online self defense for girls

Create a martial arts experience at home.

online self defense for girlsStepping onto the big blue mats at the martial arts academy was overwhelming for me and my daughters. I’d like to share a few observations from that experience then show you how to create a martial arts experience at home. You’ll be happy you did plus you’ll save a ton of money and your girls will learn valuable life skills! Oh, and you’ll have clean mats, just saying.

Not enough time.

Learning a martial art was not on my radar as a mother of two daughters when they were little. There were too many other activities to conquer like soccer, piano, American Heritage Girls, and the list goes on and on. There wasn’t enough time, but I valued the idea. By creating a martial arts experience at home, I was able to add a valuable life skill to my daughters’ character development.

(BTW, if you are an American Heritage Girls leader, click here to learn about earning the Martial Arts Sports Pin and more Program Alliance info.)

Fear vs. fun.

Then suddenly, I had a tween and a teen. How did that happen so fast? The outside world was just around the corner. I think my fear of bad guys and bullies was greater than theirs. After all, they had not experienced anything truly terrifying (praise the Lord), but the threat is real. The dangers of human trafficking and rape are real. How can I prepare my daughters for such evil at age-appropriate levels?

Great question! My husband and I choose the martial art called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. For a quick history lesson and its benefits for girls and the self-defense application, I recommend you read my blog Why your daughter should learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu for self-defense.”

We signed up (Wowza, a one-year contract was required) and entered a whole new world. So many protocols to follow, bowing, hand slapping, knuckle bumping. What in the world was happening? Then, the physical nature of the jiu-jitsu. Wow, that took some time to get used to especially for me and my daughters. Suddenly men of all shapes and sizes were rolling around with us (and sweating on us …. EW).

I knew the experience was worth the momentary discomfort. We pushed through difficult moments knowing the outcome was greater. Now there’s a message to be made there, but I’ll push onward.

I continued the training and six years later, I’m a purple belt, certified instructor. My daughters couldn’t wait to finish the year and I had to drag them to class most of the time.

During that time, I learned valuable lessons about mainstream martial arts. There is a certain type of audience, mostly male-influenced coaching styles that do not motivate the mind of girls. The structure is tight, disciplined and rigid. The message is for the underdog or the bully, again, mostly for boys whose parents want them to be disciplined or toughened up.

The desired outcomes I had for my daughters did not match. I wanted values like courage, confidence and self-defense skills. When I turned to YouTube for online instruction, I found aggressive krav-maga style training suitable for adults, but not children.

Thus, I created The Great Flip, online self-defense videos, lesson plans and curriculum to introduce girls, ages six and older, to the martial art Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I walk you through the steps to recreate a martial arts experience at home using my program.

Follow these steps to create a martial arts experience at home:

Now you and your daughter can learn simple self-defense skills in a controlled environment where you control the message, the mindset, and motivation. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Be sure to request a free video. You can also download a free sample of My Anti-Bully Ebook here. 

Don’t let fear or germs stop your pursuit to try something new!

Create a martial arts experience at home with The Great Flip. I’ll coach you and give you a successful experience and your daughters will be stronger for it (and you too!)


online self defense for girls

A martial art tradition called “the bow.”

Why bow in the martial arts? Bowing is a common practice in the martial arts community. I participate in the bow when I  step on and off the mat. I also bow to the instructor and to my teammates at the beginning and the end of class.

To me, the bow is a symbol of respect, humility and gratitude. These three attributes are expressed not only toward the head instructor but also to my teammates.

When I step onto the mat, I bow to symbolize clearing my mind. I go into the lesson as a blank canvas ready to learn. Many jiu-jitsu academies post the expression “Leave your ego at the door”.  Students who stand on the mat with inflated egos go against everything the bow represents.

What does the bow mean to you?

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:3-5

This is The Great Flip.

back to school

Jesus goes before me in all walks of life. He knows I have an inflated ego. He knows I am self-centered. My ego always gets in the way. And if you are introspective, you can admit that your ego, your self-centeredness, gets in the way too. If I bow in obedience, I bow in self-centeredness and ego. This is not a Christian issue, this is a humankind issue.

There is good news from the Christian world view. Read the Bible verse carefully. Go to your Bible and read the entire chapter in its context.

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.”

I bow in my identity in Christ Jesus. The ability to be humble and gracious comes only from Christ Jesus. He will be humble for me. He will be gracious in me. Through his death on the cross, He takes my ego and buries it. He takes all my self-centeredness and nails it to the cross. Now every promise from God is mine “which is yours in Christ Jesus.” Now I can freely bow in my new identity with respect, humility and gratitude.

The Great Flip is the only self-defense, safety and faith-based empowerment program for girls! Join the movement!

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See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

 The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls Program Alliance