
plug into God's power

Three ways to plug into God’s power

In this blog, I offer three ways for mothers and daughters to plug into God’s amazing grace and mighty power that far exceeds girl power. Be sure to review the lies about the girl power movement with your daughter.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

I remember when my daughter first saw this verse. She thought she could defy gravity! Imagine the possibilities! She could win first place in her cross-country meet. Ace her math test. “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me!” she exclaimed. But no matter how hard she tried, she didn’t get first place and that math test was harder than she expected. She felt exhausted and defeated.

girl power vs God's power

What is the source of your strength? Better asked … Who is the source of your strength? Girl power or God’s power? 

Girl power is driven by results and must be earned. The promise is conditional. If you work hard enough and win, you get credit. If you work hard and fail. You feel like a failure. The burden is always on you to perform. It’s no wonder girls suffer from depression and anxiety more than at any time in history. Girl power is fake power. 

But God’s power is unconditional, never-ending and a free gift from Jesus. This Bible verse, penned by the apostle Paul, promises Christ-followers the power of Jesus in all circumstances. Christ’s strength will empower you in any situation, in good times and in bad. If you win, he celebrates with you. If you lose, God strengthens you with his comfort and peace. God’s power is real power.

A girl can do anything not because of who she is or how hard she tries. A girl can do anything because of whose she is and His name is Jesus! 

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

In the spirit of “Lies Girls Believe” (shout out to Dannah Gresh at True Girl 😍) I’d like to expose the lies of the girl power movement and offer three ways to plug into God’s power.

You and your daughter can read each of these contrasting statements and give examples of the difference between girl power and God’s power in your life.

  • Girl power is self-centered vs. God’s power is others-focused.

Girl power seeks to do whatever makes you happy. It’s self-centered and self-seeking, but God says his power will compel you to love Him and love others first. 

“And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

  • Girl power demands “it’s my body, it’s my choice” vs. God’s power declares you to be “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  • Girl power puts men and boys down to gain power vs. God’s power created men and women equally for each other.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18

  • Girl power is fueled by emotions vs. God’s power is fueled by truth.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

  • Girl power requires work vs. God’s power is a free gift.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Can you think of other examples?

Plug into God’s power.plug into God's power

The girl power movement instructs girls to look on the inside for power. I’m not sure about you, but when I go digging for power inside of myself, I wind up exhausted and empty. My power source is a moving target depending on my mood and emotions. 

God’s power is an external source. It comes from the outside.

Here are three ways to plug into God’s power!

Have you ever used an electrical appliance such as a toaster or hairdryer? Do you wonder where the power comes from? What happens if it’s not plugged into a power source?

If you want to shine for God, you must plug into his power. Your light does not come from the inside out. Instead, it comes from the outside, in. To power an appliance, plug it into an outlet. To get God’s power, plug yourself into his outlets called the “means of grace.”  The means of grace are the outlets God guarantees from his word to deliver faith, the forgiveness of sins and the power to shine. Here are three outlets to receive God’s power so you can shine bright.

#1. God’s Word.

The Bible is God’s primary outlet. His Word unfolds the grand narrative of salvation through Jesus. Simply listen or read the Bible and receive the promise of faith. 

“So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:7

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

You might not understand what you are reading (yet!) but keep hearing the word of Christ. Trust God to give you this unending gift of faith when you listen to His word. His light will begin to shine in you!

#2. Baptism

The Bible is filled with water! Well, not literally, but from Genesis through Revelation almost every reference to water points to baptism and its power to forgive sins, rescue from death and the devil, and give salvation to all who believe.  Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). When the water and the Word are splashed, poured or immersed on you, you can shine bright and proclaim, “I am baptized into Christ,” and be certain that the comforting words of Romans 8:1 are true:

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” 

#3. Communion

One of my pastors likes to say, “If the water seals it, then the food feeds it.” The sacred meal referred in several ways such as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper, is an outlet to receive God’s power to shine. When we eat and drink his body and blood under the bread and wine, we receive the forgiveness of sins and a bright boost of faith power.

Martin Luther said, “this is a profound wonder and unexplainable mystery.”

Stay plugged into Jesus and receive God’s unending power! Look at you! God’s power is your strength!


The Bible offers spiritual disciplines too!

Prayer, fasting, worship, service in your community, and honoring the Sabbath Day are just a few that came to mind. 

These spiritual disciplines are not meant to be legalistic activities. We do not do things to earn God’s love. We practice these disciplines because we already have the fullness of God’s love through his son Jesus. Spiritual disciplines are given to us directly by God. God promises to meet you in these activities to bless and comfort you.

So plugin and receive God’s unending power! You can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you!

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

Request a free self-defense video and lesson plan 

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You Can Teach Martial Arts with The Great Flip

Does your child struggle with low self-esteem or anxiety? The martial arts is a proven confidence-builder! You can teach martial arts with my online martial arts resources at The Great Flip. Request a free video and lesson plan. Your child will learn the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills and earn a certificate of completion. Click here for more information.

Click here for the Top 12 Self-Defense Skills

Click here for a free self-defense video




The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

Visit my page exclusively for American Heritage Girls!

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.


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If you refer a friend and they subscribe to The Great Flip, send me an email and let me know. When I see their membership, I’ll send you and your friend a free gift. We could use more faith-filled empowered girls!

What would you like? Pick one. 

A free ebook – My Anti-bully Activity

One “The Great Flip” Patch

Three “The Great Flip” Stickers

Thank you for referring a friend! Let me know how I can help. Contact Coach Jody

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

stickers Anti-bully Handbook

The Great Flip is online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment resource and curriculum for girls aged six and up. To learn more, click here. 

The Great Flip is a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls. Coach Jody is the coach and creator of The Great Flip. She is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.

Coach Jody






jump for joy

Jump for Joy

I am pro-life. Not because of the legal arguments, although personhood, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may finally be returned to our most vulnerable population aka the unborn. And of course, I’m praying that Roe vs. Wade will be struck down as it is being argued by the Supreme Court as I write this blog, December 2021.

I am pro-life. Not because of science, although science clearly reveals that life does begin at conception.

I am pro-life because my Christian faith compels me to be pro-life. As a Christian, I seek God’s word for wisdom in such matters. The Bible is clear about the life of all people. I won’t go through every Bible verse, but from Genesis through Revelation, life is clearly a gift of God. God formed you. God loves you. God sent Jesus to rescue you, redeem you and give you life, forgiveness, faith, purpose and passion.

Being pro-life is good news! Being pro-life frees you from lies and confusion. Being pro-life points you to joy in God’s true word! Being pro-life is joy! Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to steal your joy.

Compelled by God’s great love for me, I seek to love and serve others. I’m not always good at my calling, but it is my greatest joy.

Join me to pray for our daughters. Our girls are surrounded by mixed messages directly contradicting God’s word. Pray that our girls hear God’s word more than the world’s words. How are you doing at that mom and dad? How much screen time versus Bible time does your girl get? Pray for the pro-life message to be a message of joy and hope.

God’s word works. His word creates faith, forgiveness and salvation to all who hear and receive the free gift of Jesus.

May your Christmas season be filled with joy! Read my Advent devotion with your family. It is filled with joy, a pro-life message and a gift for you.

Jump for Joy!

“When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy” Luke 1:44

When I tell my daughters about being pregnant with them, I say; “I still remember your first movements inside my belly. I played music for you. I read stories to you. Sometimes when I spoke or the dog barked, you jumped for joy. I couldn’t wait to meet you. “

I wonder if Mary and Elizabeth told stories too. Imagine the joy they felt as they prepared together for the births of John the Baptist and Jesus.

Children are a blessing. And the Bible is full of verses connecting children to joy! “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Psalm 127:3-5

And here is God’s amazing gift for you! God is filled with joy when he thinks about you. He sings joyful songs to you! “For the LORD, you God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

Imagine that! I wonder what He’s singing? Go ahead and jump for joy!

Action Point: Ask your mom to tell you something about her pregnancy with you. Or, if you’re adopted, ask about that joyful moment when she first held you in her arms. Sing a song together and jump for joy!

Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls ages six and up. Click here to request a free video and lesson plan.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh, and for various homeschool blogs and Christian ministries.

The Great Flip offers online martial arts for children.

Click here for online plans

homeschool martial arts

online self-defense for girls

Feeling worried? Five tips to transform worry into peace.

There is a lot of research now about mental health, especially as it affects our daughters. The dawn of social media opened a pandora’s box on our daughters. Research reveals that girls are more negatively impacted by social media. I was just telling my daughter (now in college) that she represents the first generation “guinea pigs” experimented on by the big media giants. The results are devastating. But there is hope.

Understanding the mental health of your daughter is important to evaluate. But offering real remedies to worry, anxiety and fear are key to empowering her to manage her own mental health.

God’s word gives us tangle tips to battle worry and anxiety. I wrote this devotion for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh and it offers five tips to transform worry into peace. Share this devotion and these five tips with your daughter.

What is the “Therefore” there for?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” 

{Philippians 4:6-8}

Easy for you to say! “Don’t worry.” Sometimes it’s so hard to pray and be thankful when I’m filled with so much worry. Help!

This Bible verse can serve as either a word of despair or a word of comfort. How do you receive these words when you first read them?

Interestingly enough, before Paul wrote these words, he began chapter four with this weird word; “Therefore.” When I see “Therefore,” I want to know what’s it “there for?”

If you go back to chapter three, you’ll find the answer. Paul reminds himself, his church and you to focus on knowing Jesus. He says that “everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.” Philippians 3:8.

Knowing Jesus will give you the power to battle worry. 

Paul does not sugar-coat life. He reminds us that no matter how hard life gets (and it will be hard), you have a peace that exceeds your understanding. When you focus on Jesus, he will guard your heart and mind. 

When worry knocks at your door, God gives you a battle plan! Therefore:

  1. Pray;
  2. Tell God what you need;
  3. Thank Him;
  4. Experience God’s peace; and
  5. Know that His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

ACTION POINT: Next time you feel worried or anxious, grab your Bible, read a favorite Bible verse to remember God’s unconditional love for you. My favorite is Psalm 121. Read it together.

How can you incorporate these five tips to transform worry into peace into your habits this week?

And next time you see a “Therefore” try and figure out what it’s there for.

Anxiety Remedy Tip – Limit Social Media.

And speaking of social media, if your daughter is experiencing anxiety or depression, help her to identify the cause of her worry. Is she stressed about school? Her grades? Peer pressure? Sports performance? Girls are negatively impacted by “comparison” than boys, especially on social media.

Limit her time on social media. This can be difficult because the big tech companies have designed social media to be addictive just like drugs. I encourage parents to watch “The Social Dilemma” a PG-13 Netflix documentary on how social media’s design nurtures an addiction, manipulates people’s views, emotions, and behavior, and spreads conspiracy theories and disinformation, to maximize profit. Set limits! You can find apps and tools to limit the time your daughter is on social media.


Welcome to The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment resources for your daughter age six and up. Request a free self-defense video and lesson plan here.

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance!


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five tips to transform worry into peace

five tips to transform worry into peace

The Bible, Mary Poppins, a Curb, A Mirror and a Guide. What?!

What are you reading this summer? Do you have a summer reading list? How about a favorite movie? There’s nothing better than a good book or movie on a summer day. Have you considered adding the Bible to your summer? 

So what in the world does the Bible, Mary Poppins, a curb, a mirror and a guide have in common? Well, I’m so glad you asked. 

The Bible.

I decided to add the Psalms to my summer reads. The book of Psalms is an Old Testament book of the Bible filled with poetry, prophecy, prayer, comfort and wisdom. Whether you are a Bible scholar or a beginner, reading the Psalms gives you a great summary of the entire Bible. 

Martin Luther said,

The Psalms are a Little Bible, wherein everything contained in the entire Bible is beautifully and briefly comprehended.”

So according to good old reformer Martin Luther, if you read the Psalms, you get a great summary of the Bible.

Mary Poppins.

Have you seen the new (not so new) “Mary Poppins Returns” movie featuring Emily Blunt? I know the classic Julia Andrews will always be cherished, but you need to give Emily a try. I loved it! I used a reference from the new Mary Poppins movie in my devotion for True Girl (a ministry of Dannah Gresh). In this devotion, I teach moms and daughters about the use of “law” and “gospel” in the Bible. Just read my devotion (below) and you’ll get it! Just know that everything in the Bible always points to Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of law and gospel … for you! When you know this, you can better understand what you are reading. 

A Curb, a Mirror and a Guide.

Go on, now read the devotion. As Mary Poppins says in her song, “A Cover is Not the Book,” … “The quicker you’re into it, the quicker you’re out of it.”


A curb, a mirror and a guide. 

Written by Jody Token

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have given me life.” Psalm 119:92-93

I grew up under the teaching that the law serves three primary functions: A curb, a mirror and a guide.

A Curb.

As a curb, the law creates boundaries. I can’t help but picture the scene in the Disney movie, Mary Poppins Returns as they take a joyful carriage ride (Is there any other kind?) inside a family heirloom china bowl. At the end of the song, “Royal Doulton Music Hall,” the lyrics explain: 

“Get yourself some peanuts and candy floss and go right on in!”

“May we Mary Poppins?”

“Yes- just keep away from the edge of the bowl”

The children learned the boundary (the curb) is there to protect them. 

In the Psalm, David realizes the law is a delight because God desires to protect him, not to harm him. Without the law, David would perish in his own sin and affliction. He desires to remember the law because the law gives him life.

A mirror and a guide. 

The law and the gospel work together in this verse. The acronym S.O.S. a simple way to understand the mirror and the guide. First, S.O.S. “Shows Our Sins.” When we look in a mirror through the lens of the law, we recognize ourselves as sinners. At the same time, we see Christ’s finished work on the cross in us, therefore the mirror “Shows Our Savior.” 

S.O.S. Shows Our Sin & Shows Our Savior

The law becomes a joyful guide to love and serve the world around us. 

Action Point: Look in a mirror. Who do you see? First, see yourself as a sinner in need of a Savior. Now see yourself fully forgiven because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Smile, you are a Saint!  

Short bio: Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

Request a free video at

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Click here to learn more about The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment.

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online self defense for girls online self defense for girls


5 Surprising Ways To Teach Your Daughter To Care For Her Body

As featured on the My True Girl Blog.

Teaching your daughter to take care of her body is important. Eating whole food instead of processed food, drinking water instead of soda, getting enough sleep and exercising instead of prolonged screen time are four amazing ways to decrease obesity and increase our immune system.

But God’s word says something else brings health and nourishment to your body and bones. Check out this proverb:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

Why trust God? Because he loves you!

“For this is how God loved the world (put your name here): He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.

This is a trustworthy promise for you! Let that sink into your body and bones.

But how does it make us healthier?

When you trust in the Lord, you have less stress. When you have less stress, your anxiety reduces. When your anxiety reduces, your body becomes healthy and your bones grow strong. When your body and bones are healthy, you desire to trust God, seek after the life Jesus has intended for you through the power of his Holy Spirit.

I offer this proverb, not to increase your list of things to do. (I know you have plenty of that) Instead, I offer the proverb as a promise from God. When he says “trust in the Lord…”, remember He is trustworthy.

My favorite children’s Bible is “The Jesus Storybook Bible.” The author says it best. “Some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what he has done.

Jesus lived a perfect life … for you. He trusted perfectly … for you. His Holy Spirit lives in you and gives you faith to believe his word is  … for you. Even faith is a gift.

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

Now read this passage of Scripture again and instead of hearing a “to-do” list, read it as a promise for you and receive faith.

Because of Jesus’ great love for you, you can joyfully:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

What are five ways to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones:

  1. Trust in the Lord

  2. Don’t lean on your own understanding

  3. Submit to him

  4. Do not be wise in your own eyes

  5. Fear the Lord and shun evil

Okay, so technically, there are six points there, but I put five and six together.

Now, go get your daughter! Review the five ways to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Grab a journal and/or calendar. As you set wellness goals for you and your girl, be sure to include a way to reduce the stress and increase your trust in God!

Jody Token, along with Dannah Gresh, Staci Rudolph, and other women who love tweens, writes daily devos for True Girl subscribers.  Jody is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up at

Looking for more ways to bring wellness into your daily lives?! Check out the all-new True Girl subscription box! This month, we are shipping THE WELLNESS BOX! It contains all the great stuff you need to complete a simple but life-changing month of mom+daughter wellness!

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

online self-defense for girls

the great exchange

The Great Exchange is The Great Flip

It is finished. Not only did he take your sin and the sin of the whole world. He “became” your sin! And in exchange, he gave you his righteousness. You “became” the righteousness of God!

Put on your royal robes and crown of gold, ladies! You are a daughter of the most-high king!

Rejoice in this. Ponder this mystery. You did nothing to deserve it. “While you were still a sinner, Jesus died for you.” Martin Luther refers to this mystery as the great exchange. The greatest gift of all … for you.

I call it The Great Flip! 

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

“Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. John the Baptist proclaimed these words when he saw Jesus approaching. Today, you can proclaim these same words. He takes your brokenness. He takes your shame. He frees you from the power of death. He doesn’t ask for your permission.


Jesus is a holy thief. He takes away the sin of the world and nailed them to a cross. He did it all for you because he loves you.  It is finished. Listen, Jesus, the Word enters into your ears and creates faith.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” 

For more encouragement about the meaning of Easter and the gospel message, read my blog or listen to my podcast from last Easter. Click here. 

Welcome to The Great Flip

Hi friends, my name is Jody Token. I’m the creator and coach of The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. I created a fun, playful and empowering experience to learn simple self-defense skills and share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. My resources give you an opportunity to talk about bully prevention and God’s healing words for girls and have fun learning life skills.

Be sure to request a free video and lesson plan. 

And find an online plan right for you and your family, church, school and/or after-school enrichment program.

Contact me. I look forward to serving you.


Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program partner.

Coach Jody is a contributing writer for True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh.



An Empowered “True Girl” Podcast Every Girl Should Hear


Girl power says be tough, be in their face, be loud, be aggressive.

God’s power says:

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

What is a girl to do? 

Every girl needs to hear my guest, Staci Rudolph, the lead Bible teacher at True Girl, a ministry of Dannah Gresh, on The Great Flip “empowered girl” Podcast!

If you desire to raise a faith-filled empowered girl, Staci offers specific ways you can equip and encourage your daughter to seek after God’s truth; including her online Bible study and subscription to the True Girl subscription box (see links below to get signed up).

Girl Power vs. GOD POWER (ps. God wins which means you win!)

I am on a mission to empower girls and their parents. But not as the world. I’m seeking experts who are countering the culture with God’s power. In every “empowered girl” podcast, you will connect with like-minded “God Power” experts who will give your hope, encouragement and resources to raise up the next generation of God-powered girls. 

My expert is True Girl, Staci Rudolph, a Dannah Gresh Ministry.

Staci Rudolph is a lead teacher for True Girl. From co-hosting online Bible studies like Habakkuk: Walking By Faith Through Difficult Days to teaching and leading worship at True Girl Live events, Staci is passionate about encouraging tweens and teens to walk in God’s Truth. She strives to journey with tweens and teens through the confusion often encompassing these years and to help them firmly plant themselves in God’s word and find their identity in Him.

True Girl believes it is possible to raise a girl who is confident in her faith and in herself, even in this culture. While moms may feel ill-equipped to navigate their daughters through the pressures of their tween years, studies show that parent-child connectedness is one of the main risk reducers for all the pressures tweens face. 

So moms: you can make a difference. No matter how broken you might feel, your relationship and connection with your girl matters.  True Girl makes this connection easy by creating opportunities for moms and daughters to discover deep Biblical truths together, so you’ll grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus. Because once you both know the Truth, it will set her free. Amen? amen!

Enjoy The Great Flip “empowered girl” Podcast wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts. Please subscribe to my podcast at your favorite venue. This episode is less than 30 minutes long; Just long enough for a good workout, lunch break, carpool, etc.

Listen to this podcast with your daughter!

Jody Token is the creator and coach at The Great Flip online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls. Girls age six and up learn self-defense skills at home, school and after school using The Great Flip online videos and lesson plans. The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girl national program partner.
online self-defense for girls