Gutsy Girls @ The Great Flip
Meet Amy L. Sullivan the author of “Gutsy Girls,” a children’s picture book series based on the lives of real Christian women who have impacted the world. The Gutsy Girls books introduce girls to five amazing women in history. And my favorite woman in history made the list! There is great synergy between gutsy girls and The Great Flip! Click the Play button to hear this fun Podcast conversation.
I love speaking with Christian woman who seek to raise up empowered Godly girls! And Amy is one of them. You can find her books on Amazon and other bookstores. Her personal website is

If this is your first visit to The Great Flip
Welcome! Hi I’m Coach Jody. I introduce girls, ages six to 18, to self-defense inspired by the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Pretty gutsy!

Here at The Great Flip, you and your daughter can learn simple self-defense techniques by subscribing to my online instructional videos. Each video is less than three minutes and teach one simple self-defense technique. Give one a try right now. Let’s learn the Wrist Escape.
Ready to learn more? Feel free to explore my website and get to know more about The Great Flip. I offer nutrition resources and faith-based motivation.
Click 2 Ways to Join here or at the top of the page to get started.
If you are not familiar with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, that’s okay. It was a new concept to me too. But after a lot of research, my husband and I discovered jiu-jitsu and learned it was the best martial art for our daughters because it addresses the ground game situation like no other martial art. Don’t get me wrong, karate and taekwondo are fun, but are not real to life when it comes to self-defense. And Krav Maga looks good in theory, but you better be bigger and stronger and probably faster if you want to be successful at it. Brazilian jiu-jitsu equips a smaller person to overcome a larger person by learning techniques. I’d like to introduce you to this martial art within the safety of your home and or group of friends.
Why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu?
I have 12 videos to begin your online self-defense training as a non-subscriber. Click here to see this option
I have more than 20 videos to expand your online self-defense training and many more resources as a subscriber. Click here to see this option
I have a blog about how to set up a home gym and simple training space at home (trust me, I have a very simple space). Check this out!
The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls!
See you on the mat! – Coach Jody
Follow me on social media @thegreatflip