the great flip break fall

A Life Skill Every Girl (and Her Mom) Should Learn

A dear friend of mine tripped and fell off a curb the other day. She broke both her hands. Another friend recently moved from the west coast to the midwest and experienced his first ice storm. He slipped and fell walking to his car. These accidents do not need to happen to you or your family. I want to teach you a life skill every girl (and her mom and dad) should learn … the break fall technique!

The Break Fall technique is the first self-defense technique I teach in all of my online self-defense series. It is an excellent self-defense skill, but most importantly, it is a life skill.  

Don’t do this when you fall. 

the great flip break fall

We all do it. The most common reaction to falling to the ground is throwing our arms and hands back to break the fall. And of course, the most common injuries from falls include strained or broken hands, wrists, elbows, arms and/or shoulders. And sometimes serious injury can occur to the head and spine.

Try this test. From a safe seated position, roll backward and try NOT to use your arms or elbows to cushion you fall. We instinctively react by throwing our hands or elbows back to cushion the fall. I can teach you NOT to do this. I will teach you in a simple three minute video a better and safer way to fall. 

Statistically, we are more likely to fall than to be involved in a serious self-defense situation. Learning the break fall technique is not only a self-defense skill, it is a life skill. 

Watch this video for an overview of the technique. 

Ready to learn this important life skill and more! In three easy steps, you’ll be on your way!

  1. Choose your self-defense videos.
  2. Enroll.
  3. Train.


Thinking about teaching self-defense and life skills at your school? Review this video and request a sample curriculum in the contact form:

Enroll here! See you on the mat! – Coach Jody

The Great Flip is a National Program Alliance for American Heritage Girls