
Parents Take Child’s Protection Into Their Own Hands with Online Martial Arts


CONTACT: Jody Token






Parents Take Child’s Protection Into Their Own Hands with Online Martial Arts.

St. Louis – Parents no longer need to outsource self-defense training for their children. They can teach it themselves using an online martial arts resource called  The Great Flip.

“Not everyone is ready for the big martial arts experience and expense,” says Jody Token, The Great Flip, creator and coach. 

“I developed The Great Flip to teach my daughters self-defense skills and increase their confidence. I believe everyone can teach and learn self-defense skills using my online videos and lesson plans,” says Token. Coach Jody

Token, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu purple belt practitioner and instructor, says jiu-jitsu is the preferred martial art when it comes to its application to self-defense.  Jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport focused on ground techniques. More than 80 percent of self-defense altercations end on the ground.

Parents subscribe to The Great Flip and gain access to more than 60 technique videos, downloadable lesson plans, and a certificate of completion. Token is the author of  “My Anti-Bully Handbook” for tween and teen girls which comes in an ebook or printed format. 

Token adds her unique “faith over fear” Christian worldview to complete a child’s empowerment experience.  The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Token is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Greah. The Great Flip is a preferred homeschool resource. 

Schedule Coach Jody Token for an interview and feature her on your next podcast. 

Contact her at 


Click here to download the Press Release OCTOBER NEWS! Parents Take Child’s Protection into Their Own Hands PRESS RELEASE



Jody Token The Great Flip online self-defense for girls


homeschool martial arts

The Great Flip Easter

“The Deep Magic will be Appeased” and Three Lenten Devotions

The season of Lent, for me, is a time to remember God’s amazing grace, mercy and sacrifice for me. I know a lot of people give up things like food, drinks, activities, etc. to create time to pursue more of God. There is nothing wrong with fasting during this season. Those activities are meant to help us return to the Lord in a spirit of repentance.

But consider “the great flip” in this way of thinking. Instead of “doing more for God” try remembering all that God has done for you. Put yourself in a position to recognize all the gifts the Lord continues to give you every day. Consider that even the act of repentance is a gift.  Remember, the top priority of the Lenten Season is the cross. Christ crucified for you.  Then the joy of forgiveness and Easter morning will be all the more spectacular!

Here are three devotions to share with your children for the season of Lent:

The Deep Magic will be Appeased.

But now, once for all time, he has appeared at the end of the age to remove sin by his own death as a sacrifice. 

{ Hebrews 9:26 }

Have you read Narnia’s “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?” There’s a difficult scene where the lion, Aslan, appears to be defeated by the white witch. All because the boy, Edmond, was selfish, stubborn, and made a terrible mistake. The boy should have paid the price for his sin. Instead, Aslan sacrifices himself and saves Edmond. What appears to be a terrible defeat turns out to be a great victory. (Spoiler Alert! Read the book for the full story!)

“Narnia” written by C. S. Lewis, is also a story of the sacrifice of Jesus. We are selfish, stubborn people. We make horrible mistakes. We deserve punishment for our wrongdoings. But God in his great love for you, sent his son Jesus, to pay the price for your sins. It’s a difficult scene to watch Jesus die on the cross. But his great sacrifice is now your greatest victory. 

Action Point: Write a letter or say a prayer to Jesus and confess your sins. Say you are sorry to him. Spoiler Alert! He is faithful to forgive your sins because of His sacrifice for you!

if it's not good news, it's not the gospel

Restore me, and I will be restored.

The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. 

{ Psalm 51:17}

Have you ever done something so terrible you thought it was unforgivable? 

King David did. He had committed a terrible sin. David was crushed for the bad thing he had done. He saw no way to make himself right before God. 

When your heart is broken, God will not reject you. You are experiencing a beautiful gift from God. It’s called repentance. To repent is to turn away from the bad and to turn toward the good. In Lamentations 5:21, the people realized only God can turn them back to him. 

“Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again! Give us back the joys we once had!”

And when God restores your broken heart, he also restores assurance of His forgiveness.

“But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” 1 John 1:9

Action Point: How is God turning you back to him? Repent and read Psalm 51.

girl reading Bible

How to sit at Jesus’ feet.

Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught.

{ Luke 10:17 }

How do you like to worship? Do you like to sing songs? Do you enjoy praying and reading the Bible, Or how about serving as an act of worship?

If your worship is more about what you do, then you might like the Bible story about two sisters who worshiped Jesus. One worshiped by focusing her attention on what she was doing for him. One worshiped by focusing her attention on what Jesus was doing for her. 

There is nothing wrong with singing, praying, reading, and serving as acts of worship. Jesus instructs us to do those things, not to earn God’s love, but because we already have it. 

The kind of worship Jesus seeks is the acknowledgment of his gifts to you, not our gifts to him. Jesus was so sweet to both sisters when he explained the simple truth that worship is more about receiving from him than doing something for him. 

Action Point: Next time you are in church, pretend to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to all the ways you receive God’s gifts as an act of worship.

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online martial arts for ages six and up. She writes devotions for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh. The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls. 


Request a free online self-defense video. Click here. 

You can teach online martial arts! Shop plans here.





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Counter Culture Mom Tina Griffin and Jody Token Flip Fear with Online Self-Defense for Girls

This is what happens when two “counter-culture moms” get together! 🔥
As a former Hollywood actress, Tina Griffin is on a mission to reveal how pop culture and the entertainment industry is glamorizing harmful behaviors without showing the consequences and how these messages are eroding the foundational development of today’s youth.
Now add a strong dose of self-defense skills from The Great Flip! 💪🏼
When you give your girls self-defense skills you are giving them the confidence to navigate these troubled times. Use code Tina for a 10 percent discount on my self-defense plans!
A must-watch interview!

Take the fear out of today’s increasingly violent world and tumble headfirst into The Great Flip, an incredible faith-filled online martial arts training program developed by Jody Token, for parents to do with their children.

Jody created excellent streaming training videos, complete with instructional lesson plans in a teaching style that is playful and empowering for ages six and up. She teaches kids how to escape and de-escalate a scary situation, whether it’s an attempted abduction on the street or dealing with a bully on the playground.

Jody chose Brazilian jiu-jitsu to help girls know how to flee or fight a much bigger and stronger opponent. This self-defense course is perfect for kids of all ages and is perfect for homeschooling families, youth groups, or co-ops.


  • In a violent situation, girls typically end up on the ground – jiu-jitsu teaches girls how to escape from a pinned position on their backs
  • Escaping a violent situation is much smarter than attacking a potentially much bigger assailant
  • Training when the mind and body are at rest creates a muscle memory that will engage our reflexes automatically in an emergency
  • Girls may not be strong enough to overcome an attacker, but martial arts will make them SMART enough
  • Use Discount Code TINA for a 10 percent discount on most of the self-defense plans











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jump for joy

Jump for Joy

I am pro-life. Not because of the legal arguments, although personhood, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may finally be returned to our most vulnerable population aka the unborn. And of course, I’m praying that Roe vs. Wade will be struck down as it is being argued by the Supreme Court as I write this blog, December 2021.

I am pro-life. Not because of science, although science clearly reveals that life does begin at conception.

I am pro-life because my Christian faith compels me to be pro-life. As a Christian, I seek God’s word for wisdom in such matters. The Bible is clear about the life of all people. I won’t go through every Bible verse, but from Genesis through Revelation, life is clearly a gift of God. God formed you. God loves you. God sent Jesus to rescue you, redeem you and give you life, forgiveness, faith, purpose and passion.

Being pro-life is good news! Being pro-life frees you from lies and confusion. Being pro-life points you to joy in God’s true word! Being pro-life is joy! Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to steal your joy.

Compelled by God’s great love for me, I seek to love and serve others. I’m not always good at my calling, but it is my greatest joy.

Join me to pray for our daughters. Our girls are surrounded by mixed messages directly contradicting God’s word. Pray that our girls hear God’s word more than the world’s words. How are you doing at that mom and dad? How much screen time versus Bible time does your girl get? Pray for the pro-life message to be a message of joy and hope.

God’s word works. His word creates faith, forgiveness and salvation to all who hear and receive the free gift of Jesus.

May your Christmas season be filled with joy! Read my Advent devotion with your family. It is filled with joy, a pro-life message and a gift for you.

Jump for Joy!

“When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy” Luke 1:44

When I tell my daughters about being pregnant with them, I say; “I still remember your first movements inside my belly. I played music for you. I read stories to you. Sometimes when I spoke or the dog barked, you jumped for joy. I couldn’t wait to meet you. “

I wonder if Mary and Elizabeth told stories too. Imagine the joy they felt as they prepared together for the births of John the Baptist and Jesus.

Children are a blessing. And the Bible is full of verses connecting children to joy! “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Psalm 127:3-5

And here is God’s amazing gift for you! God is filled with joy when he thinks about you. He sings joyful songs to you! “For the LORD, you God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

Imagine that! I wonder what He’s singing? Go ahead and jump for joy!

Action Point: Ask your mom to tell you something about her pregnancy with you. Or, if you’re adopted, ask about that joyful moment when she first held you in her arms. Sing a song together and jump for joy!

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls ages six and up. Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh, and for various homeschool blogs and Christian ministries.

The Great Flip offers online martial arts for children.

Click here for online plans

homeschool martial arts

online self-defense for girls

made matchless leah tatina

Stand on God’s power (not girl power); Listen to the Empowered Girl Podcast! 🎧


The girl power movement is shifting sand. The message is always changing. The lies are evolving. How do a mother and daughter get ahead and get a handle on the culture?

Leah Tatina, the creator of Made Matchless, has a solution. Instead of focusing on the lies, we should first ground ourselves and our daughters in God’s truth. No matter what the lie is any given day, God’s truth will remain. This is God’s power in action for our girls (and mom too!)

Learn how to stand on God’s power by listening to my podcast called The Great Flip “empowered girl” Podcast.

Download Leah’s free “I am” Made Matchless Pledge at her website at


Made Matchless features The Great Flip on YouTube!

Leah is crushing it on YouTube! She made an amazing resource for me about Girl Power vs. God’s Power. Check this out!

She’s amazing!

About Leah

Leah Tatina, Made Matchless creator, is delightfully educating and inspiring girls and their moms to live out their unique God-given purposes with Biblical resources, events and curriculum. She considers herself an ordinary homeschool mother who serves an extraordinary God. Instead of focusing on the lies of the girl power movement, Leah focuses on God’s truth.

Be sure to like and subscribe to The Great Flip “empowered girl” Podcast at your favorite podcast place (Apple, Spotify, Anchor, etc.)

You can financially support these podcasts at my Anchor podcast, click here.

Don’t forget to download a free resource from Leah at her website:

Find Made Matchless on Youtube @madematchless

Follow Leah on Social Media @madematchless


Hi friends, welcome to The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. You and your daughter can learn self-defense that is fun, playful and empowering using my online videos and lesson plans. Families are learning self-defense at home, at school and after school using The Great Flip.

Learning self-defense can be scary for girls. My coaching style is fun, playful and empowering for girls age six and up. I equip you to talk about bullies and bad guys in a safe and age-appropriate way.

Instead of going to a stinky martial arts gym, start your journey with me. You get to be in charge of a safe, positive and affordable experience.

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.