Cross-eyed And Cross-eared For Jesus!
Six Ways To Get Faith Into Daughter’s Eyes and Ears.
When it comes to reading the Bible, do you ever feel like the words go in one eye and out the other? Or what about in church when the pastor is preaching (on and on and on. LOL) Do his words go in one ear and out the other?
If you struggle, imagine how our children might feel? I have good news; it’s okay to be a little “crossed-eyed or cross-eared” for Jesus! Get it “Cross-eyed, Cross-eared?” (Sorry, not sorry, mom joke.)
It’s okay to acknowledge the difficulty you have when reading the Bible. When your children come to you with questions, it’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers. But God has great news for you and your children. He gave you this amazing, supernatural promise;
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
Did you catch that promise? How do you get faith? First, let me tell you how you do not get faith. Faith does not come from your studious pursuit of knowledge. Faith does not come by hours of work. It doesn’t even come by your own understanding.
Look at that verse again. How does faith come? Faith comes by hearing through the word of Christ. The words of Jesus (He is the Word) will enter into your eyes, your ears, or your fingers (if you are blind and reading by Braille) and plant a gift of faith inside of you (It’s all a gift). 
Your get faith by hearing. God gives faith simply by hearing through the word (the Bible) of Christ. I’m not telling you to nod off in church, but when the preacher speaks God’s words, he’s delivering faith to you, whether you know it or not. What a relief for you and your children as you grow in your knowledge of God’s word. Another reason to bring your children into the church. Trust God’s gift is being poured out even when everyone has the wiggles.
You might not understand what you are hearing or reading (yet!) but keep listening and studying. The seed of faith will cause a desire to want more. Trust God to give you this unending gift of faith as you study His word. When your children have questions, that means faith has been planted. Together you can seek answers and grow in your faith together.
Here are six practical steps you can take to make reading the Bible more enjoyable and most importantly, steps you can take to increase comprehension for you and for your children while resting in his promise as the faith-giver.
Get a children’s Bible. 
Research age-appropriate children’s Bibles. My favorite children’s Bible is Sally Llyod-Jones “The Children’s Storybook Bible.” I like this one because the Bible stories are written to lead the reader to discover Jesus throughout all of scripture. She says, “The Bible isn’t a book of rules, (the Bible has rules in it that show you how life works best) or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a story. It’s an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure.”
Get yourself a good study Bible.
There are so many options and translations to choose from. Ask your pastor and friends what they recommend. A good study Bible might have cross-references, historical summaries, and a Concordance of definitions and meanings. If you already have a Bible, you might consider getting a separate Concordance to aid with comprehension. I have the “Strong’s Concise Concordance and Vine’s Concise Dictionary of The Bible.” Many denominations have additional study resources such as small catechism, prayer books, etc.
Read the Bible aloud with your children. 
Choose a time of day that works best for you; morning devotions, meals, bedtime, etc. Keep it short and simple but read the words out loud. The Psalms are a beautiful way to begin and end each day.
Play an audible Bible app.
Play the app while driving in the car and/or at home. I have Bible Gateway, You Version, Bible Hub apps on my smartphone.
Encourage Bible verse memorization.
Write, paint, chalk, (have fun) to aid with memorizing Bible verses. Practice saying the verses out loud. Turn the words into a song and create hand motions to help with memorization. There are many resources for this too.
Join a Bible study. 
Of course, in-person conversations and community is best, but life is a little crazy right now. Most importantly, join a community of believers for help and prayer. Hundreds of years of theologians have gone before us to guide us in our studies. We can look to them for guidance.
Next time you hear or read something you don’t understand, take notes, circle or underline it and put a date by it. Ask God for wisdom. Explore your Bible resources for answers. Remember, scripture interprets scripture! Trust that the gift of faith is working in your heart and mind. When you finally understand that portion of scripture (it’s okay if it takes days, weeks, months, or years; God is at work through faith), put a new date on it to celebrate the gift of faith!
Now, go find a favorite Bible verse and share the gift of faith with others! Here’s one of my favorites:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV
Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. Request a free video at
Here’s a devotion to share with your daughter. It is one of many featured in the True Girl Summer Subscription Box. I give girls a simple promise from the Bible on how to get faith. Check it out!
Cross-eyed and cross-eared for Jesus!
Reading the Bible can be intimidating. Sometimes I feel like I’m reading words that go in one eye and out the other. And other times at church, the words of the pastor go in one ear and out the other.
I have good news; it’s okay to be a little “crossed-eyed or cross-eared” for Jesus! Get it CROSS-eyed, CROSS-eared? (Sorry, not sorry, mom joke!)
It’s okay to acknowledge the difficulty of reading the Bible. It’s okay to admit you don’t understand. But God has great news for you. He gave you this amazing, supernatural promise;
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17.
Did you catch that promise? How do you get faith? First, let me tell you how you do not get faith. Faith does not come from your studious pursuit of knowledge. Faith does not come by hours of work. It doesn’t even come by your own understanding.

Faith comes by hearing through the word of Christ. The words of Jesus (He is the Word) will enter into your eyes, your ears, or your fingers (if you are blind and reading by Braille) and plant a gift of faith inside of you (It’s all a gift). That’s how you get faith. God gives faith to you by simply hearing through the word (the Bible) of Christ.
You might not understand what you are reading (yet!), but keep studying. Faith will cause a desire to want more and understand more. Trust God to give you this unending gift of faith as you study His word.
Action point
Next time you read something you don’t understand, circle or underline it and put a date by it. Ask God for wisdom. Explore your Bible for answers. Scripture interprets scripture! Trust that the gift of faith is working in your heart and mind even during uncertain times. When you finally understand that portion of scripture (it’s okay if it takes days, weeks, months, or years; God is at work through faith), put a new date on it to celebrate the gift of faith!
Find a favorite Bible verse. Write in on a postcard. Memorize it. Try this one:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
Jody Token is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up. Request a free video at
Coach Jody offers online self-defense videos, lesson plans and anti-bully resources for girls!
Click here to review online courses.
The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance. Click here to learn more.