
no-contact safety tip your body

No-contact safety tip #2. Body language is self-defense!

Share this fun, playful and empowering activity with your daughter.

How can body language be a form of “no-contact” self-defense?

Bullies seek victims who look weak. Poor posture can make you appear weak. Strong body language can make you appear strong.  Strong body language creates an image of confidence and deters victimization. Even if you don’t feel confident, you can still look strong as a form of “no-contact” self-defense. Now let’s practice strong, empowered body language!


Place a hardcover book on your head. Now balance it so that you do not need to hold it. See how far you can walk around before the book falls off. What changes in your body occurred to balance the book? What changes occurred when it fell off?

If don’t have a book, find a wall. Place your back on the wall and connect your heels, shoulders and back of your hands to the wall.  Slowly walk away from the wall maintaining a correct posture. Walk around the room then reconnect to the wall and see if you’ve maintained the same posture.

no-contact safety tip your body

Faith-filled empowerment tip

What does God say about your body according to these Bible verses:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. Ephesians 1:3

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Cor. 6:19

Who created your body? Where was it created? How does God describe your body?

When did God choose you and love you?

How can you honor God with your body this week? 

no contact self defense

Do you remember the #1 no-contact safety tip? What is it? Here’s a link to the answer!

Have you subscribed to an online self-defense plan and downloaded the six no-contact lesson plans?  Subscribe here.

The “no-contact” online videos and lesson plans are a great way to introduce girls to self-defense in a safe, no-contact environment and for those dealing with social distancing protocols.

Introduce your daughter to self-defense in a safe and positive way … your way! The Great Flip is online self-defense safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up.

Shop online plans

Request a free video

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls





no contact self defense

No-contact safety tip #1. Your first line of self-defense starts here.

You have one self-defense tool immediately available to you. You have it with you everywhere you go. You use it all the time (maybe more or less than you should, ha!) What is it?

This tool requires zero physical contact. As a matter of fact, this one simple, yet powerful resource just might deter any physical interaction. It can change the entire outcome of a situation based on how you use this resource. What is it?

Share this self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment activity with your daughter!

In my previous blog post, I introduced a “no-contact” self-defense plan from The Great Flip. To get up-to-speed, take a look at this blog. Click here.

no contact self defense

Your Voice!

Yes, your voice is a powerful self-defense tool. No physical contact required. How can your voice be a form of self-defense? How can the tone/volume of your voice make a situation better or worse?


  • To communicate boundaries. 
  • To communicate intentions. 
  • To yell for help. 
  • To escalate or de-escalate a situation. 
  • Your voice is a powerful weapon. Use it first to try to calm people versus anger people. Choose your words carefully. 

Roleplaying activity:

Try different scenarios using your voice. How would you use your voice in these situations:

  • You see a bully who looks like she may not “social distance.”
  • You see a stranger coming too close to you.
  • You are lost in a crowded place.

Use your voice and communicate your boundaries. Stay calm but assertive. Don’t be bossy. How might a bossy voice help or hurt the situation? When is it okay to be loud and more aggressive with your voice?

No-contact Exercise Activity:

Practice projecting your voice during warm-up exercises by counting 1-10 from The Great Flip online self-defense video series. Do not scream, but use a strong commanding voice. Your voice matters. 

Not a member? Click here to shop plans.

Faith-filled Empowerment

How can your voice be used for good? 

Answer and Assignment:

Speak kindness. Practice speaking kind words to people this week. Use your voice to lift people up, not to tear down. 

Going Deeper 

How would you describe your inner voice (that voice inside your head)? 

What can you do to change and improve your self-talk?

What does God’s voice say about you according to these Bible verses:

John 3:16 and Romans 8:37-39

God’s voice is referred to as “the word” in John 1:1-5; 1:14. Who is the Word?

Assignment: Review, write and/or memorize one of these uplifting Bible verses to improve your inner voice.

Bible Verses

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Romans 8:37-39 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

John 1:1-5 “In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.In him was life, and the life was the light of men.The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Find an online self-defense plan for your daughter.

Click here to shop.

Request a free video.

See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. Learn simple self-defense skills that are fun, playful and empowering at home, at school, anywhere!

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.


Empowerment from Patti

If you need a little pick-me-up message, listen to my podcast conversation with my dear friend Patti Garibay. She is the American Heritage Girls Executive Director. She had just launched her new book “Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle.” In her book, Patti shares her intimate story of overcoming darkness with God’s amazing grace and bright light. In our conversation, she and I celebrate 25 years of legacy in the American Heritage Girls ministry.

The Great Flip is honored to be an American Heritage Girls Program Alliance. To learn more about the AHG & The Great Flip relationship, click here.

To learn more about American Heritage Girls, click here.

To request a free online self-defense video, click here.


online self-defense for girls

Why your daughter should learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu for self-defense and train at home.

If you want your daughter to have self-defense skills, I recommend beginning your journey when she is young (age six and older) with the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I will tell you why your daughter should learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu for self-defense and train at home! The Great Flip offers everything you need to create a martial arts experience at home.

What is Brazilian jiu-jitsu(Bjj)?

Bjj is a grappling-based martial art where the main objective is to control a resisting opponent. Since gaining control over an opponent has been proven to be easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the techniques of BJJ is centered around the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions. 

Bjj promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique. Students of the sport gain a deep understanding of the workings and limits of the human body. 

The Gentle Art.

“Jiu-jitsu” translates from the Japanese as “the gentle art.” The idea here is that practitioners can execute moves realistically and at full speed without having to worry they will injure their partner. If caught in a submission, practitioners are taught to “tap” their partner to signify discomfort, and the submitter will release the submission. Jiu-jitsu doesn’t rely, necessarily, on strength; it relies on technique. It uses leverage to overcome muscle and weight. Jiu-jitsu practitioners know that if they can’t be stronger, they can always be smarter. 

Request a free video and give it a try!

online self defense for girls

A brief history.

In the last days of the 19th century, some jiu-jitsu masters emigrated from Japan to other continents. Mitsuyo Maeda was one such master. Maeda arrived in Brazil in 1915, and settled in Belem do Para, where he met a man named Gastao Gracie.

The father of eight children, among them five boys and three girls, Gastao became a jiu-jitsu enthusiast and brought his oldest son, Carlos, to learn from the Japanese master.

For a naturally frail fifteen-year old Carlos Gracie, jiu-jitsu became a method not simply for fighting, but for personal improvement. At nineteen, he moved to Rio de Janeiro with his family and began teaching and fighting. In his travels, Carlos would teach classes, and also proved the efficiency of the art by beating opponents who were physically stronger. In 1925, he returned to Rio and opened the first school, known as the “Academia Gracie de Jiu-Jitsu.” 

Why learn a martial art?

There are many benefits to learning a martial art. Training in martial arts produces confidence and courage. It offers an effective way to be physically fit, mentally tough while learning valuable life skills such as self-defense. Bjj is considered one of the best martial arts as it applies to self-defense situations. It is a worldwide sport with the opportunity to join teams and compete at an individual and team level.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is best for children’s first exposure to self-defense, because:

  • Bjj allows students to live drill techniques with success.
  • BJJ empowers smaller-framed people to use techniques and leveraging versus force to overcome a larger opponent.
  • Bjj introduces children to physical contact in a safe environment.
  • Bjj is a “grappling sport” introducing children to movements on the ground which is realistic to real self-defense situations.
  • Most self-defense altercations (more than 80 percent) end up on the ground. No other martial art addresses ground situations like Bjj.
  • Bjj empowers, builds confidence, and increases mental and physical strength.
  • Bjj is referred to as the “gentle martial art” giving children a positive martial arts experience.

Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

  • Self Confidence
  • Bully Prevention
  • Positive Body Image
  • Teamwork
  • Trust & Respect
  • Strength & Flexibility
  • Fitness & Conditioning
  • Life Skill
  • Character Development

Great Time to join The Great Flip

I created The Great Flip, online self-defense videos, lesson plans and curriculum to introduce girls, ages six and older, to the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I will walk you through the steps to recreate a martial arts experience at home using my online program.

Follow these steps to create a martial arts experience at home:

Now you and your daughter can learn simple self-defense skills in a controlled environment where you control the message, the mindset, and motivation. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Be sure to request a free video. You can also download a free sample of My Anti-Bully Ebook here. 

Don’t let fear or germs stop your pursuit to try something new!

Create a martial arts experience at home with The Great Flip. I’ll coach you and give you a successful experience and your daughters will be stronger for it (and you too!)

Choose a plan. Enroll. Train! 

See you on the mat!

online self-defense for girls


A family-fun, “girl-power” approved activity!

The Great Flip online self-defense videos are a family-fun, “girl-power” approved activity!

While my daughters are home from college, we are brushing up on our Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills. You can join us … virtually! Roll out your favorite yoga mats and interlocking mats and let’s roll!

Shop online self-defense plans here.

My coaching style is fun, playful and empowering for the whole family.

Request a free video to try online self-defense!

I trained for seven years and earned my Brazilian jiu-jitsu purple belt (a big accomplishment) when COVID hit the martial arts world and shut everything down. Suddenly, rolling around with strangers didn’t sound fun to me.  I decided to step off the big mats for a while and train at home. With the information now available, I’m 99.4 percent sure I’d make a speedy recovery if I got sick. Maybe I’ve already had COVID. Leading a healthy lifestyle pays off in times like these.

But learning self-defense and safety skills is still important because bullies and bad guys don’t social distance!

Training at home with trusted family and friends is a great option until you are ready to resume public gym and martial art gym activities.  My online program will help you accomplish these goals at home:

  • Introduce you to simple self-defense skills for ages six and up
  • Introduce you to the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu
  • Add fitness with a purpose to your family activities
  • Add physical education credits to your homeschool curriculum
  • Replicate a martial arts academy experience (American Heritage Girls earn their Martial Arts Sports Pin)
  • A fantastic full-body workout!

Shop online self-defense plans here.

My coaching style is fun, playful and empowering for the whole family.

Request a free video to try online self-defense!


online self defense for girls online self defense for girls online self defense for girls online self defense for girls online self defense for girls




Shop online self-defense plans here.



Improve your mother-daughter relationship with one powerful practice

Honestly, I did not plan on putting myself on the hot seat with a clinically-trained doctor in psychology. But in the midst of recording our podcast, I dove personally into my own mother-daughter relationship. The conversation we had was remarkable. She taught me how to improve my mother-daughter relationship with one powerful practice.

This is a must-listen podcast with Dr. Michelle Deering, a licensed clinical psychologist, board-certified sport psychologist, and mother-daughter relationship consultant who encourages, empowers, and equips women to connect intentionally so they can improve relationally. Her best-selling book is a fantastic read called “What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters.” You can download the first chapter of her book at her website. See the notes below to connect with Dr. Deering.

But first, you must listen to the podcast to learn one powerful practice you can put into action immediately:

I met Dr. Michelle Deering in the midst of the quarantine for COVID-19 in the early summer of 2020. I was browsing social media looking for like-minded moms who desire to give mothers and daughters the best future. I’m here to testify that nothing can stop the power of friendship. That’s right, not even COVID.

Improving, restoring and reviving your mother-daughter relationship is key to every facet of your life, according to Dr. Deering. If you want to see success in all areas of your life, including your work life and family relationships, focusing on the mother-daughter relationship is key to improving everything else.

The main focus of her podcast called “The Mom Stops Here Show” is dedicated to moms and daughters to:

  • educate them about the impact of their mother-daughter relationship
  • equip them with strategic tools for communication, and
  • empower them to pause & consider their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors so that they can make intentional choices in their interactions with each other.

Here’s how to connect with Dr. Michelle Deering. Give her a big virtual hug from me and tell her I sent you to connect.


Michelle Deering and Jody Token

Next steps to connect with Dr. Deering

And while you are out there listening to podcasts, please click on The Great Flip Podcast wherever you listen and be sure to like it, review it, subscribe to it, and give it a five-star rating. I truly appreciate it!


The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and empowerment for girls

And speaking of improving your mother-daughter relationship, welcome to The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and empowerment platform for girls ages six and up (that includes you too mom!). If you are looking for a fun, playful, and empowering activity to do with your daughter, then you’ve come to the right place.
Here’s how it works:
First, request a free online self-defense video from me (Coach Jody).
You will learn powerful life skills with your daughter at home, at school and after school using my online videos and avoid the germy gym.
If you’d like to give your daughter confidence and courage while you maintain control of a positive and affordable experience, I’m honored to have you visit my website and resources.
Next Steps:
About Coach Jody
online self-defense for girls
Jody Token, a certified Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor and national girl-ministry influencer, intends to turn girl power upside down, equip girls to overcome fear with faith and sneak in a few super-power ninja skills.

Before launching The Great Flip, an online self-defense and life skills platform for ages six and up, Coach Jody served as the national marketing director at American Heritage Girls, a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. Jody’s two daughters (Megan and Jessica) and husband (Kevin), inspired her to develop an online self-defense experience to gain a basic understanding of self-defense, avoid the stinky gym, and improve overall health and wellness. The Great Flip online videos and curriculum are used at home, at school, and afterschool nationwide. Discover your inner ninja at her podcast and website, The Great Flip. See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance!

American heritage girls train like a military hero

American Heritage Girls train like a U.S. military hero

Now you can train like a U.S. military hero with The Great Flip and American Heritage Girls (AHG).

For AHG’s U.S. Military Heroes Event, I gave their members a glimpse of the hard, physical work it takes to train like a U.S. military hero. I interviewed my pastor who is a former marine. I featured a recent West Pointe graduate who took us through an Army-style workout! This video is a family-friendly activity great for all ages … just like The Great Flip!

Ready to train? Let’s do it:

The Great Flip is an AHG national program alliance. AHG families and troops subscribe to online self-defense training videos at The Great Flip and receive these benefits:

  • Earn the AHG Martial Arts Sports Pin
  • Earn the self-defense requirements of the Pi/Pa Emergency Preparedness Badge
  • Earn The Great Flip Patch

To learn more about this relationship and enroll in The Great Flip program, click here.

American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a faith-based character development program for all girls 5 – 18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. With an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement, girls participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences.

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is online self-defense, safety and faith-based empowerment for girls age six and up.

The videos are fun, playful and empowering.

Families and educators use the online videos and curriculum at home, school and after school.

Request a free online self-defense video

In three easy steps, you can train with Coach Jody:

Choose an online self-defense plan.



See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip


Follow The Great Flip @thegreatflip #thegreatflip

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my anti-bully ebook

My Anti-Bully Ebook

Bullies don’t social distance. You need My Anti-Bully Ebook!

Long before COVID-19 and social distancing was a thing, bullies roamed the school hallways. They still do!

The Great Flip Anti-bully ebook has been revised to empower you and your daughter for social distancing and bullies. Your daughter will learn how to use her voice, her body, and her distance to overcome bullies and guard against germs (and bullies with germs 😂).

The Great Flip offers faith over fear empowerment from the outside, in!


The Anti-Bully ebook will help tween and teen girls identify forms of bullying and give her the tools she needs to change the bully culture engaging her whole self; body, mind, and spirit.

The Great Flip Anti-Bully Ebook features:

  • A Bully Inventory
  • Self-Awareness Q&A
  • Biblical Empowerment
  • Role-Playing
  • Self-Defense Physical Activities
  • Social Distancing Health and Safety Tips
  • Two Online Self-defense Video Techniques
    • The Wrist Escape Video
    • The Push Kick Video

Only $9.99 for a downloadable PDF interactive ebook

Click here to download My Anti-Bully Ebook

“The Great Flip online self-defense videos and curriculum are fun, playful, and empowering.” – mother of daughters

Want a free “sneak peek” download?

Sample My Anti-bully Ebook from The Great Flip

Download a free sneak peek of  "My Anti-bully Ebook" from The Great Flip. See you on the mat! - Coach Jody

Send download link to:


New to The Great Flip? Welcome!

The Great Flip is an online self-defense, safety and empowerment website featuring self-defense videos and curriculum for ages six and up. Families and educators use online self-defense resources at home, at school and after school.  To learn more about The Great Flip and it’s founder and coach, Jody Token, click here! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.


online self-defense curriculum

Five ways to fund online curriculum

This blog is intended for Christian educators seeking to fund online curriculum in their school, homeschool co-op, P.E. class, and after-school program. Feel free to share with those seeking an online curriculum like mine at The Great Flip. In this blog, you will learn five ways to fund online curriculum. 

Shop all online self-defense courses here.

I know COVID-19 is first and foremost on your priority list. The health and safety of your school community are of utmost importance. At the same time, you are tasked with providing an excellent academic experience to address the whole child; body, mind, and spirit.

Online learning must play an important role in your curriculum planning and it must be flexible enough to use at school and at home, if necessary. The Great Flip online self-defense curriculum is designed to meet these needs.

After speaking with principals, parents, and teachers, I have gathered five ways to fund an online curriculum like mine, and other back-to-school needs.

These educators understand the value-added benefits The Great Flip online self-defense program offers. Here are a few of the ideas schools are developing to make the most of my online curriculum:

  • My program gets students moving and active which improves physical and mental health.
  • The self-defense skills give students, parents, and teachers the opportunity to talk about the fears children are experiencing and apply faith in tangible ways. Bullies and bad guys don’t social distance. Students will learn how to apply confidence and courage to every situation.

    6th grader at St. John Lutheran in Ellisville, MO

  • Adding a self-defense unit to your Physical Education (P.E.) class allows all children to enjoy P.E. class, not just the athletic kids. (Read my blog called “Top three reasons kids don’t like P.E. class”)
  • Adding my program gives you another opportunity to talk about health and safety concerning social distancing, germs, and physical safety.
  • The Great Flip program can be used across ministries including youth events, family nights and PTO functions.
  • Use The Great Flip as an after-school program/club.
  • Use The Great Flip as a community event and a public outreach teaching kids about bully prevention and self-defense skills.
  • If schools must go through yet another quarantine and stay-in-place procedures, my online curriculum can be shared with school families.
  • Bonus: I will offer free virtual meetings to those who enroll in my online curriculum plans.

Review Three Curriculum Plans

I imagine more innovative ways will emerge from The Great Flip. Keep the ideas coming and I’ll be sure to share with everyone!

Five ways to fund an online curriculum from The Great Flip

  1. Seek a private donor to “gift” curriculum and school supplies. A mom in Nebraska will be “gifting” her school with my online curriculum. Great idea, mom! Do you know a parent, grandparent, or alumni who would be willing to financially support the school? The price range of my online curriculum is the perfect price point for an individual to “gift.”
  2. Ask your PTO, sports association, and nonprofits to fund The Great Flip online curriculum. 
  3. Seek Federal Grants that specify health and safety for children and the community. My friends at the Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) recommend researching opportunities available to your school through Title IV. The Great Flip online curriculum can be used in school and after-school to meet your students’ needs, including anti-bullying activities, health, safety, and nutritional resources.
  4. Seek Thrivent Action Teams Grants. Is anyone on your staff or in your school a member of Thrivent Financial? As a Benefit member, you may qualify for $250 to lead a fundraiser, service activity, or educational event in your school and community. The Great Flip can be utilized as an educational event and community event. Here’s a link to the Thrivent Action Teams  information 
  5. Good ole fashion fundraisers to raise money for school supplies and my online curriculum. Get innovative and set up a GoFundMe page for your school or specific cause. 

How are you finding funds? I’m sure other like-minded folks will want to know. Have these ideas been helpful? Let me know how I can support your educational goals. Contact Coach Jody

Choose an online self-defense curriculum

Here are a few pictures for students watching my videos and utilizing The Great Flip at a local YMCA, at an LCMS school, at an after-school program, and at home!

testimonialonline self defense for girls


Choose an online self-defense curriculum

Contact Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls


The Great Flip is a national program partner for American Heritage Girls




the great flip in your American Heritage Girls Troop Meeting

The Great Flip in your American Heritage Girls Troop

In this blog, you can learn more about the AHG & The Great Flip relationship. You will learn how AHG troops are implementing The Great Flip into their troop experience. You will learn how girls are using The Great Flip for leadership opportunities, how the older girls, aka Pi/Pa’s are completing the self-defense requirement in the Emergency Preparedness Badge and earning the Martial Arts Sports Pin.

If you have more ideas, please share them with me and I’ll add them to this blog!

The Great Flip is online self defense and life skills for girls ages six and up and I am honored to be a national program alliance for American Heritage Girls.

If you are considering bringing self-defense training into your home and troop experience, let’s look first at safety. It is my goal to give girls confidence and courage while you create a safe experience.

  • soft mats
  • sanitizer wipes or spray
  • comfortable clothes
  • no shoes or socks when training on the mats
  • no jewelry
  • hair in a ponytail
  • a training partner
  • a teachable and willing attitude!

Earn the Martial Arts Sports Pin

martial arts sports pin

When you purchase any of my online martial arts plans, you gain access to everything you need to earn the AHG Martial Arts Sports Pin! A PDF document from your AHG handbook about the Martial Arts Sports Pin, along with all the videos you need earn this pin.

Pi/Pa’s can earn the “self-defense” requirement in the Emergency Preparedness Badge with either plan.

Virtual Troop Meetings

Everyone can practice at home with The Great Flip!

Girl Leadership

The Great Flip offers a great opportunity for girl-led activities in your AHG Troop. Whether a girl or a parent leads the instructional videos, she MUST preview and practice the techniques before teaching anyone else.

“The girls really enjoyed the program. My daughter used it as her Community Outreach project to receive the Harriet Tubman award. She practiced with the videos every day for a over month, then led the girls along with the videos and helped them learn and practice the techniques. Thanks so much for such an awesome program. Everyone enjoyed it!” – Jennifer O’Brien, AHG Troop Leader

Special Event

The 12-video series can be completed during a 1.5-hour workshop format. Each video is approximately three minutes. Girls can practice the techniques for 5-10 minutes, then move on to the next technique.

Father/Daughter Event & Mother/Daughter Event

The Great Flip offers an empowering and interactive event for girls to do with mom or dad!

Unit Meeting

Tenderhearts through Patriots can learn self-defense skills during a Unit meeting. You can complete one technique per meeting or work on several techniques.

Pre and Post Meeting Fitness Stations

Give the girls something fun to do before or after Troop meetings. Learn one or two techniques per meeting! And this is a great place for girl leadership to shine!

Don’t forget to order patches!

Go to Merchandise and place your order.

Click here to choose a self-defense plan that works best for your AHG troop

To keep the program affordable, Coach Jody allows a membership plan to be shared within an AHG troop. Please consider supporting Coach Jody. Click here.

Thank you 😍🇺🇸 – Coach Jody

Request a Free Video