The Great Flip words of wisdom

Words of Wisdom Talking Points

You can download The Great Flip “Words of Wisdom” talking points here!

The Words of Wisdom talking points include a Bible verse, a short message and follow-up questions or comments. Feel free to include these talking points before or after an online self-defense training activity.

Words of Wisdom Introduction

faith vs martial arts

Martial arts and spirituality have co-existed for centuries. Many martial arts carry Eastern mysticism origins with them. Symbols on the walls of a dojo or meditations used in the teaching may reflect these origins. Before you join a martial arts gym, you should carefully examine and prayerfully consider what your children are being taught. You can teach martial arts at The Great Flip! You can give your child confidence by teaching them self-defense skills. 

Learning a life skill like martial arts will directly combat the top three obstacles our kids face today: Too much screen time, mental health concerns and overall safety.  When your child participates in a martial arts class, they will be physically fit, emotionally healthy, and empowered with self-defense skills. Let’s get started! 

I’m thrilled to share a Christian worldview here at The Great Flip. I want to give families and educators an online venue to try self-defense skills inspired by the Brazilian jiu-jitsu in their comfort zone with trusted family and friends.

I want to give families a safe place to learn about Jesus and discover his unconditional love. The Great Flip is for all people from all backgrounds and beliefs. I welcome everyone to ponder and meditate on the Christian worldview presented at The Great Flip.

The martial arts experience usually includes a moment of wisdom delivered by the wise instructor.  The Sensa, professor, or coach imparts wisdom to the students. They might talk about respect, authority and teamwork to name a few. 

Here at The Great Flip, I developed a “Words of Wisdom series.” Each Word of Wisdom is downloadable, just look for the PDF file in the blog.  Each Word of Wisdom has a Bible verse, a message and follow-up questions or comments to discuss with the girls in your life.

Feel free to open or close a “self-defense training” event with these talking points. Encourage the girls to memorize the Bible verses and reflect upon the teaching. Check back from time to time. I’ll continue to add The Great Flip Words of Wisdom!

Scroll to the end of this blog for PDF downloads!

Words of Wisdom #1 The Great Flip

the great flip words of wisdom one

I know Jesus takes away my sins. Whenever I come to him in prayer and confess my sins, He is faithful and forgives all my sins. Right? But wait, there’s more!

Jesus does more than take away sins. He becomes my sin. And in exchange, He gives me all his righteousness. To be righteous means “to be right with God.”

I’m not right with God because I’m a good person or because I do good things. I’m right with God because Jesus becomes all my sin and gives me all his righteousness.

The great reformer, Martin Luther referred to this Bible verse as The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.

What does this promise mean to you? Write a prayer thanking God for this amazing gift.

Thank you, Jesus, for not only forgiving my sins but becoming my sins. Thank you for taking all my sins and nailing them on the cross. And in exchange, you gave me all your righteousness. I stand right with God because of you. Thank you.

Words of Wisdom #2 Saved by Faith, not by Force

The Great Flip words of wisdom two

In jiu-jitsu, we rely on technique, not force. We learn we can escape a wrist hold simply by applying a technique to break the weakest part of the grip (the finger and thumb). In contrast, the more we force a situation (the more we pull) the more difficult the escape may become.

We cannot force our way into heaven. We cannot earn salvation. Trying harder does not get us any closer. We fall short in every attempt.

All religions tell us we must DO something to earn the affection of God. But Jesus turned the world upside down when he said, “IT IS FINISHED.” His life, death on the cross and resurrection declares … The work is DONE.  

You are not required to work for his affection. He already loves you. He has loved you from the beginning of time. He loved you when he formed you in your mother’s womb. He loves you today, right now. He loves you tomorrow and until the end of time. Jesus loves you.

“For God so loved the world (put your name here), that he gave his only Son (JESUS), that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Make a list of the gifts given to you in these two passages:

  • He gives faith. “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
  • He gives Jesus.
  • He gives eternal life.

Thank God for his gift … for you!

Words of Wisdom #3 Girl Power vs. God Power

The Great Flip words of wisdom

I believe jiu-jitsu is the best martial art for self-defense because it equips a smaller person to defend against a larger opponent. A girl learns to trust techniques, not her strength.

Today’s culture attempts to convince girls to reach within themselves to find strength. “Girl Power” sounds empowering, but in reality, it’s exhausting. Pressure to perform and expectations to succeed crush a girl’s spirit.  Girls suffer from depression and anxiety now more than at any time in history. Girl power falls short. Thank goodness for God’s power! A girl can do anything NOT because of who she is. A girl can do anything because of WHOSE she is! Let His power strengthen you!

How would you describe the difference between Girl Power vs. God Power?

Ask God to fill you with His Power and memorize Philippians 4:13.

Words of Wisdom #4
History is His Story

the great flip words of wisdom four

My favorite children’s Bible is called “The Jesus Storybook Bible” by Sally Llyod-Jones. “The Bible isn’t a book of rules or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. You see, the best thing about this Story is – it’s true. There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories tell one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. Every Story in the Bible whispers his name.”

The Bible is His Story!

Read the story about Jonah and the big fish in the Old Testament book Jonah 1-4 and explain how this story whispers HIS Story.

“The people of Nineveh listened to Jonah, and they started loving God. Many years later, God was going to send another Messenger with the same wonderful message. Like Jonah, he would spend three days in utter darkness. But this Messenger would be God’s own Son. He would be called ‘The Word’ because he himself would be God’s Message.”  Excerpt from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Words of Wisdom #5
What Can A Dead Person Do?

What can a dead person do? Ephesians 2:1 says “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.” What can a dead person do? The answer is nothing! Can a dead person raise themself to life? Nope, they are dead.

Martin Luther said it this way,” I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him.” (Luther’s Small Catechism)

So how do we become alive? The answer is found in the Bible and in the character of God.

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5

Did you decide to be born? Read Psalm 139:13 From the beginning of time, your life, your breath, your purpose and so much more is a gift from God. God knitted you together in your mother’s womb and gave you life. And now, God makes you alive with Christ.

Have you received the free gift of God? Do you know someone who would benefit from this gift? Pray this prayer:

Prayer: Lord, thank you for making me alive with Christ. I would like to receive this free gift. And I believe what you say in John 3:16 “For God so loved (ME) and the world that he gave (GIFT) His only Son (JESUS) that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Amen. Thank you for this gift! Read Psalms 139:13 and Ephesians 2:8

Words of Wisdom #6

Do you wish you had more faith to believe everything Jesus says to you?

If so, you are not alone. In Mark 9:23-24, a man doubted if Jesus could heal his son. His words might be a lot like yours. The man cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Good news!  Jesus came to give faith so you can believe. He says, “Listen.” It’s okay to doubt, question, wrestle, ask questions and study God’s word.  But you can trust his promise to give you faith. God says faith will come when you hear his word. Listen and keep listening. And he will give faith and continue to give faith. And this faith will give you the ability to understand and to believe.

What are some ways you can “hear the word of Christ”?

Read the Bible

Listen to someone reading the Bible

Listen to song lyrics with Bible verses

Memorize Bible verses

Pray Bible verses

List other ways.

This promise is for you!

PDF Files

Word of Wisdom #1 The Great Flip

Word of Wisdom #2 Saved by Faith not Force

Word of Wisdom #3 Girl Power vs. God Power

Word of Wisdom #4 History is His Story

For more devotions, click here. 

-Coach Jody