
Counter Culture Mom Tina Griffin and Jody Token Flip Fear with Online Self-Defense for Girls

This is what happens when two “counter-culture moms” get together! 🔥
As a former Hollywood actress, Tina Griffin is on a mission to reveal how pop culture and the entertainment industry is glamorizing harmful behaviors without showing the consequences and how these messages are eroding the foundational development of today’s youth.
Now add a strong dose of self-defense skills from The Great Flip! 💪🏼
When you give your girls self-defense skills you are giving them the confidence to navigate these troubled times. Use code Tina for a 10 percent discount on my self-defense plans!
A must-watch interview!

Take the fear out of today’s increasingly violent world and tumble headfirst into The Great Flip, an incredible faith-filled online martial arts training program developed by Jody Token, for parents to do with their children.

Jody created excellent streaming training videos, complete with instructional lesson plans in a teaching style that is playful and empowering for ages six and up. She teaches kids how to escape and de-escalate a scary situation, whether it’s an attempted abduction on the street or dealing with a bully on the playground.

Jody chose Brazilian jiu-jitsu to help girls know how to flee or fight a much bigger and stronger opponent. This self-defense course is perfect for kids of all ages and is perfect for homeschooling families, youth groups, or co-ops.


  • In a violent situation, girls typically end up on the ground – jiu-jitsu teaches girls how to escape from a pinned position on their backs
  • Escaping a violent situation is much smarter than attacking a potentially much bigger assailant
  • Training when the mind and body are at rest creates a muscle memory that will engage our reflexes automatically in an emergency
  • Girls may not be strong enough to overcome an attacker, but martial arts will make them SMART enough
  • Use Discount Code TINA for a 10 percent discount on most of the self-defense plans











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How to Stop Fear with God’s Faithfulness

I love writing devotions designed to be read and discussed with your children. You can equip your children to fight fear with God’s faithfulness. I wrote this one for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh. Stick around to the end of the devotion and learn more about my faith-filled online martial arts at The Great Flip!

The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?

{ Psalm 27:1 }

light bulb stop fear with faithfulness

What do you do when you are afraid? If it’s dark, you turn on a light. But what if you’re still afraid? What if your fear is something inside and you can’t figure out how to make it go away?

David, the person who wrote this Psalm feared for his life. Bad people were chasing him. He didn’t know what to do. He tried running and hiding, but he was still afraid. Soon his own thoughts made him feel more afraid. 

When you don’t know what to do, you can reduce fear and remember what God has done for you. David began to recall God’s faithfulness. He remembered God’s light and salvation. Then he remembered God’s strength. “The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?”

Sometimes fear is real and it must be addressed. But something fear is caused by lies we believe. Shine the bright light of God’s truth to illuminate fear and create faith. His Word works! Read it and receive faith to fight fear. “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

ACTION POINT: What makes you feel fearful? Shine God’s word on that fear and replace it with his faithful promises. Write Psalm 27:1 on a post-it note or in a journal. Memorize the Bible verse and put it in a place you can read when you feel afraid. 

JODY TOKEN is the coach and creator of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts for ages six and up. Request a free video at This devotion was written for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh. 


Want another Faith Over Fear Devotion?

Click here to read “Keep Calm and Keep the Faith.”  

Back to school burnout keep calm banner

Four Tips for Empowering Homeschool Martial Arts

The martial arts will accomplish the health-based and skills-based goals of your physical education requirements in your homeschool. Coach Jody

Physical education, aka PE, should be an important part of your homeschool routine. Giving your children physical activity of any kind will create a positive attitude toward fitness. This will cause them to value their health. Regular exercise reduces chronic disease and many health problems related to lack of exercise. Physical movement will improve cognitive function which promotes learning in other areas.

PE gives your child a place to explore skill-based activities such as team and individual sports. They will learn sportsmanship and competition while improving their social skills.

But the martial arts check every PE box plus some. Not only does it create positive health and exercise benefits, but it adds strong character development skills such as self-defense, safety awareness, and overall self-confidence. This confidence spills over into all aspects of life, for a lifetime.

Before you jump in the car and head down to your local martial arts academy, you can teach a homeschool martial arts class. Here are four tips to consider:

Choose a Martial Art

Not all martial arts are created equal. If you want a martial art that addresses self-defense, I recommend Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Bjj is a “grappling sport” which means there is a lot of ground movement, much like wrestling.

The overall strategy of Bjj is to control your opponent. It focuses on skills to take an opponent to the ground, controlling one’s opponent, and using a number of techniques to force them into submission.

Studies show that 95 percent of street fights end on the ground. The techniques learned in Bjj enable participants to escape, attack, or get into a more dominant position.

Bjj is also a martial art designed for a smaller, weaker practitioner to subdue much larger and stronger opponents. Participants use techniques and leveraging skills instead of relying on brute force. All martial arts provide confidence and courage, but only Bjj connects the sport to self-defense in a way that everyone, of all ages, can learn.

Create a Martial Arts Class at Home

You don’t need a large amount of space to train at home, but to protect the lamp and china, you might want to create a training/fitness space. I purchased interlocking mats. You can also find inexpensive three-fold gymnastic mats. If you want to get fancy and go all out, you can purchase professional BJJ mats. I spent $40 on two sets of interlocking mats. I have a basement/lower level in my house for my exercise space. Some people use their garage or a spare bedroom. Many homeschool families get together in their co-op and/or church to purchase mats and find a communal space to train together.

Here’s a glimpse of my little training space at home.

Here’s an introduction to a homeschool martial arts class structure.

Get a Training Partner

You can begin with a few “no-contact” movements and warm-ups, but in order to get the most benefit from the experience, you need a training buddy.  Learning a martial art with your child can be a fun and rewarding experience. Inviting your child’s best friend and a group of friends enhances the experience.

Bjj is referred to as the gentle martial art. You and your child can simulate real techniques in real time with a low risk of injury. Of course, there’s always some risk, but Bjj lends itself to learning real self-defense skills with low risks. My instructional videos focus on escaping, controlling, and submitting techniques inspired by BJJ movements. My teaching style is fun, playful, and empowering for everyone.  Click here to request a free video.

Subscribe to a Professional Online Martial Arts Resource

I created an easy-to-follow online martial arts resource called The Great Flip. No experience is required. No high-cost uniforms or belts are needed to participate. Simply download the lesson plans, watch the videos, and train. Everything you need to run a martial arts class is at The Great Flip.

My daughters inspired me to develop an online martial arts experience. After seven years of training BJJ and earning my purple belt, I took a leap of faith to bring martial arts to everyone with an online learning platform. My daughters appreciated the opportunity to train at home and feel empowered. Children as young as first grade through high school can benefit from my introductory approach. Make your homeschool PE class fun and functional for everyone in the whole family.

Request a free video here. 

More About the Author:

Coach Jody Token

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, faith-filled online martial arts. Request a free video at


Click here to choose an online martial arts plan













Empower Your Girl to Make Wise Decisions with these Four Tips

My friends at American Heritage Girls (AHG) asked me to share a devotion empowering girls to make wise decisions. This devotion is part of the AHG Free to Grow Patch Program.  The Great Flip is a national program alliance for AHG. I’m honored to share these tips. To learn more about AHG, click here.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Tip #1 Use the 10 Commandments to guide your decision-making.


The 10 Commandments are clear about certain decisions. For example; Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not murder, Do not covet, etc. You should definitely review these 10 words from the Lord. These 10 commandments serve as a curb (keep you safe), a mirror (see your sin and see your need for a savior), and a sign (point you in the right way of living). The commandments are more than a list of things NOT to do. They can also serve as guides on the good you can do to love your neighbor.

Because of the 10 Commandments, I know not to steal other people’s stuff but instead, I help and serve people to improve and protect their possessions. And this decision goes beyond just stealing things, it addresses the way we use our time and talents. We give our time to work hard (not be lazy or steal away our time or effort). We acquire our goods in an honest way and do not take advantage of others.  

Tip #2  Read the Proverbs

When scripture does not clearly address a particular decision you face, read the book of Proverbs. Proverbs describe wisdom as the beginning of knowledge. According to Proverbs, having wisdom keeps you out of trouble. Wisdom keeps you from looking like a fool and allows you to make wise decisions. Wisdom is more than good judgment – wisdom is Jesus Christ Himself. Wisdom spoke creation into existence. Wisdom created you. When you have decisions to make, you have direct access to Wisdom – that is Jesus your Savior. Read Provers and picture Jesu as your Wisdom.

Tip #3 Surround yourself with godly mentors

Wise people can help you talk out your problems and verbalize your feelings. They can help you find Bible verses that address your situation and guide you to wise decisions. Find wise friends, family and leaders who love the Lord.

Tip #4 Pray

Take your decision-making to the Lord in prayer.

If you cannot come up with your own words, pray God’s word. Pray the Psalms and Proverbs and the Lord’s Prayer. These three resources contain all of God’s promises for you.

The Great Flip about decision-making:

And here’s a “great flip” for you to remember. I bet you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make the right decision and feel the anxiety of “what if” I make the wrong decision. In Colossians chapter two, Paul says the answer to God’s mystery is knowing Jesus as your Savior. Everything flows from this truth. No amount of correct or incorrect decisions will save you. Christ alone saves. What a relief!

Jesus made the wisest decision of all when He decided to love you.

When you follow these four tips, you can trust God in your decisions. Even if you mess up, God redeems all things. He redeemed you. He made a wise decision when he made you. He promises to be your decision-maker. He decided to wonderfully make you in your mother’s womb. He decided to send Jesus because he loves you. He decided to forgive you all of your sins when he died on the cross for you. He decided to give you his perfect righteousness when he rose from the dead and defeated sin, death and the devil. He decided to give you the gift of a sound mind (through Christ), talents, skills, passion, and purpose to love and serve others.

You can make wise decisions not to earn God’s love, but because you already have it. 

Watch my video as I share the four tips as I walk through a little general store then in the country with my dog Brandy.

Coach Jody is the creator and coach at The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

Click here to request a free self-defense video.


How AHG Troops use The Great Flip patch program, Click here. 

The Giggle Meter in Online Self-Defense Training

I just finished an in-person training session with my daughter at her college. What a joy to train with her before she graduates this winter. Whether your daughter is 23 years old or six years old, There is a common experience that happens when girls train online self-defense together in a safe space. They GIGGLE! 

I know it sounds strange, but the physical nature of self-defense training requires vulnerability. They are required to trust each other physically and emotionally. When they experience success, their laughter is an outpouring of their confidence. 

Thank you to everyone who is training with me at The Great Flip! What is the GIGGLE meter for your girls?

If you are still thinking about adding The Great Flip to your curriculum, let me know how I can serve and encourage you to add online self-defense and martial arts training to your daughter’s character development.

I designed The Great Flip to empower you to teach a safe and empowering experience … GIGGLES included!

I look forward to serving you.


Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.


Three tips to overcome fear of germs, bullies and germy bullies

Long before COVID-19 and “social distancing” was a thing, bullies roamed the hallways at home, at school and after-school. They still do. 

By now, our children are familiar with navigating “social distancing” protocols, but do they have the skills to deal with bullies who intend to break physical barriers? Does your child exhibit any new fears of physical contact? This might be due to a bully situation or a new germ phobia. 

Because the “germ” landscape is constantly changing, be sure to communicate with your child to determine the source of their fear and anxiety. Even as “social distancing” norms change, you can teach your children three “no-contact” self-defense skills and empower them to overcome the fear of germs, bullies, and germy bullies. 

Your Voice. 

no contact self defense

Your voice is the first line of self-defense. Ask your child to list all the ways his/her voice can be helpful if a bully is approaching. 

A voice can:

  • Communicate boundaries.
  • Escalate or deescalate a situation.
  • Yell for help.
  • Build up or tear down.
  • Express emotions.

Roleplay with your child and encourage the development of their voice as a form of self-defense. Help your child choose the right words and correct tone of voice when communicating their feelings based on different situations. Teach them to be direct but not bossy, assertive but not aggressive. Begin with a calm voice, but as a situation changes, teach them it’s okay to be loud if necessary. 

(As a self-defense instructor, I encourage children to be loud when counting repetitions in a warm-up exercise. For example, when doing jumping jacks, I will count 1-5, then encourage them to count aloud 6-10. Some children need to control their voice (tone it down, be loud without screaming). Some children need to be encouraged to be loud. There’s something empowering about letting out a good loud shout! Create space to develop your child’s voice.

Inner voice.

A child’s inner voice might dictate the way they express themself outwardly. Talk to your child about the voice inside their head. If they believe things that are not true, give them affirming words to replace the negative voice. Share God’s voice (God’s Word found in the Bible) with your child. Read God’s promises to your child and encourage them to memorize and internalize and recognize God’s voice.  (One of my favorites is Romans 8:37-39.)

End your time by using your voice to speak kind words to each other.

Your Body.  

Taking care of your body is a powerful form of self-defense. Defend your body with posture, hygiene and healthy habits.

Body language matters. no-contact safety tip your body

Poor posture can make your child appear weak. Bullies seek victims who look weak. But strong body language can make them appear strong. Even if they don’t feel confident, they can still look confident by standing tall with proper posture. 

The ole “place a hardcover book on your head” trick works to improve posture every time. Place a book on your child’s head and walk around the room keeping the book balanced. Make sure their head and eyes are up looking forward. Make a game out of this experiment.

Hygiene matters. 

I know you’ve heard it a million times, but it’s worth repeating and practicing. 

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Then go wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

Healthy habits matter.

Good nutrition and exercise defend your body against obesity and strengthens your immune system to fight off germs. Personal trainers and nutritionists agree that a healthy body is 80 percent good nutrition and 20 percent exercise. 

Here are four healthy habits to defend your body: 

  • Drink more water and less sugary drinks. 
  • Get enough sleep. 
  • Eat healthy whole foods and less processed foods.
  • Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes and decrease screen time.

Your distance. 

More than ever, children understand the concept of “distance management.” Prior to COVID, I spent a lot of time explaining “distance management.” Now, I say those two magic words “social distance” and they understand spatial orientation when it comes to the space between people. 

Personal space.  

Now that children understand the idea of “social distancing,” they can apply self-defense strategies to their personal space and safety. 

Your personal space is typically the space inside your arm span. Extend your arms out in front of you. This is your personal space. When confronted with a bully or someone walking towards you, protecting your personal space will keep you safe (from germs and a physical confrontation). 

When your child’s voice is not respected, then your child will need to be prepared to defend his/her personal space.

Roleplay by stepping toward your child. Teach them to keep their arms up while at the same time stepping back or around to maintain their personal space. Use that voice to assert boundaries!

The Push Kick


If a person gets too close, your child can use their hands to push a person away. Or they don’t want to use their hands, they can learn the push-kick self-defense technique.  Request a free video to learn this skill at 

Practice with a training buddy or solo-style.

Keep this activity fun, playful and empowering. Carefully balance on one foot and place the other foot just above your training partner’s knee. Now, push your partner away. If you don’t have a training buddy, carefully use your foot to push open a door. This is the push kick. 

Download the Anti-bully Ebook

Would you like to talk to your daughter about germs, bullies and germy bullies? Do you want to facilitate a grace place for girls to share their fears and anxiety? Download Coach Jody’s “My Anti-bully Ebook.” It includes two self-defense videos (the push kick is one of those videos) girls ages six and up can learn together. This is a fun, playful and empowering learning experience girls can do together or virtually. Click here to download My Anti-bully Ebook.







About Coach Jody

To learn more about self-defense training or create a simple martial arts experience at home, contact Jody Token, the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for ages six and up.

Click here to shop online for self-defense plans.

Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

Click here to visit my homepage.

online self-defense for girls