online self-defense for girls

Six Reasons Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is the Best Martial Art for Girls

Parents tell their daughters to play nice. We instruct them to never hit, kick or hurt people. But the minute she faces a bully, panic sets in. And for that matter, panic strikes the heart of every parent. How should we teach our daughters to defend themselves? Here are six reasons Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the […]

Coach Jody’s True Girl Devotions

There’s nothing better than proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ love … for you! The Gospel (the good news) is my primary concern in every devotion I write. It’s the upside down or “the great flip” of scripture. He took all your sin and gave you his perfection. Martin Luther called it the great exchange, […]

Refer a friend at The Great Flip

If you refer a friend and they subscribe to The Great Flip, send me an email and let me know. When I see their membership, I’ll send you and your friend a free gift. We could use more faith-filled empowered girls! What would you like? Pick one.  A free ebook – My Anti-bully Activity One […]

The Great Flip Online Self-Defense Curriculum

Thank you!  My online self-defense, safety and faith-filled resources have become a big hit for families. Shout out to American Heritage Girls and True Girls everywhere for becoming faith-filled empowered girls! 💪🏼 It’s time to spread the word to more families so they can incorporate my online resources into their homeschool, in school (for P.E. […]


Empower Your Girl to Make Wise Decisions with these Four Tips

My friends at American Heritage Girls (AHG) asked me to share a devotion empowering girls to make wise decisions. This devotion is part of the AHG Free to Grow Patch Program.  The Great Flip is a national program alliance for AHG. I’m honored to share these tips. To learn more about AHG, click here. “Trust […]

the great flip break fall

A Life Skill Every Girl (and Her Mom) Should Learn

A dear friend of mine tripped and fell off a curb the other day. She broke both her hands. Another friend recently moved from the west coast to the midwest and experienced his first ice storm. He slipped and fell walking to his car. These accidents do not need to happen to you or your […]

homeschool martial arts

You can teach a martial art with The Great Flip

You can teach a martial art to your children using my online resources from The Great Flip! Adding a martial art unit to your homeschool schedule and/or afterschool enrichment will fulfill your child’s physical education requirements and add a ton of value to your child’s character development. Instead of going out to a big box […]

jump for joy

Jump for Joy

I am pro-life. Not because of the legal arguments, although personhood, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may finally be returned to our most vulnerable population aka the unborn. And of course, I’m praying that Roe vs. Wade will be struck down as it is being argued by the Supreme Court as I write […]

Feeling worried? Five tips to transform worry into peace.

There is a lot of research now about mental health, especially as it affects our daughters. The dawn of social media opened a pandora’s box on our daughters. Research reveals that girls are more negatively impacted by social media. I was just telling my daughter (now in college) that she represents the first generation “guinea […]

The Giggle Meter in Online Self-Defense Training

I just finished an in-person training session with my daughter at her college. What a joy to train with her before she graduates this winter. Whether your daughter is 23 years old or six years old, There is a common experience that happens when girls train online self-defense together in a safe space. They GIGGLE!  […]