping the book balanced. Make sure their head and eyes are up looking forward. Make a game out of this experiment.

Healthy Habits Matter 

Good nutrition and exercise defend your body against obesity and strengthens your immune system to fight off germs. Personal trainers and nutritionists agree that a healthy body is 80 percent good nutrition and 20 percent exercise.

Here are four healthy habits to defend your body:

  • Drink more water and less sugary drinks.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat healthy whole foods and less processed foods.
  • Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes and decrease screen time!

homeschool martial arts


Manage Your Distance

Prior to COVID, I spent a lot of time explaining “distance management.” Now, I say those two magic words “social distance” and children understand spatial orientation when it comes to the space between people.

Personal Space

Now that children understand the idea of “social distancing,” you can apply self-defense strategies to their personal space and safety. 

Your personal space is typically the space inside your arm span. Extend your arms out in front of you. This is your personal space. When confronted with a bully or someone walking toward you, protecting your personal space will keep you safe (from germs and physical confrontation).

When your child’s voice is not respected, then your child will need to be prepared to defend his/her personal space. Roleplay by stepping toward your child. Teach them to keep their arms up while at the same time stepping back or around to maintain their personal space. Continue to practice a strong voice during the exercise.

If a person gets too close, your child can use their hands to defend themself.  If they don’t want to use their hands, they can learn the push-kick self-defense technique.  Request a free video to learn this skill at

Keep this activity fun, playful, and empowering. Carefully balance on one foot and place the other foot just above your training partner’s knee. Now, push your partner away. If you don’t have a training buddy, carefully use your foot to push open a door. This is the push kick.

Anti-bully Handbook

Power Up!

Bullying prevention is complex. Begin with those three tips and your child will experience confidence and courage. Add this fourth and final tip for a complete Bully Prevention Activity with your child.

Order My Anti-Bully Activity Book!


This 24-page Anti-Bully Handbook (now in Ebook and Print formats) will help girls identify forms of bullying and give them the tools she needs to change the bully culture by engaging their whole self; body, mind, and spirit.

The Great Flip Anti-Bully Handbook features:

  • A Bully Inventory
  • Digital bullies
  • Devotions: God’s Power vs. Girl Power
  • Devotion: Three Ways to Plug into God’s Power
  • Role-Playing
  • Self-Defense Physical Activities
  • No-Fight Self-Defense “Voice, Body & Distance.”
  • Health and Safety Tips
  • Two Online Self-defense Skills Video
    • The Wrist Escape Video
    • The Push Kick Video

The activity book can be done as a family activity or with a group of peers. It’s done best with adult mentors facilitating the activity to help the girls navigate the sensitive topic of bullying. 


$14 for Print format – plus bonus FREE Ebook

$9.99 Ebook format only


Want a free sneak peek before purchasing?

Click here for a free excerpt download. 

You can teach martial arts with The Great Flip

Take your self-defense training to the next level!

Click here to Learn the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills using The Great Flip videos and lesson plans!

To learn more about self-defense training and create an online martial arts experience at home, contact Jody Token, the creator and coach of The Great Flip, an online martial arts for ages six and up.

Contact Coach Jody

Coach Jody






Parents Take Child’s Protection Into Their Own Hands with Online Martial Arts


CONTACT: Jody Token






Parents Take Child’s Protection Into Their Own Hands with Online Martial Arts.

St. Louis – Parents no longer need to outsource self-defense training for their children. They can teach it themselves using an online martial arts resource called  The Great Flip.

“Not everyone is ready for the big martial arts experience and expense,” says Jody Token, The Great Flip, creator and coach. 

“I developed The Great Flip to teach my daughters self-defense skills and increase their confidence. I believe everyone can teach and learn self-defense skills using my online videos and lesson plans,” says Token. Coach Jody

Token, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu purple belt practitioner and instructor, says jiu-jitsu is the preferred martial art when it comes to its application to self-defense.  Jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport focused on ground techniques. More than 80 percent of self-defense altercations end on the ground.

Parents subscribe to The Great Flip and gain access to more than 60 technique videos, downloadable lesson plans, and a certificate of completion. Token is the author of  “My Anti-Bully Handbook” for tween and teen girls which comes in an ebook or printed format. 

Token adds her unique “faith over fear” Christian worldview to complete a child’s empowerment experience.  The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Token is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Greah. The Great Flip is a preferred homeschool resource. 

Schedule Coach Jody Token for an interview and feature her on your next podcast. 

Contact her at 


Click here to download the Press Release OCTOBER NEWS! Parents Take Child’s Protection into Their Own Hands PRESS RELEASE



Jody Token The Great Flip online self-defense for girls


homeschool martial arts

plug into God's power

Three ways to plug into God’s power

In this blog, I offer three ways for mothers and daughters to plug into God’s amazing grace and mighty power that far exceeds girl power. Be sure to review the lies about the girl power movement with your daughter.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

I remember when my daughter first saw this verse. She thought she could defy gravity! Imagine the possibilities! She could win first place in her cross-country meet. Ace her math test. “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me!” she exclaimed. But no matter how hard she tried, she didn’t get first place and that math test was harder than she expected. She felt exhausted and defeated.

girl power vs God's power

What is the source of your strength? Better asked … Who is the source of your strength? Girl power or God’s power? 

Girl power is driven by results and must be earned. The promise is conditional. If you work hard enough and win, you get credit. If you work hard and fail. You feel like a failure. The burden is always on you to perform. It’s no wonder girls suffer from depression and anxiety more than at any time in history. Girl power is fake power. 

But God’s power is unconditional, never-ending and a free gift from Jesus. This Bible verse, penned by the apostle Paul, promises Christ-followers the power of Jesus in all circumstances. Christ’s strength will empower you in any situation, in good times and in bad. If you win, he celebrates with you. If you lose, God strengthens you with his comfort and peace. God’s power is real power.

A girl can do anything not because of who she is or how hard she tries. A girl can do anything because of whose she is and His name is Jesus! 

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

In the spirit of “Lies Girls Believe” (shout out to Dannah Gresh at True Girl 😍) I’d like to expose the lies of the girl power movement and offer three ways to plug into God’s power.

You and your daughter can read each of these contrasting statements and give examples of the difference between girl power and God’s power in your life.

  • Girl power is self-centered vs. God’s power is others-focused.

Girl power seeks to do whatever makes you happy. It’s self-centered and self-seeking, but God says his power will compel you to love Him and love others first. 

“And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

  • Girl power demands “it’s my body, it’s my choice” vs. God’s power declares you to be “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  • Girl power puts men and boys down to gain power vs. God’s power created men and women equally for each other.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18

  • Girl power is fueled by emotions vs. God’s power is fueled by truth.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

  • Girl power requires work vs. God’s power is a free gift.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Can you think of other examples?

Plug into God’s power.plug into God's power

The girl power movement instructs girls to look on the inside for power. I’m not sure about you, but when I go digging for power inside of myself, I wind up exhausted and empty. My power source is a moving target depending on my mood and emotions. 

God’s power is an external source. It comes from the outside.

Here are three ways to plug into God’s power!

Have you ever used an electrical appliance such as a toaster or hairdryer? Do you wonder where the power comes from? What happens if it’s not plugged into a power source?

If you want to shine for God, you must plug into his power. Your light does not come from the inside out. Instead, it comes from the outside, in. To power an appliance, plug it into an outlet. To get God’s power, plug yourself into his outlets called the “means of grace.”  The means of grace are the outlets God guarantees from his word to deliver faith, the forgiveness of sins and the power to shine. Here are three outlets to receive God’s power so you can shine bright.

#1. God’s Word.

The Bible is God’s primary outlet. His Word unfolds the grand narrative of salvation through Jesus. Simply listen or read the Bible and receive the promise of faith. 

“So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:7

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

You might not understand what you are reading (yet!) but keep hearing the word of Christ. Trust God to give you this unending gift of faith when you listen to His word. His light will begin to shine in you!

#2. Baptism

The Bible is filled with water! Well, not literally, but from Genesis through Revelation almost every reference to water points to baptism and its power to forgive sins, rescue from death and the devil, and give salvation to all who believe.  Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). When the water and the Word are splashed, poured or immersed on you, you can shine bright and proclaim, “I am baptized into Christ,” and be certain that the comforting words of Romans 8:1 are true:

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” 

#3. Communion

One of my pastors likes to say, “If the water seals it, then the food feeds it.” The sacred meal referred in several ways such as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper, is an outlet to receive God’s power to shine. When we eat and drink his body and blood under the bread and wine, we receive the forgiveness of sins and a bright boost of faith power.

Martin Luther said, “this is a profound wonder and unexplainable mystery.”

Stay plugged into Jesus and receive God’s unending power! Look at you! God’s power is your strength!


The Bible offers spiritual disciplines too!

Prayer, fasting, worship, service in your community, and honoring the Sabbath Day are just a few that came to mind. 

These spiritual disciplines are not meant to be legalistic activities. We do not do things to earn God’s love. We practice these disciplines because we already have the fullness of God’s love through his son Jesus. Spiritual disciplines are given to us directly by God. God promises to meet you in these activities to bless and comfort you.

So plugin and receive God’s unending power! You can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you!

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

Request a free self-defense video and lesson plan 

online self-defense for girls


You Can Teach Martial Arts with The Great Flip

Does your child struggle with low self-esteem or anxiety? The martial arts is a proven confidence-builder! You can teach martial arts with my online martial arts resources at The Great Flip. Request a free video and lesson plan. Your child will learn the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills and earn a certificate of completion. Click here for more information.

Click here for the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills

Click here for a free self-defense video




The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Visit my page exclusively for American Heritage Girls!

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.


Five Ways to Gift An Experience from Coach Jody

As much as my daughters like a great gift, like clothes and gadgets, they love receiving the gift of an experience. Gifts are soon forgotten or lost in the shuffle. But an “experience” lasts a time time. 

One of our quirky traditions (among many) in our family is to read a poem with each gift. The poem reveals clues about the content of the gift. To this day, the poem that ended with an exclamation “I just want to go to the beach!” is the most remembered poem and gift to our children. We regularly enjoy gifting “experiences” to each other. They can be as simple as a father-daughter date, a mother-daughter shopping trip or a family game night. Grander “experiences” have included trips to the beach, NYC and mountain vacations.

We also enjoy gifting “experiences” by learning new skills and activities. This year, I bought two adorable Bible-verse-inspired cross-stitch kits for my girls. I guess I’ll find out if they read my blog or not.

If you are seeking unique gift ideas for your children, give them an experience! 

Here are five ways to gift an experience to your family:

  1. Match the experience to their personalities.   
  2. Match the experience to their favorite activities. 
  3. Seek an experience that brings your family together. 
  4. Introduce a new experience to stretch their imagination and try something they’ve never tried.
  5. Connect your child to an experience that is meaningful to them like a service project, cause or missionary. 

These goals can be achieved through homemade gift cards, poems, and actual gift cards. Need a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing? How about cooking subscriptions, adventures, hiking, a musical or show, and how about choosing from hundreds of unique “products or services” of the month clubs? 

Give the Gift of Self-Defense Skills!

Of course, as the Coach of The Great Flip, might I suggest you give them a subscription to my online martial arts? My online training videos and lesson plans are a fun way to introduce your child (and your whole family) to a new skill like self-defense. My martial arts training is inspired by Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Giving the gift of self-defense skills will be an experience to last a lifetime. You will give them courage and confidence. You will give yourself peace of mind knowing they have life skill like self-defense and safety. 

Plus, at The Great Flip, I offer empowering devotions to fill your family with faith in Jesus. The reason for the Christmas season. 

Click here to Request a free video

Use code TGF10 and enjoy a 10 percent discount on all my plans (except the Empowered Plan).

Click here to review the plans. 

Give the gift of an experience this Christmas season!

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Click here to learn more about the AHG and The Great Flip alliance.

The Great Flip is a preferred homeschool, charter and private school resource used for physical education and enrichment activities.

Coach Jody writes devotions for Dannah Gresh’s True Girl subscription box. A True Girl subscription box is a great experience to share with your daughter! Click here to learn more about True Girl.

Enjoy one of my devotions written for the subscription box below.


It’s All Gift

“You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” Psalm 145:16

Why did God create humans? Some people believe that God made us to serve and obey him.

Sure, we serve and obey God, but that’s not why he made us.

At creation, God made Adam and Eve and gave them all of creation to enjoy and to manage.

In the Psalms, it says God opens His hands and satisfies the desires of every living thing. 

It’s all gift. 

He made you and gave you the free gift of his Son, Jesus.

Want more gifts? 

You receive the gift of faith when you listen to His word. (Romans 10:17)

You receive the gift of forgiveness when you repent. (1 John 1:8)

You receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and salvation in baptism. (Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21)

We do not serve God to get his love. We serve God because we already have it through Christ Jesus!

ACTION POINT: What are some of your favorite gifts from God? Explain.

JODY TOKEN is the coach and creator of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts for ages six and up. Request a free video at

Enjoy this devotion? Click here to read more. These are always great to share with your children!


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Contact Coach Jody

Follow me @thegreatflip on Facebook, Instagram and Vimeo


It’s All Gift

These small-but-mighty devotions are written to read and then discuss with your children. Use the “Action Point” at the end of each devotion to facilitate a fun conversation.

How Great Are Your Works

You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.

{ Psalm 92:4 }

You probably have a million things to do right now. Thanks for slowing down to receive some good news. Jesus doesn’t want to be on your “to-do.” list. He wants to be your “it’s-been-done-for-me” Savior. ukulele

You are not defined by your activity. You are defined by Jesus’ activity.

You are not defined by your activity. You are defined by Jesus’ activity. He worked to create you, redeem you, and give you a new identity in Him. Even your good works are his good works (Ephesians 2:10).

Thank goodness, because sometimes I do good things, but many times, my actions are not all that great.

This Psalm is referred to as “A song to be sung on the Sabbath Day.” God did not give us the 10 commandments like the Sabbath as a list of things to do. They are a gift to us. They point us to the gift of repentance and forgiveness because of what Jesus did for us. 

ACTION POINT: What’s your favorite worship song? Sing for joy because of what He has done!


It’s All Gift

You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

{ Psalm 145:16 }

Why did God create humans? Some people believe that God made us to serve and obey him. Sure, we serve and obey God, but that’s not why he made us.

At creation, God made Adam and Eve and gave them all of creation to enjoy and to manage. In the Psalms, it says God opens His hands and satisfies the desires of every living thing. It’s all gift!

It’s all gift. 

He made you and gave you the free gift of his Son, Jesus. Want more gifts?

  • You receive the gift of faith when you listen to His word. (Romans 10:17)
  • You receive the gift of forgiveness when you repent. (1 John 1:8)
  • You receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and salvation in baptism. (Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21)

We do not serve God to get his love. We serve God because we already have it through Christ Jesus!

ACTION POINT: What are some of your favorite gifts from God? Explain.


JODY TOKEN is the coach and creator of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts for ages six and up. Request a free video at

These devotions were written for True Girl, a ministry of Pure Freedom. 

To learn more about The Great Flip, online martial arts, click here to get started!


Request a free gift … a free self-defense video and a discount code. Click here!


Welcome to The Great Flip, online martial arts

You can teach self-defense, safety and faith to your children ages six and up!



The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

The Great Flip is a preferred homeschool resource.



My Woven Devotion for American Heritage Girls

“You are chosen by God and WOVEN into His image. Your life is to be a living testimony of His love, His grace, His righteousness, and His sovereignty. ” – Patti Garibay, American Heritage Girls Founder.


I was blessed to contribute a devotion to the American Heritage Girls 2023 program year theme “WOVEN.”  The 20-part devotion series explores Psalm 139:13-15.

“For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.”

According to the King James Dictionary, “weave” means skillfully “unite by intermixture or close connection to form something new.” Psalm 139:15, ESV, says, “My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately WOVEN in the depths of the earth.”

The Hebrew word for “weave” is “rāqam,” which means to adorn with colors, variegate, or be wrought. The complexity of this word speaks volumes about a girl’s identity in Christ. The color breathed into her life testifies to her inherent beauty. The variations of threads used to weave her together confirm God’s intention of unique and diverse attributes among His creation.

And when a girl understands that God intentionally and carefully wrought her into being, she can be confident that she was created on purpose for a purpose.

To learn more about the amazing ministry at American Heritage Girls, click here. 


In an age when society destroys a girl’s self-image and promotes the fluidity of her identity, she can find grounding and comfort in understanding how she was WOVEN by her Creator for her well-being and time and place in this world.

My devotion explores Psalm 139:15

“My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.”

God’s secret place will always be a place of protection for you.

Woven in Secret

Do you have a secret place? Imagine finding a space under the stairs or a cozy spot in a closet. Would you decorate it with fluffy pillows and fuzzy blankets? How about adding a little lamp or

flashlight? Now bring your favorite smooth-tipped pens, colored pencils, and fat markers. Grab a journal and extra sheets of paper. Begin sketching pictures and writing poems and prayers. Now hang the drawings on the walls around you. Wow! You’ve created quite a secret place! Your secret place has pillows and blankets.

What’s in God’s secret place?

A Promise. Just to be clear, the phrase “secret place” is not a bad place. Sometimes we use the word “secret” to hide something. But God is not concealing anything—quite the opposite. His place is filled with His promise never to leave you. Psalm 139:7-8, NIV, begins by asking, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” And it concludes with, “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

Our Identity.

The “secret place” in Psalm 139:15 is in a mother’s womb as her child develops. God is there. Psalm 139:15, ESV, says you were intricately WOVEN. The word “intricately” means He knows every part of you because he made you. You are His beautiful creation. Our identity is created by God. Our identity is in God. He made you with a plan and a purpose.

Our Protection.

The Hebrew meaning of the phrase “secret place” describes God’s protection. King David recalls many times when God came to his rescue. In Psalm 27:5, ESV, he writes, “For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.” God’s secret place is a place of protection for you.

Our Home.

You are not a visitor or stranger to God’s secret place. You are home with God. Psalm 91:1, ESV, says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” To dwell with God is to be at home with God. Jesus. Jesus is your secret place. He made you in the secret place and intricately wove you together in your mother’s womb. Our life is now hidden with Christ in God according to Colossians 3:3. Jesus calls us to abide in Him because He abides with us. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5, ESV)

Jody Token
Coach and creator of The Great Flip
Developer of AHG’s The Great Flip Patch Program
Contributor to AHG’s Free to Grow Patch Program


• Do you have a special place that is yours to go and be alone and away from others?
• How does it feel to know that God is always there, even in your secret place, and knows
everything about you?
• How can you create a space, either physically or in your heart, that is welcoming to God and
invites His protection over you?


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your protection over my life, even in secret places. I am glad that
You see me even when no one else does. Thank You for how You wove me together in secret from
the very beginning. Please draw me close to You in all of my secret places now. In the name of
Your loving Son, Jesus, amen.


Supplies: Paper, writing utensils (pens, pencils, markers, etc.), pillows, and other decorations
Create a “secret” place of your own!
1. Write out some of your favorite Bible verses and prayers that remind you of God’s great
love for you.
2. Ask permission for a small, special place you can use for quiet time away from others.
This could be a closet, under-stair cubby, playhouse, or treehouse.
3. Decorate your special place with your favorite Bible verses, prayers, pillows, and other
4. Spend time in your quiet place alone with God, reading His Word, and thanking Him for
the beautiful ways He uniquely wove you.


The Great Flip is honored to be an American Heritage Girls national program alliance! This means AHG troops and families can subscribe to my online martial arts program to:

  • Complete the “self-defense” requirements for the Emergency Preparedness Badge
  • Earn the Martial Arts Sports Pin
  • Create leadership opportunities for girl advancement
  • Earn The Great Flip Patch
  • Learn self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment skills!

Request a free video and an AHG discount code


Click here and visit The Great Flip AHG Page


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