online self defense for girls

Welcome to The Great Flip

This blog post is for those who recently purchased an online self-defense plan to The Great Flip! Thank you so much! It is my passion to share self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment resources with you. Get ready for a fun, playful and empowering experience! 

Get Organized 

When you signed up, you should have received an email that prompts you to set up a username and password. Check your spam folder too. If you don’t see it, email me right away and I’ll resend the link manually. Be sure to remember your username and password, because you will need them to log in. To log in, go to​ and click on “Login” on the top right-hand side of the screen. If you have any trouble completing the registration process feel free to contact me at ​ 

Get Mats 

Before you start training, I recommend setting up a designated training space with mats. The interlocking mats are the cheapest option. I bought interlocking mats on Amazon for $20.00 This is what I use in my home gym. The next best option would be the tumbling gymnastic mats. Perhaps your church or school has mats you can borrow. You can get fancy and buy jiu-jitsu/MMA mats, but that is not necessary. Even a few yoga mats will be better than the floor. Trust me. 

  • Clean mats are healthy mats. Encourage the students to wipe down (disinfect) their mats before and after class with wipes or spray. 
  • Create space. To avoid any collisions, make sure the students spread out. An arm’s length to six feet is adequate.
  • Bare feet are clean feet. I know it sounds weird, but bare feet are cleaner than socks. Germs collect in your socks. I encourage students to take off their shoes and socks to step onto their mats. This is not necessary, but it helps the feet stick to their mat and reduces slippery moments. Bare feet also help with balance and foot strength.
  • No Jewelry. The students should remove jewelry prior to training. Jewelry can easily get tangled or pulled. It can also scratch someone accidentally. This includes watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets and dangling earrings. 

For those who are training at home, check out my little training space at my home.

Get a Training Buddy 

Some of the techniques have been modified for a “no-contact” introduction, but eventually, you will need a training partner to experience self-defense training. 

Self-defense training works best when you simulate the technique, so you can experience and feel the resistance and pressure. Also, when students learn to overcome the physical nature of self-defense, then they can focus on mastering the technique. Bottom line: find a trusted friend, family member, youth group leader, scouts, homeschooler, etc. Plus, training with family and friends is just more fun!

  • Tip: Students can choose a designated training partner for the entire curriculum to reduce contact. (Partnering girls with girls, and boys with boys is best.)
  • Tip: Challenge by Choice. Some students are extremely sensitive to physical touch for complex reasons including, neurodevelopmental disorders, mental health, and/or abuse, to name a few. Encourage all students to participate at their comfort level, even if it means active observation.  If you suspect or know a child has been physically assaulted or abused, please consult your health and safety guidelines. 

Download curriculum & lesson plans

Be sure to download all necessary curriculum, lesson plans and talking points and review prior to class. It’s self-explanatory but if you have questions and seek additional instructor training, I’d be more than happy to assist you. There is no prior martial arts experience necessary. 

Strong wifi internet connection required

All videos stream from my website through Vimeo. Make sure you have a strong internet and wifi connection. Prior to class, cue up the videos to reduce streaming delays. 

Watch the video before class. Watch the videos with the students during class. All the videos are short, sweet and meant to be re-watched several times toward mastery. Each video is less than three minutes. The format begins with an instructional hands-on demonstration of a self-defense technique. Next, you will see other girls, just like you, try the technique. They are not trained, professionals. These girls are learning along with you. You can do it! 

Get Connected 

I promise not to bother you with a ton of emails. However, I will drop in from time to time to check on your progress. I’d love to receive your feedback and build a community of empowered students. 

I would love to share your progress and success stories with other families to encourage more students to try self-defense. Would you follow me on social media @thegreatflip? Would you be willing to share a picture of your students demonstrating a technique? Or post a picture on your social media or send me the picture and I’ll feature it on mine. (Be sure to add @thegreatflip or #thegreatflip to your social media posts.) 

Get Stuff 

A Patch

You can order patches for $3.00 per patch. Click here to order patches.




Overcomer Coming Over STICKERS. 


Click here to shop for Stickers.









faith-filled empowerment

Need a faith-filled empowering devotion to do with your girls?  Click on my blog page!

My devotions are featured at True Girl (a ministry of Dannah Gresh) and at American Heritage Girls.

A note about sharing your account with others

You might be sharing your account with your students, American Heritage Girls troop, PE class, or enrichment program. I ask that you keep your username and password exclusively with your group to protect your information and my hard work. You might consider adding a tip or investment for Coach Jody. Click here to invest in The Great Flip ministry. I’m working on some fantastic faith-filled projects right now! 

Invest in The Great Flip

See you on the mat!

Coach Jody