
online self defense

Fun, playful and empowering online self-defense

“Fun, playful and empowering; Great for the whole family!”

This is how a parent described The Great Flip online self-defense videos. 

And this is exactly my hope for you and your family. I want the training experience to be empowering, of course, but also playful and fun. Self-defense training doesn’t need to be any scarier than the topic usually is for kids. Learning skills in a playful way can make the topic of self-defense easier to talk about with your family.

This is achieved in my step-by-step streaming self-defense videos suitable for ages six and up. 

Each video is three minutes or less and you will learn one empowering technique. I also have solo conditioning drills and “social-distancing” approved videos too. These videos will introduce you to the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu and complement your fitness goals. Oh, don’t have any fitness goals?  … well, now you do! 😍

Request a free video

And while we are all at home quarantined due to COVID19, learning self-defense skills is a fun and meaningful family activity.

Give your kids confidence and courage while you maintain a controlled environment. You will discover meaningful time together learning these skills and talking about the value of these skills as you deem appropriate for your family.

And when you subscribe, I’ll teach you how to set up a safe place to train in your home (so you don’t knock over the lamp or hurt yourself). See you on the mat! – Coach Jody


Choose a plan and let’s get started!



online self-defense for girls reduces fear

Online Self-Defense for Girls Reduces Fear and Builds Confidence

Yes, online self-defense for girls does reduce fear and it builds confidence! The Great Flip was featured in the news with this headline!

I spoke to a Dad the other day who is using The Great Flip videos for his seven year-old daughter. She was very anxious about the big gym experience. Now they are learning self defense at home and her confidence is blooming!

Want to learn more about the three most common fear-factors girls experience and how online self-defense is removing these obstacles? Listen to my podcast

If you are looking to share news and information about my online self-defense program for girls, feel free to use this content. You can also contact me directly through my contact form on the website or my email address at


Online Self-Defense for Girls Reduces Fear and Builds Confidence

Contact: Jody Token,

ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — Online instructional videos from The Great Flip give girls a unique way to learn self-defense skills to reduce fear and increase confidence.American Heritage Girls, the national faith-based character development organization for girls named The Great Flip its newest Further Learning Program Alliance partner.

“Self-defense training can be scary for girls. The mere mention of attackers and bullies create anxiety,” says founder and coach, Jody Token. She developed the website to give girls, ages six to 18, a positive experience learning self-defense.

“Now girls can train in their own comfortable environments. When fear-factors are removed, girls can focus on mastering techniques and gain confidence,” says Token. “And no more stinky gyms,” she added.

online self-defense for girls
The Great Flip introduces girls to a martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can defend them self against a bigger, stronger assailant using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground.”Statistics show that most self-defense situations end on the ground, especially for girls,” Token explains. “No other marital art addresses the ground game like BJJ,” adds Token.Token leads the girls through a series of simple jiu-jitsu techniques addressing movement and safety from the ground and standing. She teaches effective escapes and attacks. The videos are less than three minutes and are meant to be watched, repeated and practiced until mastery. Many can be found on YouTube and Vimeo by searching “The Great Flip Self Defense for girls.”The Great Flip is a subscription-based website. Families with daughters, home-schoolers, American Heritage Girls, athletic directors, physical fitness educators, Directors of Christian Education, youth ministers and camp directors utilize The Great Flip to meet their fitness, faith and team-building goals.The Great Flip website also provides nutrition resources and faith-based motivation. Token is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu certified instructor and purple belt. She has spent twenty years inspiring young women to be tomorrow’s leaders in the nonprofit industry. She and her husband have two daughters who encouraged her to create The Great Flip.”No one has combined a martial art and a Christian worldview like The Great Flip,” says Token. Visit the website at

Click 2 Ways to Join 


jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Why Girls Should Learn Jiu-jitsu for Self-Defense

Why should girls learn jiu-jitsu for self-defense? I’m pretty sure (or at least I hope) we are in a place in our culture to already know girls are equally capable to participate in martial arts and learn basic self-defense skills. And like it or not, the necessity is real. Statistics reveal that girls are just as likely to be bullied by peers and more likely to be victimized into womanhood. Because we live in a broken world, girls must learn to defend themselves, therefore learning a martial art is a viable option. But why should a girl learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) for self-defense? And what additional benefits does self-defense training offer a girl?

Listen and Share the Podcast

Jiu-jitsu for self-defense

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

BJJ is designed for weaker, smaller opponents to dominate larger ones using technique rather than strength. My husband and I have two daughters. We discovered jiu-jitsu was the best option for me and our girls. Many traditional martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo have nice qualities but fall short in real-life application. Katas teach nice patterns of movements but do not address any kind of movement required when a girl hits the ground and must defend herself from the floor. In jiu-jitsu, the game is won on the ground. Jiu-jitsu includes techniques like closed guard, punch protection, arm bars, kimuras, triangles and chokes to name a few. It incorporates Judo which teaches simple take-downs and leveraging. If a girl can’t be stronger is a self-defense situation, then jiu-jitsu will make her smarter!

I like the mindfulness of jiu-jitsu. It teaches girls to assess the situation and act accordingly. In comparison, a popular women’s self defense is the force-driven tactics taught in Krav-Maga, where girls are trained to immediately go for the groin-kick or eye-gouge. Granted, there is a time and a place for exerting force on an opponent, but a knee-jerk reaction may make the situation worse, not better. And quite honestly, I don’t think I could successfully kick or strike someone hard and fast enough (even in their personal space) to deter a mad-man. Jiu-jitsu has taught me to assert myself with my voice and my strong body language, assess each situation and take appropriate action. I’d like to equip girls with the same skills using jiu-jitsu as the foundation. You can read my blog about three life skills for every girl to learn more.

If you struggle with personal “excuses” to begin training jiu-jitsu, read my blog post about the three obstacles I overcame in order to excel at training. Using “The Great Flip” online instructional videos will equip you to overcome three excuses including physical location, physical touch and physical fitness. At any time, click on “2 Ways to Join” and we can overcome these excuses together!

The value of learning self-defense is most likely more than enough to motivate you to step onto the mats right now and begin training, but I’ve discovered BJJ has so much more to offer than self-defense training. And if you gather your friends and train with me at The Great Flip you too will discover these benefits and probably more.

A girl will love her body for what it can do

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Jiu-jitsu erases insecurities by showing girls the amazing things her body can do. When she steps onto the mat, she can leave behind the “image wars” she is battling. She will discover her body for its ingenuity and beauty. Every ounce of her body is beautifully designed to move. Simple jiu-jitsu techniques will allow her to use her body in powerful and amazing ways. Jiu-jitsu utilizes the strength of girls’ legs to control a stronger person and optimize her flexibility to escape a dicey situation. When she steps off the mat, she will begin to see herself for who she really is … “wonderfully made.” (See Psalm 139:13-14)

Jiu-jitsu gets you in shape

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Instead of running on a treadmill and pumping weights, you can get fit in a small amount of time and space. I didn’t learn self-defense to lose weight, but while training, I lost twenty pounds and gained amazing muscle mass. My health is better than ever. And not only did I get in shape, but I learned a new life skill at the same time. Girls can be physically and mentally challenged every time she trains. And no, she doesn’t need to be in shape to start training. (That goes for you too, mom and dad) But with time and consistency, like any other sport, jiu-jitsu will produce core strength, flexibility and endurance. The Great Flip instructional videos are a great way to begin your fitness journey or supplement your current routine. If you are wondering what you will need to create a training space at home, read my blog and watch my video called “Let’s get Equipped.” 

Jiu-jitsu forms friendship

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

There’s nothing like wrestling, rolling and sparring with friends and family. Physical touch is healing to the body, mind and spirit in the context of healthy relationships. And Jiu-jitsu requires trust. Girls will need to hug, touch and roll around on the ground to learn. They will need to know that when they practice a technique they have a safe place to train, then trust no one will hurt them.

The combination of physical touch, trusting relationships and playful interaction create an environment for lasting friendships. Girls who train together becomes lasting friends who can rely on each other, encourage one another and have each other’s back for far more than self-defense skills.

Jiu-jitsu is a positive role model

Okay, I’ll just say it … My daughters think I’m cool… sometimes. I’m humbled to say this and slightly amazed. I hope they think I’m awesome because I’m their mom, but they have been my best cheerleaders and encouragers throughout my jiu-jitsu journey. They tell their friends about me. Crazy, right?! Girls who learn jiu-jitsu and value self-defense become role models for other girls. Try my instructional videos at The Great Flip and see if you and your girls walk a little taller and radiate a confidence that other girls desire. Click “2 Ways to Join.”

Jiu-jitsu is healthy living

self defense for girls

And one more thing, Jiu-jitsu is more than self-defense. It includes resources for living a healthy lifestyle. This aspect was a pleasant surprise. I could immediately experience the fitness and friend benefits, but as I got to know the people and the sport, I realized I was surrounded by people who cared about nutrition habits. Soon I was consuming less sugars and eating more protein and veggies. And drinking more water! Of course, the focus on nutrition caused me to be healthier and better at jiu-jitsu.

At The Great Flip, I have three pillars of content in my blog; Self Defense, Nutrition and Motivation. I believe these three pillars are intertwined in jiu-jitsu. It is my hope to share my journey and the journey of others who are experts in these areas. It is my hope these resources will bless you and make your self-defense training much more than self-defense training. Click on Blogs to discover free resources. And when you become a subscriber, I have additional content just for you!

Jiu-jitsu is sharing

Do you have a self-defense technique you’d like me to demonstrate in my next video? I have videos being produced right now ready to upload. I can’t wait to make more!

You can watch free videos on my YouTube channel at The Great Flip Self Defense or here’s a link to a video on my channel

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

I’d love to hear about your jiu-jitsu journey. Feel free to snap a picture or video of yourself doing the techniques. Then post it on Instagram with a shout-out hashtag #thegreatflip. Or send the media to me and I’ll post it on my page @thegreatflip.

I’d love for you to train with me and enjoy all the benefits of jiu-jitsu. It’s time to click on the “2 Ways to Join” button to get started. Feel free to send me a comment or ask a question through my Contact Form.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

see you on the mat

Let’s get equipped!

I hope you are ready to press the “2 Ways to Join” button and begin self-defense training with me using my online instructional videos! The first 10 videos are uploaded and ready. Now, I’m waiting to see you on the mat! I cannot wait to introduce you to Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). You will be amazed at how simple and empowering each technique is to learn. You will learn how to fall properly without injury. Protect yourself from punches, chokes, behind the back “bear hugs” and so much more! Let’s get equipped!

If you are wondering what kind of equipment you might need, I made a list of equipment you may want to consider before you train. Scroll down for the list. But first …

Check out my training space … and my dog!

Want to see the training space in my home? You’ll see the mats I decided to buy, and oh, yes, you’ll meet my dog Brandy, who tends to randomly show up in my videos!

Now, let’s make your equipment list:


Duh. I cannot wait to see you on the mat! You will be so happy you are learning a new life skill!

A training buddy

Grab a family member and/or girlfriend. There are a few videos that can be done individually, but most of the instructional videos require a training partner to get the most value. Plus, training with family members and girlfriends is so much more fun! Go get your training buddy!

see you on the mat

Soft training space

Before you start training, I recommend setting up a designated training space that’s soft. Yoga mats, beach towels and even the carpet is better than the hard floor. The best option would be mats.  As you saw in the video, I bought the interlocking mats . These are reasonably priced and have multi-functions. The folding gymnastic mats are nice too. You can get fancy and buy jiu-jitsu/MMA mats, but that is not necessary. Bottom line, set-up a training space big enough for two people to train. I started with a 4×6 space and I just doubled it to have a little more room. I use the interlocking mats. I recommend the 8×12 space so two people can comfortably perform all the techniques.

I bought my mats on Amazon. The mats come in a 4×6 package for $20. So I spent$40. Share the price with your training buddies! Or, ask your school, church or fitness center if you can borrow mats! Be sure to keep them clean with disinfect wipes or spray before and after use.

Comfortable Clothes

You don’t have to buy fancy work-out clothes, but wear clothes you can comfortably move around in while standing and while moving on the ground.

see you on the mat

No shoes

I prefer to train without shoes. Typically, I’m on an exercise or yoga mat which needs to stay clean. I don’t wear shoes or socks. Plus, wearing socks can be slippery. Training in bare feet will keep your training space clean, strengthen your feet and encourage better balance.

Hair bands

see you on the mat

Yes girls, please pull your hair back into a pony tail or whatever you prefer. When your hair is up and out of your face, you can see better and train better. And when you work with a partner, you are less likely to accidentally pull each other’s hair.

A teachable spirit

I’ll be honest, when I started learning jiu-jitsu, I walked off the mat several times completely frustrated.

see you on the mat

The techniques look so simple and easy, yet I was unable to do them right away. The techniques take practice. Be patient with yourself. The online instructional videos are designed to be watched repeatedly. And you can watch and practice from the comfort of your own home and training space until you master the technique.

I remember going to a one-day self-defense workshop and learning a million cool techniques. But when I got home to share my new knowledge, everything was mixed up or had vanished from my brain. I had not practiced enough to create the muscle memory. BJJ techniques are simple but requires practice.  This is just like any other sport. You can’t expect to hit a three-pointer in basketball or pitch the perfect strike in softball without practice. Come to the mat with a good attitude, willingness to learn, discipline to practice … and you will succeed!

That’s it! Gather yourself, your positive attitude, friends and a soft place to train. See you on the mat!

Remember to tell me about your training space! Send me an email to or follow me on Instagram @thegreatflip and use hashtag #thegreatflip in your posts!

Click on “2 Ways to Join” now!

Marvelous Grace Chris Pratt

Marvel-ous Grace

What do Marvel movies, Jurassic Park movies and the TV show Parks and Recreation have in common with the biblical expression of Grace? Probably not much, except for a powerful speech given by the actor who plays the top role in all of them.  This summer, actor Chris Pratt won the MTV Generational Award. I’m not much of an MTV watcher, ok, I don’t watch it at all, but Pratt’s speech went viral and caught my attention. I think you’ll appreciate his courage to speak about his faith in front of a counter-culture audience. And you’ll get a beautiful glimpse at his understanding of God’s love expressed through grace.

Pratt presented his unique “Nine Rules by Chris Pratt.” He began with common-sense advice with number one; “Breathe, if you don’t, you’ll suffocate.” Then rule number two, “You have a soul. Be careful with it.” Then in perfect Chris Pratt style, rule number three, “Don’t be a turd.”

Now, if you are unfamiliar with Pratt, this line of communication may seem crude, but this is exactly the style that makes him a straight-shooter and down-right charming. If you know Pratt, you immediately appreciate his candor and comedic edge. By the way, his PG-13 Marvel movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” embodies this larger than life personality.

Then Pratt presented his faith in biblical proportion! Rule number six “God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that. I do,” Pratt proclaimed. He followed up with “Learn to pray. It’s easy and its good for your soul.”

But his final rule, rule nine, was by far, my favorite rule. He began with this statement, “Nobody’s perfect.” He continued, “People are gonna tell you, you’re perfect just the way that you are … you’re not! You’re imperfect. You always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way, and if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace. And grace is a gift. Like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else’s blood. Do not forget it. Don’t take it for granted.”

To see the entire speech, here’s the link

Okay, this is me talking now, I truly believe if we teach, model and express biblical “grace” to our children, we will see healing unfold before our very eyes in the next generation. Give people the same free gift of grace that you once received (by faith). The Bible has an awesome verse that says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” I bet Chris Pratt knows this one!

Want to learn more about Biblical grace? Read my blog called “Why The Great Flip?”

Life Skills for Girls

Three Life Skills for Every Girl

Self-defense is a life skill necessary for every girl. The Great Flip was developed to give girls a positive experience learning self-defense. And so far, no one is doing online self-defense video training specifically for girls. However, what you will find if you search the internet for “Women’s Self Defense” is a lot of home-made videos filled with the violent tactics and methods from Krav Maga-style training. In these videos, ladies are instructed to beat, kick and scratch and man dressed in the big marshmallow suit.  Don’t get me wrong, when a woman is attacked, she will need to exert every ounce of herself to escape and save her life. And even some good weapon training! I’m not opposed at all to Krav Maga, but a girl should understand three life skills before she steps onto any martial arts mat and onto the streets.

Listen to the Podcast 

I know I can’t possibly foresee every situation a girl might encounter, but it is my hope to train girls at a younger age to preempt dangerous situations. In my family, we suddenly realized we needed to give our daughters self-defense skills but they were already high school. The girls liked learning the skills and understood the value, but training in a co-ed environment was extremely uncomfortable for them. They had to overcome three fear-factors which I cover in another blog. Click here to read.


three life skills for every girlthree life skills for every girl

I like to refer to self-defense as a “life skill.” In this blog I want to share three life-skills that are foundational to self-defense: Assert. Assess. Act.

Applying these three words to a girl’s self-defense game will prepare her to be confident, aware, and sharp decision-makers.


An assertive girl is not an aggressive girl. Did you get that? Assertive is not aggressive. Bullies are aggressive. Don’t be a bully. An assertive girl creates healthy boundaries. An assertive girl uses her voice. Her voice is her first line of self-defense. Without any physical altercation, her voice can begin to create boundaries. Her voice can most often deescalate a hyped-up person. When a bully or dangerous person appears threatening, a girls first response should be to use her voice and say NO or STOP.  An assertive girl can stay calm and be courageous while communicating her wishes. If her voice does not compel the person to respect her boundaries, then she can increase the sound of her voice. She can gain attention from others with her voice. Practice the CALL progression: (Calm voice. Assertive voice. Loud. Louder voice.).

An assertive girl practices strong body language. She stands tall and looks confident. Even if she feels small, scared or insecure, she can appear tall and strong with body language that says, “I’m assertive.” Remember the movie “We bought a Zoo”? I’ll always remember the line about courage.

“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it” – the character Benjamin Bee played by Matt Damon.

Now, the reference was about the kind of bravery required to create a positive relationship, but I have applied it many times with my daughters to push through times when they might be scared or insecure. I believe anyone can be brave for 20 seconds in any situation.

Bullies prey on people who appear weak.

Twenty seconds of assertive courage can save a life.

Stand in front of a mirror. Adjust your posture. Stand up tall with your shoulders back yet relaxed. Smile. You are beautifully and wonderfully made! Assert your beauty to the world. It’s contagious!


Girls …  (and parents for that matter) put your phone down and lift your eyes up.

Seriously, look up. There’s a big brave world out there, don’t miss it. Be a role model to your children and restrict phone usage, especially in public places, walking to the car, etc. Girls need to learn to asses

s her surroundings. She should begin to assess the behavior of others around her. A great exercise in assessment is “people watching.” Find a café, restaurant or public space and simply watch people. Notice behavior and discuss with your daughter the different behaviors you observe. My husband and I were “people watching,” at an amusement park. Actually, we were watching the teenage boys watch the teenage girls. We had our daughters observe too. They got to see, first hand, how goofy the guys can be when the situation is playful and safe. But they also learned how to read a person’s intentions and behavior just by watching.

Girls who learn to assess a situation and “people watch” starting on the school playground will prepare them for bigger situations. Our girls will be wise and ready to address dark parking lots, spring break parties and traveling abroad.


When a girl is assertive and has assessed her surroundings, she can act appropriately and make smart decisions. Most of the time, her strong voice and confident body language is all she needs to defend herself. Adding self-defense to these life skills gives her the added ability to take action!

Online Self-Defense from The Great Flip

The Great Flip Self Defense – Assert + Assess + Action from The Great Flip on Vimeo.

The Great Flip Self Defense Videos

The first 10 videos in The Great Flip training series are meant to introduce girls to self-defense using the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Your girl will learn how to fall if she is pushed (and not break her wrists or elbows). She will learn how to escape a choke, how to stand up safely, how to escape a bear hug from behind. Here’s the list of five stand-up techniques and five techniques from the ground: The Break Fall, The Technical Lift, The Break Fall + Technical Lift Drill, Wrist Escape, Choke Escape, The Hip Escape, The Bridge, Ground Protection Drill, Hip Bump + Arm Lock Drill and The Mount Escape.

And I post new videos each month for subscribers! These videos add variations and challenges to the first 10 videos.

Click 2 Ways to Join to get started!

What self-defense moves would you like your daughter to learn? Send me suggestions using the Contact form on the home page. Want to preview one of my videos? Here’s a link to the Wrist Escape technique:

The Great Flip Self Defense – Wrist Escape from The Great Flip on Vimeo.

All the videos are under three minutes. They are meant to be watched, learned, practiced and repeated until mastery. Just like in real jiu-jitsu live sparring, I teach while I demonstrate the technique while working with my training partner. You can do this in the comfort of your own home too! To learn more about what you will need to train at home click here to read about the simple set-up to train at home.

Subscribing to The Great Flip and learning self-defense with me is a wonderful gift for the girls in your life. Self-defense is a life skill necessary for every girl. So, grab a training buddy, a soft place to train and I’ll see you on the mat. Click on the “Two ways to Join” now to begin.

Do you know a home-school family, PE teacher, coach, youth group leader, scout leader looking for curriculum to use to teach self-defense? Pass this information along. See you on the mat!

Coach Jody

Why The Great Flip?

Why The Great Flip  (TGF)? My daughter created the name “The Great Flip.” She said learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) will turn a girl’s self-defense game upside down! BJJ empowers girls with techniques so that a smaller, weaker person can overcome a larger opponent. TGF allows girls to feel empowered, confident and brave learning a new life skill like self-defense. But there is so much more …

The Great Exchange

I feel safer now

But most important, when a girl reads the words “The Great Flip,” she will learn that Jesus turned the world upside down for her. The Great Flip is about The Gospel!

Martin Luther, the great reformer, summarized the Christian faith using the Bible verse from the New Testament in 2 Corinthians 5:21:

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

He called it The Great Exchange. I call it The Great Flip.

Flipped by Grace

I want girls to not only learn an effective martial art, but I want girls to have a safe place to find encouragement and motivation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about grace; the free and unmerited favor of God.

Here at The Great Flip, girls will receive unconditional love and acceptance, no matter her past, present and future. I want girls to grow in grace with herself, with others and discover the unconditional message of God’s grace for every person, every where.

If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to meet me on the mat and continue your self-defense journey. Everyone is welcome. Consider the spiritual content something to meditate and reflect upon while you learn a new life skill.

Stay with me and I’ll peel back the worldview and give you a glimpse of God’s view through the lens of grace. As part of your subscription to The Great Flip, you’ll have unlimited access to all the self defense videos, and in addition, you’ll gain access to subscriber-only content and resources which digs deep into grace. I have many amazing Christian friends who will be sharing their expertise in grace-filled living, prayer, mission and so much more.

Grace is everywhere to be discovered!

Marvelous Grace Chris Pratt


Did you read my post about MTV Generational Award Winner, Chris Pratt? He’s the movie star in Marvel Movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” and movie thriller Jurassic Park. He shares his take on grace in the least likely place. Check it out

Are you familiar with Christian Singer Lauren Daigle? Her journey to stardom is a living testimony, but some Christians have been critical about her success. I wrote a response “gracefully” to her critics. Check it out at this link.

Listen. A response to critics of Lauren Daigle

I’d like to share your stories and life lessons as you’ve been touched by grace.  Send me a note through the Contact form or follow me on social media on Instagram

and use the hashtag #thegreatflip @thegreatflip

Click on 2 Ways to Join! See you on the mat!


Coach Jody