Countering the Bully Culture with The Beauty Mentor

Kristiauna Lattimer is The Beauty Mentor. She shares her Christian worldview about true beauty and countering the bully culture in a conversation with Coach Jody at The Great Flip Podcast.


And if your daughter would like the free devotion called “A Girl’s Guide to Self Defense,” click here and request your free copy. Kristiauna and Jody created this resource to connect your daughters’ body, mind and spirit with practical tips and biblical encouragement.

In the podcast, mothers and daughters learn eight Biblical principles about the definition of beauty. Girls learn how to counter the bully culture with practical tools to be empowered physically, emotionally and mentally. And stick around to the very end of this blog to try fun self-defense techniques from Coach Jody at The Great Flip. (You don’t want to miss this!)


About the Beauty Mentor

But before you click on the podcast, let me tell you a little bit about Kristiauna. She is an amazing young lady. At a young age, she worked in the beauty industry and saw first hand the distortion of beauty toward girls. It’s no wonder our daughters struggle with self-esteem and parents shy away from beauty products for their daughters. Kristiauna decided to counter the culture and reclaim beauty for our girls! And now with a young daughter of her own, she takes her role seriously by God’s amazing grace. Check out the Eight Biblical Principles below!

Kristiauna started the The Beauty Mentor, a faith-based company that provides beauty and mentoring products and services for girls and women of all ages. Her mission is to Reveal, Redirect and Restore the Truth about Beauty. And might I add, she has Reclaimed beauty too! Visit her website and do a little shopping when we are done here. But let’s look at the definition of true beauty.

True Beauty is …

According to Kristiauna, true beauty embraces these eight Biblical principles:

  1. patience
  2. kindness
  3. modesty
  4. decency
  5. gentleness
  6. joy
  7. a loving character, and
  8. God’s creative ability flowing through you

And these beauty principles are available to every girls through God’s word. Kristiauna offers Bible verses for each principle to encourage girls. Beauty is freely given by God’s grace through faith.

“And something amazing happens when true beauty is revealed, redirected and restored. Suddenly, girls have the strength and dignity to stand up and counter the bullying culture.” -Coach Jody

Anti-Bullying Resources from The Beauty Mentor

Some say that girls tend to get in trouble because of their mouth, according to Kristiauna. One of her beauty products is a lip balm kit which inspires girls to use their mouth for kindness. This beauty product is inspired by this Bible verse;

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26

And if a girl is a victim of a bully, The Beauty Mentor shares activities to help girls re-focus her thoughts upon herself and off of the bully. Teaching girls to be introspective and practice self-evaluation is a valuable life skill. For example, The Beauty Mentor recommends the Heart Dump activity. Girls are encouraged to draw a big heart on a sheet of paper. Next girls literally dump her emotions onto the paper. Kristiauna says that once the negative emotions are uprooted from her heart, God’s word can be replanted. And God’s word is more than positive affirmation; She knows that God’s word will Reveal, Redirect and Restore our girls!

Request the Free Girl’s Guide to Self Defense here

The Great Flip

While Kristiauna is restoring beauty for our daughters. Coach Jody is empowering girls with simple self-defense skills. The Great Flip is online self defense and life skills for girls ages six and older. The Great Flip was inspired by Jody’s daughters who wanted to learn self-defense skills without going to the stinky co-ed gym. They wanted to learn self defense in a safe place with safe friends. So Jody developed a series of online self-defense videos that are simple, practical and empowering.

And self defense is much more than a physical reaction at The Great Flip. Self defense is a life skill that embraces a girls whole being. Girls learn to use her voice, her body language and distance management as part of a self-defense strategy.

Anti-Bullying @ The Great Flip

The Great Flip offers an Anti-Bullying Activity to guide girls through mental, emotional and physical activities. The Anti-Bullying Activity features a bully inventory, self-awareness activities, role playing, encouraging Bible verses and two empowering self-defense techniques to try at home, at church or any where you have internet access.

Try Anti-Bullying Activity. 

The Beauty Mentor and The Great Flip together!

Imagine a retreat or workshop where girls can spend time learning about Biblical beauty, experiencing God’s creative ability flowing through them, then engaging in positive empowering physical activities from The Great Flip.  You can make that happen!

Get your girls together and contact The Beauty Mentor and The Great Flip!

First, shop The Beauty Mentor website for programs to fit your ministry needs. Next subscribe to The Great Flip and gain access to a library of online self-defense techniques and/or curriculum.

Enjoy the podcast and I’ll see you on the mat!

-Coach Jody

Here’s a showcase of videos from The Great Flip. Give one a try!