Entries by coachjody

Empowerment from Patti

If you need a little pick-me-up message, listen to my podcast conversation with my dear friend Patti Garibay. She is the American Heritage Girls Executive Director. She had just launched her new book “Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle.” In her book, Patti shares her intimate story of overcoming darkness with […]

My Anti-Bully Ebook

Bullies don’t social distance. You need My Anti-Bully Ebook! Long before COVID-19 and social distancing was a thing, bullies roamed the school hallways. They still do! The Great Flip Anti-bully ebook has been revised to empower you and your daughter for social distancing and bullies. Your daughter will learn how to use her voice, her […]

Situational Awareness 101

Three tips to improve your situational awareness skills: Be present when you are out and about, keep your phone within reach, but not in your face. Scan your surroundings by keeping your head on a swivel (look around) and take note of who and what you see. Always locate your exists and take a moment […]

Five ways to fund online curriculum

This blog is intended for Christian educators seeking to fund online curriculum in their school, homeschool co-op, P.E. class, and after-school program. Feel free to share with those seeking an online curriculum like mine at The Great Flip. In this blog, you will learn five ways to fund online curriculum.  Shop all online self-defense courses […]