
5 Surprising Ways To Teach Your Daughter To Care For Her Body

As featured on the My True Girl Blog.

Teaching your daughter to take care of her body is important. Eating whole food instead of processed food, drinking water instead of soda, getting enough sleep and exercising instead of prolonged screen time are four amazing ways to decrease obesity and increase our immune system.

But God’s word says something else brings health and nourishment to your body and bones. Check out this proverb:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

Why trust God? Because he loves you!

“For this is how God loved the world (put your name here): He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.

This is a trustworthy promise for you! Let that sink into your body and bones.

But how does it make us healthier?

When you trust in the Lord, you have less stress. When you have less stress, your anxiety reduces. When your anxiety reduces, your body becomes healthy and your bones grow strong. When your body and bones are healthy, you desire to trust God, seek after the life Jesus has intended for you through the power of his Holy Spirit.

I offer this proverb, not to increase your list of things to do. (I know you have plenty of that) Instead, I offer the proverb as a promise from God. When he says “trust in the Lord…”, remember He is trustworthy.

My favorite children’s Bible is “The Jesus Storybook Bible.” The author says it best. “Some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what he has done.

Jesus lived a perfect life … for you. He trusted perfectly … for you. His Holy Spirit lives in you and gives you faith to believe his word is  … for you. Even faith is a gift.

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

Now read this passage of Scripture again and instead of hearing a “to-do” list, read it as a promise for you and receive faith.

Because of Jesus’ great love for you, you can joyfully:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

What are five ways to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones:

  1. Trust in the Lord

  2. Don’t lean on your own understanding

  3. Submit to him

  4. Do not be wise in your own eyes

  5. Fear the Lord and shun evil

Okay, so technically, there are six points there, but I put five and six together.

Now, go get your daughter! Review the five ways to bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Grab a journal and/or calendar. As you set wellness goals for you and your girl, be sure to include a way to reduce the stress and increase your trust in God!

Jody Token, along with Dannah Gresh, Staci Rudolph, and other women who love tweens, writes daily devos for True Girl subscribers.  Jody is the creator and coach of The Great Flip, online self-defense, safety and faith-filled empowerment for girls age six and up at

Looking for more ways to bring wellness into your daily lives?! Check out the all-new True Girl subscription box! This month, we are shipping THE WELLNESS BOX! It contains all the great stuff you need to complete a simple but life-changing month of mom+daughter wellness!

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.

online self-defense for girls

my anti-bully ebook

My Anti-Bully Ebook

Bullies don’t social distance. You need My Anti-Bully Ebook!

Long before COVID-19 and social distancing was a thing, bullies roamed the school hallways. They still do!

The Great Flip Anti-bully ebook has been revised to empower you and your daughter for social distancing and bullies. Your daughter will learn how to use her voice, her body, and her distance to overcome bullies and guard against germs (and bullies with germs 😂).

The Great Flip offers faith over fear empowerment from the outside, in!


The Anti-Bully ebook will help tween and teen girls identify forms of bullying and give her the tools she needs to change the bully culture engaging her whole self; body, mind, and spirit.

The Great Flip Anti-Bully Ebook features:

  • A Bully Inventory
  • Self-Awareness Q&A
  • Biblical Empowerment
  • Role-Playing
  • Self-Defense Physical Activities
  • Social Distancing Health and Safety Tips
  • Two Online Self-defense Video Techniques
    • The Wrist Escape Video
    • The Push Kick Video

Only $9.99 for a downloadable PDF interactive ebook

Click here to download My Anti-Bully Ebook

“The Great Flip online self-defense videos and curriculum are fun, playful, and empowering.” – mother of daughters

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Sample My Anti-bully Ebook from The Great Flip

Download a free sneak peek of  "My Anti-bully Ebook" from The Great Flip. See you on the mat! - Coach Jody

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New to The Great Flip? Welcome!

The Great Flip is an online self-defense, safety and empowerment website featuring self-defense videos and curriculum for ages six and up. Families and educators use online self-defense resources at home, at school and after school.  To learn more about The Great Flip and it’s founder and coach, Jody Token, click here! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

online self-defense for girls

The Great Flip is an American Heritage Girls national program alliance.


“I will make a helper” and girl power

It is my desire to counter the culture with God’s truth and design for girl power. When God created Eve he said, ” I will make a helper…”

I believe being a helper is a position of strength, not weakness.  What do you think? 

Want to listen instead? Click here to listen to my podcast!

But make sure you read to the bottom to participate in my summer challenge!


The word “helper” has gotten a bad wrap, especially among girls and women. If I’m honest, my first reaction to the title of “helper” is to become suspicious, puffed up and offended. 

But the Bible tells a different story about the attributes and strength of the “helper.”

The first mention of the word “helper” is found in the Old Testament in the creation account in Genesis. “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Then several more times, Eve is referred to as Adam’s helper. 

Why do I assume the “helper” status is lower than the one being helped? Doesn’t the helper allow the one being helped to be greater? 

God, himself is referred to as “helper.” Moses referred to God as his helper who saved him. “My father’s God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh.” Exodus 18:3-5

The Psalms ofter refer to God as a helper. God is the helper of the fatherless. Battles are won because God is our helper.

“The Lord is with me; he is my helper.  I look in triumph on my enemies.” Psalm 118:7

The New Testament writers remind us about the strong attribute of Jesus as our helper.

“God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the “helper” to his disciples. This helper lives inside us. “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:25-27

I’m not a theologian, but I have an opinion about that moment back in Genesis. That moment in the Garden of Eden. That moment when Satan targeted Eve. He knew the power of the helper. He knew she was the first of the helpers. The one who would bring forth our ultimate helper.

But his plan did not work. Our helper came forth to conquer sin, death and the devil. Our help is in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Now we have been called to help others in that same might and strength.

If God can be a helper … so can you! Stand strong in your attribute as a helper! 

Who do you consider to be “helpers” in your family, community? Do these people seem weak to you? Or do they build you up? Step into your God-given strength as a helper. What does a helper look like to you? 

God calls us to love him and love our neighbor. He helps us, help others. This is a position of strength, not weakness.

This is the kind of girl power God is creating in you. 

This is #thegreatflip

–  Coach Jody

what keeps you awake at nightonline self-defense

Find an online self-defense course for home, school, almost anywhere! 


You can participate in the 2020 Summer Challenge! 

The Great Flip summer challenge