online self-defense for girls reduces fear

Online Self-Defense for Girls Reduces Fear and Builds Confidence

Yes, online self-defense for girls does reduce fear and it builds confidence! The Great Flip was featured in the news with this headline! I spoke to a Dad the other day who is using The Great Flip videos for his seven year-old daughter. She was very anxious about the big gym experience. Now they are […]

the power of prayer

The Power of Prayer

Yes, I believe in the power of prayer. I direct my prayers to the one true God. The God of the Bible who is revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The entire Bible, Old and New Testament, reveal Jesus as the Son of God. The perfect prophet, priest and king. The King of kings […]

KFUO Radio

“I feel so much safer now!” KFUO & Facebook Live Radio Interview

“I feel so much safer now.” This is an empowered response from a young lady who eagerly learned the wrist escape during a Facebook Live radio interview at KFUO Radio and KFUO Facebook Live. (You can learn the technique too. Just scroll to the bottom and click on my online instructional self-defense video.) Sarah, the […]

jiu-jitsu for self-defense

Why Girls Should Learn Jiu-jitsu for Self-Defense

Why should girls learn jiu-jitsu for self-defense? I’m pretty sure (or at least I hope) we are in a place in our culture to already know girls are equally capable to participate in martial arts and learn basic self-defense skills. And like it or not, the necessity is real. Statistics reveal that girls are just […]

see you on the mat

Let’s get equipped!

I hope you are ready to press the “2 Ways to Join” button and begin self-defense training with me using my online instructional videos! The first 10 videos are uploaded and ready. Now, I’m waiting to see you on the mat! I cannot wait to introduce you to Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). You will be amazed […]

Grace for you

Grace for you

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Marvelous Grace Chris Pratt

Marvel-ous Grace

What do Marvel movies, Jurassic Park movies and the TV show Parks and Recreation have in common with the biblical expression of Grace? Probably not much, except for a powerful speech given by the actor who plays the top role in all of them.  This summer, actor Chris Pratt won the MTV Generational Award. I’m […]

Life Skills for Girls

Three Life Skills for Every Girl

Self-defense is a life skill necessary for every girl. The Great Flip was developed to give girls a positive experience learning self-defense. And so far, no one is doing online self-defense video training specifically for girls. However, what you will find if you search the internet for “Women’s Self Defense” is a lot of home-made […]

Why The Great Flip?

Why The Great Flip  (TGF)? My daughter created the name “The Great Flip.” She said learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) will turn a girl’s self-defense game upside down! BJJ empowers girls with techniques so that a smaller, weaker person can overcome a larger opponent. TGF allows girls to feel empowered, confident and brave learning a new […]